disfitgovloc {lmomco}R Documentation

Fit a Govindarajulu Distribution to Bounds and Location


Fits a Govindarajulu distribution to specified lower and upper bounds and a given location measure (either mean and median). Fitting occurs through 33-dimensional minimization using the optim function. Objective function forms are either root mean-square error (RMSE) or mean absolute deviation (MAD), and the objective functions are expected to result in slightly different estimates of distribution parameters. The RMSE form (σRMSE\sigma_{\mathrm{RMSE}}) is defined as

σRMSE=[13i=13[xix^i]2]1/2\mbox,\sigma_{\mathrm{RMSE}} = \biggl[ \frac{1}{3}\,\sum_{i=1}^3 \bigl[x_i - \hat{x}_i\bigr]^2\biggr]^{1/2}\mbox{,}

where xix_i is a vector of the targeted lower bounds (lwr argument), location measure (loc argument), and upper bounds (upr argument), and x^i\hat{x}_i is a similar vector of Govindarajulu properties for “current” iteration of the optimization. Similarly, the MAD form (σMAD\sigma_{\mathrm{MAD}}) is defined as

σMAD=13i=13xix^i\mbox.\sigma_{\mathrm{MAD}} = \frac{1}{3}\,\sum_{i=1}^3 \mid x_i - \hat{x}_i \mid \mbox{.}

The premise of this function is that situations might exist in practical applications wherein the user has an understanding or commitment to certain bounding conditions of a distribution. The user also has knowledge of a particular location measure (the mean or median) of a distribution. The bounded nature of the Govindarajulu might be particularly of interest because the quantile function (quagov) is explicit. The curvatures that the distribution can attain also provide it more flexibility to fitting to a given location measure than say the Triangular distribution (quatri).


disfitgovloc(x=NULL, loc=NULL, lwr=0, upr=NA, init.para=NULL,
             loctype=c("mean", "median"), objfun=c("rmse", "mad"),
             ptransf=function(p) return(log(p)),
             pretransf=function(p) return(exp(p)),
             silent=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...)



Optional vector to help guide the initial parameter estimates for the optimization, if given and if loc=NULL, then loc by loctype will be computed from the x.


Optional value for the location statistic, which if not given will be computed from mean or median of the x. The loc however can also be given if an x is given and at which point the user's setting prevails.


Lower bounds for the distribution with default supposing that most often positive domain bounds might be of interest.


Upper bounds for the distribution, which must be specified.


Optional initial values for the parameters used for starting values for the optim function. If this argument is not set nor is x, then an unrigorous attempt is made to guess at the initial parameters using heuristics and the triangular quantile function (because the triangle is trivial and also bounded) (see sources).


The type of location measure constraint.


The form of the objective function as previously described.


The parameter transformation function that is useful to guide the optimization run. The distribution requires its second and third parameters to be nonzero without constraint on the first parameter; however, the default treats the first parameter as also nonzero. This is potentially suboptimal for some situations (see Examples).


The parameter retransformation function that is useful to guide the optimization run. The distribution requires its second and third parameters to be nonzero without constraint on the first parameter; however, the default treats the first parameter as also nonzero. This is potentially suboptimal for some situations (see Examples).


A logical to silence the try() function wrapping the optim() function.


A logical to trigger verbose output within the objective function.


Additional arguments to pass to the optim function.


Support of the Govindarajulu for the optimized parameter set is computed by internally and reported as part of the returned values. This enhances the documentation a bit more—the computed parameters might not always have full convergence and result in slightly difference bounds than targeted. Finally, this function was developed using some heredity to disfitqua.


An R list is returned. This list should contain at least the following items.


The type of distribution in three character (minimum) format.


The parameters of the Govindarajulu distribution.


Attribute specifying source of the parameters.


A list of confirming the distribution support from quagov(c(0,1), gov) where gov are the final computed parameters before return.


A vector of the initial parameters actually passed to the optim function to serve only as a reminder.


The returned list of the optim() function.


Helpful messages on the computations.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

disfitqua, quagov


# EXAMPLE 1 --- Example of strictly positive domain.
disfitgovloc(loc=125, lwr=99, upr=175, loctype="mean")$para
#        xi     alpha      beta
# 99.000000 76.000000  3.846154
# These parameters have a lmomgov()$lambdas[1] mean of 124.9999999.

# EXAMPLE 2 --- Operations spanning zero and revision to the default parameter
# transform functions. Testing indicates that these, ideally align to need of
# the Govindarajulu, such do not work for all strictly positive domain, which
# led to a decision to have the defaults different than this example.
disfitgovloc(loc=100, lwr=-99, upr=175, loctype="median",
               ptransf=function(p) c(p[1], log(p[2:3])),
             pretransf=function(p) c(p[1], exp(p[2:3])))$para
#         xi        alpha         beta
# -99.000002   274.000004   1.08815151

## Not run: 
  r <- function(r) round(r, 1)
  X <- c(8751, 14507, 4061, 22056, 6330, 3130, 5180, 6700, 22409, 3380, 17902,
         8956,  4523, 1604,  4460, 4239, 3010, 9155, 5107, 4821,  5221, 20700)
  mu  <-   mean(X); med <- median(X)
  for(objfun in c("rmse", "mad")) {
    gov <- disfitgovloc(x=X,  loc=mu,  upr=41000, objfun=objfun, loctype="mean"    )
    message(objfun, ": seek   mean=", r(mu),
                    ", GOV   mean=",  r(lmomgov(gov)$lambdas[1]))
    gov <- disfitgovloc(x=X, loc=med,  upr=41000, objfun=objfun, loctype="median"  )
    message(objfun, ": seek median=", r(med),
                    ", GOV median=",  r(quagov(0.5, gov)))
  for(objfun in c("rmse", "mad")) {
    gov <- disfitgovloc(x=NULL,  loc=mu,  upr=41000, objfun=objfun, loctype="mean"  )
    message(objfun, ": seek   mean=", r(mu),
                    ", GOV   mean=",  r(lmomgov(gov)$lambdas[1]) )
    gov <- disfitgovloc(x=NULL, loc=med,  upr=41000, objfun=objfun, loctype="median")
    message(objfun, ": seek median=", r(med),
                    ", GOV median=",  r(quagov(0.5, gov)))
  } # end of loop
  # *** That last message() : mad: seek median=5200.5, GOV median=5226.2
  print(gov$para) # 64.521326, 40935.479117, 4.740232 # last parameters in prior loop
  ngv <- vec2par( c(64.521326, 40935.479117, 4.740232), type="gov") # for reuse
  # We see (at least in testing) that the last message in the sequence shows that
  # the median is not recovered via the guessed at initial parameters, let us turn
  # the gov parameters back into disfitgovloc() as the initial parameters.
  mgv <- disfitgovloc(init.para=ngv, loc=med, upr=41000, objfun=objfun,loctype="median")
  message(objfun, ": seek median=", r(med),
                   ", GOV median=", r(quagov(0.5, mgv)))
  # *** BETTER FIT mad: seek median=5200.5, GOV median=5200.5
  print(mgv$para) # 1.227568, 40998.903644, 4.729768 # last parameters
  # So, conveniently in this example, we can see that there are cases wherein an
  # apparent convergence can be made even better. But, need to be aware that
  # feed fack a very good solution can in turn cause optim() itself to NULL out. 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # EXTENDED EXAMPLE 4 --- Continuing from the previous example
  FF    <- seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001)
  maxes <- as.integer(10^(seq(4, 5, by=0.02))); n <- length(maxes)
  for(max in maxes) {
    govA <- disfitgovloc(x=X,  loc=mu,     upr=max, loctype="mean"  , lwr=0)
    govB <- disfitgovloc(x=X,  loc=median, upr=max, loctype="median", lwr=0)
    plot( FF, quagov(FF, govA), col="red",  lwd=2, type="l", ylim=c(0, maxes[n]),
         xlab="Nonexceedance probability", ylab="Quantile of Govindarajulu",
         main=paste0("Maximum = ", max))
    lines(FF, quagov(FF, govB), col="blue", lwd=2); quagov(0.5, govB)
    legend("topleft", c("Govindarajulu constrained given mean (dashed red)",
                        "Govindarajulu constrained given median (dashed blue)",
                        "disfitgovloc() computed mean (red dot)",
                        "disfitgovloc() computed median (blue dot)"),
                    lwd=c( 2,  2, NA, NA), col=c("red", "blue"), inset=0.02,
                    pch=c(NA, NA, 16, 16), pt.cex=1.5, cex=0.9)
    abline(h=mu,  lty=2, col="red" ); abline(h=med, lty=2, col="blue")
    tmu <- lmomgov(govA)$lambdas[1]
    points(cdfgov(tmu, govA), tmu, cex=1.5, pch=16, col="red" )
    points(0.5, quagov(0.5, govB), cex=1.5, pch=16, col="blue")
  } # end of loop 
## End(Not run)

[Package lmomco version 2.5.1 Index]