cvm.test.lmomco {lmomco}R Documentation

Cramér–von Mises Test for Goodness-of-Fit


The Cramér–von Mises test for goodness-of-fit is implemented for the order statistics x1:nxi:nxn:nx_{1:n} \le x_{i:n} \le x_{n:n} of a sample of size nn. Define the test statistic (Csörgő and Faraway, 1996) as

ω2=112n+i=1n[2i12nFθ(xi)]\mbox,\omega^2 = \frac{1}{12n} + \sum_{i=1}^n \biggl[\frac{2i-1}{2n} - F_\theta(x_i)\biggr]\mbox{,}

where Fθ(x)F_\theta(x) is the cumulative distribution function (continuous) for some distribution having parameters θ\theta. If the value for ω2\omega^2 is larger than some critical value, reject the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that FF is the function specified by θ\theta, while the alternative hypothesis is that FF is some other function.


cvm.test.lmomco(x, para1, ...)



A vector of data values.


The parameters of the distribution.


Additional arguments to pass to par2cdf.


The above definition for ω2\omega^2 as the Cramér–von Mises test statistic is consistent with the notation in Csörgő and Faraway (1996) as well as that in package goftest. Depending on how the null distribution is defined by other authors and attendant notation, the Cramér–von Mises statistic can be branded as T=nω2T = n\omega^2. The null distribution herein requires just ω2\omega^2 and the sample size is delivered separately into the cumulative distribution function:

  goftest::pCvM(omega.sq, n=n, lower.tail=FALSE)


An R list is returned.


The null distribution, which is an echoing of the para argument, which recall for lmomco that is contains the distribution abbreviation.


The string “Cramer–von Mises test of goodness-of-fit”.


The ω2\omega^2 as defined above (see Note).


The p-value computed from the pCvM() function from the goftest package for the null distribution of the test statistic.


An attribute identifying the computational source of the L-moments:


An example of coverage probabilities demonstrating the differences in what the p-values mean on whether the parent is known or the “parent” is coming from the sample. The p-values are quite different and inference has subtle differences. In ensemble, comparing the test statistic amongst distribution choices might be more informative than a focus on p-values being below a critical alpha.

  parent <- vec2par(c(20, 120), type="gam"); nsim <- 10000
  pp <- nn <- ee <- rep(NA,nsim)
  for(i in 1:nsim) {
    x <- rlmomco(56, parent); lmr <- lmoms(x)
    pp[i] <- cvm.test.lmomco(x,          parent          )$p.value
    nn[i] <- cvm.test.lmomco(x, lmom2par(lmr, type="nor"))$p.value
    ee[i] <- cvm.test.lmomco(x, lmom2par(lmr, type="exp"))$p.value
  message("GAMMA PARENT KNOWN     'rejection rate'=", sum(pp < 0.05)/nsim)
  message("ESTIMATED NORMAL       'rejection rate'=", sum(nn < 0.05)/nsim)
  message("ESTIMATED EXPONENTIAL  'rejection rate'=", sum(ee < 0.05)/nsim)

The rejection rate for the Gamma is about 5 percent, which matches the 0.05 specified in the conditional. The Normal is about zero, and the Exponential is about 21 percent. The fitted Normal almost always passes for the real parent, though Gamma, for the sample size and amount of L-skewness involved. The Exponential does not. This illustrates that the p-value can be misleading in the single-sample version of this test. Thus, when fit by parameters from the sample, the test statistic is nearly always smaller than the one for a prespecified set of parameters. The significance level will be smaller than intended.


W.H. Asquith


Csörgő, S., and Faraway, J.J., 1996, The exact and asymptotic distributions of Cramér–von Mises statistics: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, v. 58, pp. 221–234.

See Also



# An example in which the test is conducted on a sample but the parent is known.
# This will lead to more precise inference than if the sample parameters are used.
mu <- 120; sd <- 25; para <- vec2par(c(120, 25), type="nor")
x <- rnorm(56, mean=mu, sd=sd)
T1 <- cvm.test.lmomco(x, para)$statistic
T2 <- goftest::cvm.test(x, null="pnorm", mean=mu, sd=sd)$statistic
message("Cramer--von Mises: T1=", round(T1, digits=6), " and T2=", round(T2, digits=6))

[Package lmomco version 2.5.1 Index]