.lmomcohash {lmomco}R Documentation

Storage of Lookup Tables for the lmomco Package


This is a hidden data object contained in the R/sysdata.rda file of the lmomco package. The system files inst/doc/SysDataBuilder01.R and SysDataBuilder02.R of the package are responsible for the construction of these data with the exception of the Eta-Mu and Kappa-Mu distribution content.


An R environment with entries:


A data.frame of asymmetric exponential power (4-parameter) relations between its two shape parameters, numerical, and theoretical L-skew and L-kurtosis. The table stems from inst/doc/SysDataBuilder01.R. (See also paraep4)


A data.frame of pre-computed table of relations between the parameters and L-moments of the Eta-Mu distribution. (See also lmomemu, paremu)


A data.frame of pre-computed table of relations between the parameters and L-moments of the Kappa-Mu distribution. (See also lmomkmu, parkmu)


A data.frame with coefficient of L-variation, signal to noise ratio, a parameter G, and L-skew and L-kurtosis of the Rice distribution. This is useful for quick parameter estimation. The table stems from inst/doc/SysDataBuilder01.R. (See also lmomrice, parrice)


Maximum coefficient of L-variation representable (or apparently so) within R. The value stems from inst/doc/SysDataBuilder01.R.


Minimum coefficient of L-variation representable (or apparently so) within R. The value stems from inst/doc/SysDataBuilder01.R.


Various relations of Tau4-Tau6 for symmetrical distributions and used to support the access layer provided by lmrdia46 for Tau4-Tau6 L-moment ratio diagrams. The tables in the list stem from inst/doc/SysDataBuilder02.R, which is designed to be run after the SysDataBuilder01.R.

[Package lmomco version 2.5.1 Index]