sentiv.curve {lmomco}R Documentation

Compute the Sensitivity Curve for a Single Quantile


The sensitivity curve (SCSC) is a means to assess how sensitive a particular statistic Tn+1T_{n+1} for a sample of size nn is to an additional sample xx to be included. For the implementation by this function, the statistic TT is a specific quantile x(F)x(F) of interest set by a nonexceedance probability FF. The SCSC is

SCn+1(x,F)=(n+1)(Tn+1Tn)\mbox,SC_{n+1}(x,\,| F) = (n+1)(T_{n+1} - T_n)\mbox{,}

where TnT_n represent the statistic for the sample of size nn. The notation here follows that of Hampel (1974, p. 384) concerning nn and n+1n+1.


sentiv.curve(f, x, method=c("bootstrap", "polynomial", "none"),
                   data=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



The nonexceedance probability FF of the quantile for which the sensitivity of its estimation is needed. Only the first value if a vector is given is used and a warning issued.


The xx values representing the potential one more value to be added to the original data.


A vector of mandatory sample data values. These will either be converted to (1) order statistic expectations exact analytical expressions or simulation (backup plan), (2) Bernstein (or similar) polynomials, or (3) the provided values treated as if they are the order statistic expectations.


A character variable determining how the statistics TT are computed (see Details).


A distribution parameter list from a function such as vec2par or lmom2par.


Additional arguments to pass either to the lmoms.bootbarvar or to the
dat2bernqua function.


The main features of this function involve how the statistics are computed and are controlled by the method argument. Three different approaches are provided.

Bootstrap: Arguments data and para are mandatory. If boostrap is requested, then the distribution type set by the type attribute in para is used along with the method of L-moments for T(F)T(F) estimation. The Tn(F)T_n(F) is directly computed from the distribution in para. And for each x, the Tn+1(F)T_{n+1}(F) is computed by lmoms, lmom2par, and the distribution type. The sample so fed to lmoms is denoted as c(EX, x).

Polynomial: Argument data is mandatory and para is not used. If polynomial is requested, then the Bernstein polynomial (likely) from the dat2bernqua is used. The Tn(F)T_n(F) is computed by the data sample. And for each x, the Tn+1(F)T_{n+1}(F) also is computed by dat2bernqua, but the sample so fed to dat2bernqua is denoted as c(EX, x).

None: Arguments data and para are mandatory. If none is requested, then the distribution type set by the type attribute in para is used along with the method of L-moments. The Tn(F)T_n(F) is directly computed from the distribution in para. And for each x, the Tn+1(F)T_{n+1}(F) is computed by lmoms, lmom2par, and the distribution type. The sample so fed to lmoms is denoted as c(EX, x).

The internal variable EX now requires discussion. If method=none, then the data are sorted and set into the internal variable EX. Conversely, if method=bootstrap or method=polynomial, then EX will contain the expectations of the order statistics from lmoms.bootbarvar.

Lastly, the Weibull plotting positions are used for the probability values for the data as provided by the pp function. Evidently, if method is either parent or polynomial then a “stylized sensitivity curve” would created (David, 1981, p. 165) because the expectations of the sample order statistics and not the sample order statistics (the sorted sample) are used.


An R list is returned.


The value for SC(x)=(n+1)(Tn+1Tn)SC(x) = (n+1)(T_{n+1} - T_n).


The percent change sensitivity curve by SC(%)(x)=100×(Tn+1Tn)/TnSC^{(\%)}(x) = 100\times (T_{n+1} - T_n)/T_n.


The values for Tn+1=Tn+SC(x)/(n+1)T_{n+1} = T_n + SC(x)/(n+1).


The value (singular) for TnT_n which was estimated according to method.


The curve potentially passes through a zero depending on the values for xx. The color is set to distinquish between negatives and positives so that the user could use the absolute value of curve on logarithmic scales and use the color to distinquish the original negatives.


The values for the internal variable EX.


An attribute identifying the computational source of the sensitivity curve: “sentiv.curve”.


W.H. Asquith


David, H.A., 1981, Order statistics: John Wiley, New York.

Hampel, F.R., 1974, The influence curve and its role in robust estimation: Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 69, no. 346, pp. 383–393.

See Also



## Not run: 
mean <- 12530; lscale <- 5033; lskew <- 0.4
n <- 46; type <- "gev"; lmr <- vec2lmom(c(mean,lscale,lskew))
F <- 0.90 # going to explore sensitivity on the 90th percentile
par.p <- lmom2par(lmr, type=type) # Parent distribution
TRUE.Q <- par2qua(F, par.p)
X <- sort(rlmomco(n, par.p)) # Simulate a small sample
par.s <- lmom2par(lmoms(X), type=type) # Now fit the distribution
SIM.Q <- par2qua(F, par.s); SIM.BAR <- par2lmom(par.s)$lambdas[1]
D <- log10(mean) - log10(lscale)
R <- as.integer(log10(mean)) + c(-D, D) # need some x-values to explore
Xs <- 10^(seq(R[1], R[2], by=.01)) # x-values to explore
# Sample estimate are the "parent" only to mimic a more real-world setting.
# where one "knows" the form of the parent but perhaps not the parameters.
SC1 <- sentiv.curve(F, Xs, data=X, para=par.s, method="bootstrap")
SC2 <- sentiv.curve(F, Xs, data=X, para=par.s, method="polynomial",
SC3 <- sentiv.curve(F, Xs, data=X, para=par.s, method="none")
xlim <- range(c(Xs,SC1$Tnp1,SC2$Tnp1,SC3$Tnp1))
ylim <- range(c(SC1$curve.perchg, SC2$curve.perchg, SC3$curve.perchg))
plot(xlim, c(0,0), type="l", lty=2, ylim=ylim, xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
     xlab=paste("Magnitude of next value added to sample of size",n),
     ylab=paste("Percent change fitted",F,"probability quantile"))
mtext(paste("Distribution",par.s$type,"with parameters",
      paste(round(par.s$para, digits=3), collapse=", ")))
lines(rep(TRUE.Q,  2), c(-10,10), lty=4, lwd=3)
lines(rep(SIM.BAR, 2), c(-10,10), lty=3, lwd=2)
lines(rep(SIM.Q,   2), c(-10,10), lty=2)
lines(Xs, SC1$curve.perchg, lwd=3, col=1)
lines(Xs, SC2$curve.perchg, lwd=2, col=2)
lines(Xs, SC3$curve.perchg, lwd=1, col=4)
rug(SC1$Tnp1, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.3))
rug(SC2$Tnp1, col=rgb(1,0,0,0.3))
rug(SC3$Tnp1, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.3), tcl=-.75) #
## End(Not run)

[Package lmomco version 2.5.1 Index]