A B C D E F G H I L M N P Q R S T U V X Z misc
lmomco-package | L-moments, Censored L-moments, Trimmed L-moments, L-comoments, and Many Distributions |
add.lmomco.axis | Add an lmomco Axis to a Plot |
add.log.axis | Add a Polished Logarthimic Axis to a Plot |
amarilloprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Amarillo, Texas |
Apwm2BpwmRC | Conversion between A- and B-Type Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring of an Appropriate Distribution |
are.lmom.valid | Are the L-moments valid |
are.par.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Distribution |
are.paraep4.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
are.parcau.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Cauchy Distribution |
are.paremu.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Eta-Mu Distribution |
are.parexp.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Exponential Distribution |
are.pargam.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gamma Distribution |
are.pargep.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
are.pargev.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
are.pargld.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
are.parglo.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
are.pargno.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Normal Distribution |
are.pargov.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Govindarajulu Distribution |
are.pargpa.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
are.pargum.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gumbel Distribution |
are.parkap.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa Distribution |
are.parkmu.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
are.parkur.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
are.parlap.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Laplace Distribution |
are.parlmrq.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
are.parln3.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
are.parnor.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Normal Distribution |
are.parpdq3.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Polynomial Density-Quantile# |
are.parpdq4.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 |
are.parpe3.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Pearson Type III Distribution |
are.parray.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rayleigh Distribution |
are.parrevgum.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
are.parrice.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rice Distribution |
are.parsla.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Slash Distribution |
are.parsmd.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
are.parst3.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
are.partexp.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
are.partri.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
are.parwak.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Wakeby Distribution |
are.parwei.valid | Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Weibull Distribution |
BarnesExtendedHypergeometric | Barnes Extended Hypergeometric Function |
BEhypergeo | Barnes Extended Hypergeometric Function |
bfrlmomco | Bonferroni Curve of the Distributions |
Bpwm2ApwmRC | Conversion between B- and A-Type Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring of an Appropriate Distribution |
canyonprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Canyon, Texas |
cdf2lmom | Compute an L-moment from Cumulative Distribution Function |
cdf2lmoms | Compute L-moments from Cumulative Distribution Function |
cdfaep4 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
cdfcau | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Cauchy Distribution |
cdfemu | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution |
cdfexp | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Exponential Distribution |
cdfgam | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Gamma Distribution |
cdfgep | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
cdfgev | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
cdfgld | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
cdfglo | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
cdfgno | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
cdfgov | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Govindarajulu Distribution |
cdfgpa | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
cdfgum | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Gumbel Distribution |
cdfkap | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa Distribution |
cdfkmu | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
cdfkur | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
cdflap | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Laplace Distribution |
cdflmrq | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
cdfln3 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
cdfnor | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Normal Distribution |
cdfpdq3 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution |
cdfpdq4 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution |
cdfpe3 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Pearson Type III Distribution |
cdfray | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Rayleigh Distribution |
cdfrevgum | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
cdfrice | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Rice Distribution |
cdfsla | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Slash Distribution |
cdfsmd | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
cdfst3 | Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
cdftexp | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
cdftri | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
cdfwak | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Wakeby Distribution |
cdfwei | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Weibull Distribution |
check.fs | Check Vector of Nonexceedance Probabilities |
check.pdf | Check and Potentially Graph Probability Density Functions |
claudeprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Claude, Texas |
clearforkporosity | Porosity Data |
cmlmomco | Conditional Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
cvm.test.lmomco | Cramér-von Mises Test for Goodness-of-Fit |
dat2bernqua | Observed Data to Empirical Quantiles through Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomials |
dat2bernquaf | Equivalent Nonexceedance Probability for a Given Value through Observed Data to Empirical Quantiles through Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomials |
disfitgovloc | Fit a Govindarajulu Distribution to Bounds and Location |
disfitqua | Fit a Distribution using Minimization of Available Quantiles |
dist.list | List of Distribution Names |
dlmomco | Probability Density Function of the Distributions |
DrillBitLifetime | Lifetime of Drill Bits |
eostat | Compute the Expectation of a Maximum (or Minimum and others) Order Statistic |
expect.max.ostat | Compute the Expectation of a Maximum (or Minimum and others) Order Statistic |
expect.min.ostat | Compute the Expectation of a Maximum (or Minimum and others) Order Statistic |
f2f | Subsetting of Nonexceedance Probabilities Related to Conditional Probability Adjustment |
f2flo | Conversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Conditional Probability Nonexceedance Probabilities |
f2fpds | Conversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Partial Duration Nonexceedance Probability |
fliplmoms | Flip L-moments by Flip Attribute in L-moment Vector |
flo2f | Conversion of Conditional Nonexceedance Probability to Annual Nonexceedance Probability |
fpds2f | Conversion of Partial-Duration Nonexceedance Probability to Annual Nonexceedance Probability |
freq.curve.all | Compute Frequency Curve for Almost All Distributions |
gen.freq.curves | Plot Randomly Generated Frequency Curves from a Parent Distribution |
genci | Generate (Estimate) Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Parent Distribution |
genci.simple | Generate (Estimate) Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Parent Distribution |
gini.mean.diff | Gini Mean Difference Statistic |
grv2prob | Convert a Vector of Gumbel Reduced Variates to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities |
harmonic.mean | The Harmonic Mean with Zero-Value Correction |
headrick.sheng.lalpha | Sample Headrick and Sheng L-alpha |
herefordprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Hereford, Texas |
hlmomco | Hazard Functions of the Distributions |
IRSrefunds.by.state | U.S. Internal Revenue Service Refunds by State for Fiscal Year 2006 |
is.aep4 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power |
is.cau | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Cauchy |
is.emu | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Eta-Mu |
is.exp | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Exponential |
is.gam | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gamma |
is.gep | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Extreme Value |
is.gev | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Extreme Value |
is.gld | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Lambda |
is.glo | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Logistic |
is.gno | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Normal |
is.gov | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Govindarajulu |
is.gpa | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Pareto |
is.gum | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gumbel |
is.kap | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappa |
is.kmu | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappa-Mu |
is.kur | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kumaraswamy |
is.lap | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Laplace |
is.lmrq | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function |
is.ln3 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter Log-Normal |
is.nor | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Normal |
is.pdq3 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial Density-Quantile3 |
is.pdq4 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial Density-Quantile4 |
is.pe3 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Pearson Type III |
is.ray | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Rayleigh |
is.revgum | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Reverse Gumbel |
is.rice | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Rice |
is.sla | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Slash |
is.smd | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Singh-Maddala |
is.st3 | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
is.texp | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Truncated Exponential |
is.tri | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Asymmetric Triangular |
is.wak | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Wakeby |
is.wei | Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Weibull |
LaguerreHalf | Laguerre Polynomial (Half) |
lalpha | Sample Headrick and Sheng L-alpha |
Lcomoment.coefficients | L-comoment Coefficient Matrix |
Lcomoment.correlation | L-correlation Matrix (L-correlation through Sample L-comoments) |
Lcomoment.Lk12 | Compute a Single Sample L-comoment |
Lcomoment.matrix | Compute Sample L-comoment Matrix |
Lcomoment.Wk | Weighting Coefficient for Sample L-comoment |
lcomoms2 | The Sample L-comoments for Two Variables |
lkhlmomco | Leimkuhler Curve of the Distributions |
lmom.ub | Unbiased Sample L-moments by Direct Sample Estimators |
lmom2par | Convert L-moments to the Parameters of a Distribution |
lmom2pwm | L-moments to Probability-Weighted Moments |
lmom2vec | Convert an L-moment object to a Vector of L-moments |
lmomaep4 | L-moments of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
lmomcau | Trimmed L-moments of the Cauchy Distribution |
lmomemu | L-moments of the Eta-Mu Distribution |
lmomexp | L-moments of the Exponential Distribution |
lmomgam | L-moments of the Gamma Distribution |
lmomgep | L-moments of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
lmomgev | L-moments of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
lmomgld | L-moments of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
lmomglo | L-moments of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
lmomgno | L-moments of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
lmomgov | L-moments of the Govindarajulu Distribution |
lmomgpa | L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
lmomgpaRC | B-type L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution with Right-Tail Censoring |
lmomgum | L-moments of the Gumbel Distribution |
lmomkap | L-moments of the Kappa Distribution |
lmomkmu | L-moments of the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
lmomkur | L-moments of the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
lmomlap | L-moments of the Laplace Distribution |
lmomlmrq | L-moments of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
lmomln3 | L-moments of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
lmomnor | L-moments of the Normal Distribution |
lmompdq3 | L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution |
lmompdq4 | L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution |
lmompe3 | L-moments of the Pearson Type III Distribution |
lmomray | L-moments of the Rayleigh Distribution |
lmomRCmark | Sample L-moment for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking Variable |
lmomrevgum | L-moments of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
lmomrice | L-moments of the Rice Distribution |
lmoms | The Sample L-moments and L-moment Ratios |
lmoms.bernstein | Numerically Integrated L-moments of Smoothed Quantiles from Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomials |
lmoms.bootbarvar | Exact Bootstrap Mean and Variance of L-moments |
lmoms.cov | Distribution-Free Variance-Covariance Structure of Sample L-moments |
lmomsla | Trimmed L-moments of the Slash Distribution |
lmomsmd | L-moments of the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
lmomsRCmark | Sample L-moments Moments for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking Variable |
lmomst3 | L-moments of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
lmomtexp | L-moments of the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
lmomTLgld | Trimmed L-moments of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
lmomTLgpa | Trimmed L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
lmomtri | L-moments of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
lmomwak | L-moments of the Wakeby Distribution |
lmomwei | L-moments of the Weibull Distribution |
lmorph | Morph an L-moment Object |
lmr2par | Convert L-moments to the Parameters of a Distribution |
lmrdia | L-moment Ratio Diagram Components |
lmrdia46 | L-moment Ratio Diagram Components of Tau4 and Tau6 |
lmrdiscord | Compute Discordance on L-CV, L-skew, and L-kurtosis |
lmrloc | Line-of-Organic Correlation |
lrv2prob | Convert a Vector of Logistic Reduced Variates to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities |
lrzlmomco | Lorenz Curve of the Distributions |
mle2par | Use Maximum Likelihood to Estimate Parameters of a Distribution |
mps2par | Use Maximum Product of Spacings to Estimate the Parameters of a Distribution |
nonexceeds | Some Common or Useful Nonexceedance Probabilities |
par2cdf | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Distributions |
par2cdf2 | Equivalent Cumulative Distribution Function of Two Distributions |
par2lmom | Convert the Parameters of a Distribution to the L-moments |
par2pdf | Probability Density Function of the Distributions |
par2qua | Quantile Function of the Distributions |
par2qua2 | Equivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributions |
par2qua2lo | Equivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributions Stemming from Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computations |
par2vec | Convert a Parameter Object to a Vector of Parameters |
paraep4 | Estimate the Parameters of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
parcau | Estimate the Parameters of the Cauchy Distribution |
paremu | Estimate the Parameters of the Eta-Mu Distribution |
parexp | Estimate the Parameters of the Exponential Distribution |
pargam | Estimate the Parameters of the Gamma Distribution |
pargep | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
pargev | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
pargld | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
parglo | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
pargno | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
pargov | Estimate the Parameters of the Govindarajulu Distribution |
pargpa | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
pargpaRC | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution with Right-Tail Censoring |
pargum | Estimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distribution |
parkap | Estimate the Parameters of the Kappa Distribution |
parkmu | Estimate the Parameters of the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
parkur | Estimate the Parameters of the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
parlap | Estimate the Parameters of the Laplace Distribution |
parlmrq | Estimate the Parameters of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
parln3 | Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
parnor | Estimate the Parameters of the Normal Distribution |
parpdq3 | Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution |
parpdq4 | Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution |
parpe3 | Estimate the Parameters of the Pearson Type III Distribution |
parray | Estimate the Parameters of the Rayleigh Distribution |
parrevgum | Estimate the Parameters of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
parrice | Estimate the Parameters of the Rice Distribution |
pars2x | Estimate Quantiles from an Ensemble of Parameters |
parsla | Estimate the Parameters of the Slash Distribution |
parsmd | Estimate the Parameters of the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
parst3 | Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
partexp | Estimate the Parameters of the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
parTLgld | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda Distribution using Trimmed L-moments (t=1) |
parTLgpa | Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution using Trimmed L-moments |
partri | Estimate the Parameters of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
parwak | Estimate the Parameters of the Wakeby Distribution |
parwei | Estimate the Parameters of the Weibull Distribution |
pdfaep4 | Probability Density Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
pdfcau | Probability Density Function of the Cauchy Distribution |
pdfemu | Probability Density Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution |
pdfexp | Probability Density Function of the Exponential Distribution |
pdfgam | Probability Density Function of the Gamma Distribution |
pdfgep | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
pdfgev | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
pdfgld | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
pdfglo | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
pdfgno | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
pdfgov | Probability Density Function of the Govindarajulu Distribution |
pdfgpa | Probability Density Function of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
pdfgum | Probability Density Function of the Gumbel Distribution |
pdfkap | Probability Density Function of the Kappa Distribution |
pdfkmu | Probability Density Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
pdfkur | Probability Density Function of the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
pdflap | Probability Density Function of the Laplace Distribution |
pdflmrq | Probability Density Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
pdfln3 | Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
pdfnor | Probability Density Function of the Normal Distribution |
pdfpdq3 | Probability Density Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution |
pdfpdq4 | Probability Density Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution |
pdfpe3 | Probability Density Function of the Pearson Type III Distribution |
pdfray | Probability Density Function of the Rayleigh Distribution |
pdfrevgum | Probability Density Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
pdfrice | Probability Density Function of the Rice Distribution |
pdfsla | Probability Density Function of the Slash Distribution |
pdfsmd | Probability Density Function of the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
pdfst3 | Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
pdftexp | Probability Density Function of the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
pdftri | Probability Density Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
pdfwak | Probability Density Function of the Wakeby Distribution |
pdfwei | Probability Density Function of the Weibull Distribution |
pfactor.bernstein | Estimation of Optimal p-factor of Distributional Support Estimation for Smoothed Quantiles from the Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomials |
plmomco | Cumulative Distribution Function of the Distributions |
plotlmrdia | Plot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau3 and Tau4) |
plotlmrdia46 | Plot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau4 and Tau6) |
plotradarlmr | Plot L-moment Radar Plot (Chart) Graphic |
pmoms | The Sample Product Moments: Mean, Standard Deviation, Skew, and Excess Kurtosis |
pp | Plotting-Position Formula |
pp.f | Quantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positions |
pp.median | Quantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positions |
prettydist | A Pretty List of Distribution Names |
prob2grv | Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to Gumbel Reduced Variates |
prob2lrv | Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to Logistic Reduced Variates |
prob2T | Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to T-year Return Periods |
pwm | Unbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Moments |
pwm.alpha2beta | Conversion of Beta to Alpha Probability-Weighted Moments (PWMs) or Alpha to Beta PWMs |
pwm.beta2alpha | Conversion of Beta to Alpha Probability-Weighted Moments (PWMs) or Alpha to Beta PWMs |
pwm.gev | Generalized Extreme Value Plotting-Position Probability-Weighted Moments |
pwm.pp | Plotting-Position Sample Probability-Weighted Moments |
pwm.ub | Unbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Moments |
pwm2lmom | Probability-Weighted Moments to L-moments |
pwm2vec | Convert Probability-Weighted Moment object to a Vector |
pwmLC | Sample Probability-Weighted Moments for Left-Tail Censoring |
pwmRC | Sample Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring |
qlmomco | Quantile Function of the Distributions |
qua.ostat | Compute the Quantiles of the Distribution of an Order Statistic |
qua2ci | Estimate a Confidence Interval for a Single Quantile of a Parent Distribution by a Simple Algorithm |
qua2ci.cov | Estimate a Confidence Interval for Quantiles of a Parent Distribution using Sample Variance-Covariances of L-moments |
qua2ci.simple | Estimate a Confidence Interval for a Single Quantile of a Parent Distribution by a Simple Algorithm |
quaaep4 | Quantile Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution |
quaaep4kapmix | Quantile Function Mixture Between the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power and Kappa Distributions |
quacau | Quantile Function of the Cauchy Distribution |
quaemu | Quantile Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution |
quaexp | Quantile Function of the Exponential Distribution |
quagam | Quantile Function of the Gamma Distribution |
quagep | Quantile Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution |
quagev | Quantile Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
quagld | Quantile Function of the Generalized Lambda Distribution |
quaglo | Quantile Function of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
quagno | Quantile Function of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
quagov | Quantile Function of the Govindarajulu Distribution |
quagpa | Quantile Function of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
quagum | Quantile Function of the Gumbel Distribution |
quakap | Quantile Function of the Kappa Distribution |
quakmu | Quantile Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution |
quakur | Quantile Function of the Kumaraswamy Distribution |
qualap | Quantile Function of the Laplace Distribution |
qualmrq | Quantile Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distribution |
qualn3 | Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
quanor | Quantile Function of the Normal Distribution |
quapdq3 | Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution |
quapdq4 | Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution |
quape3 | Quantile Function of the Pearson Type III Distribution |
quaray | Quantile Function of the Rayleigh Distribution |
quarevgum | Quantile Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution |
quarice | Quantile Function of the Rice Distribution |
quasla | Quantile Function of the Slash Distribution |
quasmd | Quantile Function of the Singh-Maddala Distribution |
quast3 | Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution |
quatexp | Quantile Function of the Truncated Exponential Distribution |
quatri | Quantile Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution |
quawak | Quantile Function of the Wakeby Distribution |
quawei | Quantile Function of the Weibull Distribution |
ralmomco | Alpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
reslife.lmoms | L-moments of Residual Life |
riglmomco | Income Gap Ratio Quantile Function for the Distributions |
rlmomco | Random Variates of a Distribution |
rmlmomco | Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
rmvarlmomco | Variance Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
rralmomco | Reversed Alpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
rreslife.lmoms | L-moments of Reversed Residual Life |
rrmlmomco | Reversed Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
rrmvarlmomco | Reversed Variance Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions |
sen.mean | Sen Weighted Mean Statistic |
sentiv.curve | Compute the Sensitivity Curve for a Single Quantile |
slmomco | Reversed Cumulative Distribution Function (Survival Function) of the Distributions |
stttlmomco | Scaled Total Time on Test Transform of Distributions |
supdist | The Support of a Distribution based on the Parameters |
T2prob | Convert a Vector of T-year Return Periods to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities |
tau34sq.normtest | The Tau34-squared Test: A Normality Test based on L-skew and L-kurtosis and an Elliptical Rejection Region on an L-moment Ratio Diagram |
theoLmoms | The Theoretical L-moments and L-moment Ratios using Integration of the Quantile Function |
theoLmoms.max.ostat | Compute the Theoretical L-moments of a Distribution Distribution based on System of Maximum Order Statistic Expectations |
theoLmoms.min.ostat | Compute the Theoretical L-moments of a Distribution Distribution based on System of Maximum Order Statistic Expectations |
theopwms | The Theoretical Probability-Weighted Moments using Integration of the Quantile Function |
theoTLmoms | The Theoretical Trimmed L-moments and TL-moment Ratios using Integration of the Quantile Function |
TLmom | A Sample Trimmed L-moment |
TLmoms | The Sample Trimmed L-moments and L-moment Ratios |
tlmr2par | Sample Trimmed L-moments to Fitted Distribution |
tlmrcau | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Cauchy Distribution |
tlmrexp | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Exponential Distribution |
tlmrgev | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
tlmrglo | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Logistic Distribution |
tlmrgno | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Normal Distribution |
tlmrgpa | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Pareto |
tlmrgum | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Gumbel Distribution |
tlmrln3 | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution |
tlmrnor | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Normal Distribution |
tlmrpe3 | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Pearson Type III |
tlmrray | Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Rayleigh Distribution |
tttlmomco | Total Time on Test Transform of Distributions |
tulia6Eprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia 6E, Texas |
tuliaprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia, Texas |
TX38lgtrmFlow | First six L-moments of logarithms of annual mean streamflow and variances for 35 selected long-term U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in Texas |
USGSsta01515000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 01515000 |
USGSsta02366500peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 02366500 |
USGSsta05405000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 05405000 |
USGSsta06766000dvs | Daily Mean Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 06766000 |
USGSsta08151500peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08151500 |
USGSsta08167000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08167000 |
USGSsta08190000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08190000 |
USGSsta09442000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 09442000 |
USGSsta14321000peaks | Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 14321000 |
vec2lmom | Convert a Vector of L-moments to a L-moment Object |
vec2par | Convert a Vector of Parameters to a Parameter Object of a Distribution |
vec2pwm | Convert a Vector of Probability-Weighted Moments to a Probability-Weighted Moments Object |
vec2TLmom | Convert a Vector of TL-moments to a TL-moment Object |
vegaprecip | Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Vega, Texas |
x2pars | Estimate an Ensemble of Parameters from Three Different Methods |
x2xlo | Conversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computations |
xlo2qua | Conversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computations |
z.par2cdf | Blipping Cumulative Distribution Functions |
z.par2qua | Blipping Quantile Functions |
.lmomcohash | Storage of Lookup Tables for the lmomco Package |