dist.list {lmomco}R Documentation

List of Distribution Names


Return a list of the three character syntax identifying distributions supported within the lmomco package. The distributions are aep4, cau, emu, exp, gam, gep, gev, gld, glo, gno, gov, gpa, gum, kap, kmu, kur, lap, lmrq, ln3, nor, pdq3, pdq4, pe3, ray, revgum, rice, sla, smd, st3, texp, tri, wak, and wei. These abbreviations and only these are used in routing logic within lmomco. There is no provision for fuzzy matching. The full distributions names are available in prettydist.





If type is not NULL and is one of the abbreviations shown above, then the number of parameters of that distribution are returned or a warning message is issued. This subtle feature might be useful for developers.


A vector of distribution identifiers as listed above or the number of parameters for a given distribution type.


W.H. Asquith

See Also




## Not run: 
# Build an L-moment object
LM <- vec2lmom(c(10000, 1500, 0.3, 0.1, 0.04))
lm2 <- lmorph(LM)  # convert to vectored format
lm1 <- lmorph(lm2) # and back to named format
dist <- dist.list()
# Demonstrate that lmom2par internally converts to needed L-moment object
for(i in 1:length(dist)) {
  # Skip Cauchy and Slash (need TL-moments).
  # Skip AEP4, Kumaraswamy, LMRQ, Student t (3-parameter), Truncated Exponential
  # are skipped because each is inapplicable to the given L-moments.
  # The Eta-Mu and Kappa-Mu are skipped for speed.
  if(dist[i] == 'aep4' | dist[i] == 'cau' | dist[i] == 'emu'  | dist[i] == 'gep' |
     dist[i] == 'kmu'  | dist[i] == 'kur' | dist[i] == 'lmrq' | dist[i] == 'tri' |
     dist[i] == 'sla'  | dist[i] == 'st3' | dist[i] == 'texp') next
  message(dist[i], " parameters : ",
          paste(round(lmom2par(lm1, type=dist[i])$para, digits=4), collapse=", "))
  message(dist[i], " parameters : ",
          paste(round(lmom2par(lm2, type=dist[i])$para, digits=4), collapse=", "))
} # 
## End(Not run)

[Package lmomco version 2.5.1 Index]