High-Throughput Toxicokinetics

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Documentation for package ‘httk’ version 2.3.1

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-- A --

add_chemtable Add a table of chemical information for use in making httk predictions.
age_draw_smooth Draws ages from a smoothed distribution for a given gender/race combination
apply_clint_adjustment Correct the measured intrinsive hepatic clearance for fraction free
apply_fup_adjustment Correct the measured fraction unbound in plasma for lipid binding
armitage_estimate_sarea Estimate well surface area
armitage_eval Evaluate the updated Armitage model
armitage_input Armitage et al. (2014) Model Inputs from Honda et al. (2019)
augment.table Add a parameter value to the chem.physical_and_invitro.data table
available_rblood2plasma Find the best available ratio of the blood to plasma concentration constant.
Aylward2014 Aylward et al. 2014
aylward2014 Aylward et al. 2014

-- B --

benchmark_httk Assess the current performance of httk relative to historical benchmarks
blood_mass_correct Find average blood masses by age.
blood_weight Predict blood mass.
bmiage CDC BMI-for-age charts
body_surface_area Predict body surface area.
bone_mass_age Predict bone mass
brain_mass Predict brain mass.

-- C --

calc_analytic_css Calculate the analytic steady state plasma concentration.
calc_analytic_css_1comp Calculate the analytic steady state concentration for the one compartment model.
calc_analytic_css_3comp Calculate the analytic steady state concentration for model 3comp
calc_analytic_css_3compss Calculate the analytic steady state concentration for the three compartment steady-state model
calc_analytic_css_pbtk Calculate the analytic steady state plasma concentration for model pbtk.
calc_css Find the steady state concentration and the day it is reached.
calc_dow Calculate the distribution coefficient
calc_elimination_rate Calculate the elimination rate for a one compartment model
calc_fabs.oral Functions for calculating the bioavaialble fractions from oral doses
calc_fbio.oral Functions for calculating the bioavaialble fractions from oral doses
calc_fetal_phys Calculate maternal-fetal physiological parameters
calc_fgut.oral Functions for calculating the bioavaialble fractions from oral doses
calc_fup_correction Calculate the correction for lipid binding in plasma binding assay
calc_half_life Calculates the half-life for a one compartment model.
calc_hepatic_clearance Calculate the hepatic clearance (deprecated).
calc_hep_bioavailability Calculate first pass heaptic metabolism
calc_hep_clearance Calculate the hepatic clearance.
calc_hep_fu Calculate the free chemical in the hepaitic clearance assay
calc_ionization Calculate the ionization.
calc_kair Calculate air:matrix partition coefficients
calc_krbc2pu Back-calculates the Red Blood Cell to Unbound Plasma Partition Coefficient
calc_ma Calculate the membrane affinity
calc_maternal_bw Calculate maternal body weight
calc_mc_css Distribution of chemical steady state concentration with uncertainty and variability
calc_mc_oral_equiv Calculate Monte Carlo Oral Equivalent Dose
calc_mc_tk Conduct multiple TK simulations using Monte Carlo
calc_rblood2plasma Calculate the constant ratio of the blood concentration to the plasma concentration.
calc_stats Calculate toxicokinetic summary statistics (deprecated).
calc_tkstats Calculate toxicokinetic summary statistics.
calc_total_clearance Calculate the total plasma clearance.
calc_vdist Calculate the volume of distribution for a one compartment model.
CAS.checksum Test the check digit of a CAS number to confirm validity
chem.invivo.PK.aggregate.data Parameter Estimates from Wambaugh et al. (2018)
chem.invivo.PK.data Published toxicokinetic time course measurements
chem.invivo.PK.summary.data Summary of published toxicokinetic time course experiments
chem.physical_and_invitro.data Physico-chemical properties and in vitro measurements for toxicokinetics
ckd_epi_eq CKD-EPI equation for GFR.
concentration_data_Linakis2020 Concentration data involved in Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
convert_httkpop_1comp Converts HTTK-Pop physiology into parameters relevant to the one compartment model
convert_solve_x convert_solve_x
convert_units convert_units
create_mc_samples Create a table of parameter values for Monte Carlo

-- D --

Dawson2021 Dawson et al. 2021 data
dawson2021 Dawson et al. 2021 data

-- E --

EPA.ref Reference for EPA Physico-Chemical Data
estimate_gfr Predict GFR.
estimate_gfr_ped Predict GFR in children.
estimate_hematocrit Generate hematocrit values for a virtual population
example.seem SEEM Example Data We can grab SEEM daily intake rate predictions already in RData format from https://github.com/HumanExposure/SEEM3RPackage/tree/main/SEEM3/data Download the file Ring2018Preds.RData
example.toxcast ToxCast Example Data The main page for the ToxCast data is here: https://www.epa.gov/comptox-tools/exploring-toxcast-data Most useful to us is a single file containing all the hits across all chemcials and assays: https://clowder.edap-cluster.com/datasets/6364026ee4b04f6bb1409eda?space=62bb560ee4b07abf29f88fef
export_pbtk_jarnac Export model to jarnac.
export_pbtk_sbml Export model to sbml.

-- F --

fetalPCs Fetal Partition Coefficients
fetalpcs Fetal Partition Coefficients
Frank2018invivo Literature In Vivo Data on Doses Causing Neurological Effects

-- G --

gen_age_height_weight Generate demographic parameters for a virtual population
gen_height_weight Generate heights and weights for a virtual population.
gen_serum_creatinine Generate serum creatinine values for a virtual population.
get_caco2 Retrieve in vitro measured Caco-2 membrane permeabilit
get_cheminfo Retrieve chemical information available from HTTK package
get_chem_id Retrieve chemical identity from HTTK package
get_clint Retrieve and parse intrinsic hepatic clearance
get_fabsgut Retrieve or calculate fraction of chemical absorbed from the gut
get_fup Retrieve and parse fraction unbound in plasma
get_gfr_category Categorize kidney function by GFR.
get_invitroPK_param Retrieve species-specific in vitro data from chem.physical_and_invitro.data table
get_lit_cheminfo Get literature Chemical Information.
get_lit_css Get literature Css
get_lit_oral_equiv Get Literature Oral Equivalent Dose
get_physchem_param Get physico-chemical parameters from chem.physical_and_invitro.data table
get_rblood2plasma Get ratio of the blood concentration to the plasma concentration.
get_weight_class Assign weight class (underweight, normal, overweight, obese)
get_wetmore_cheminfo Get literature Chemical Information. (deprecated).
get_wetmore_css Get literature Css (deprecated).
get_wetmore_oral_equiv Get Literature Oral Equivalent Dose (deprecated).

-- H --

hct_h KDE bandwidths for residual variability in hematocrit
hematocrit_infants Predict hematocrit in infants under 1 year old.
honda.ivive Return the assumptions used in Honda et al. 2019
honda2023.data Measured Caco-2 Apical-Basal Permeability Data
honda2023.qspr Predicted Caco-2 Apical-Basal Permeabilities
howgate Howgate 2006
httk.performance Historical Performance of R Package httk
httkpop httkpop: Virtual population generator for HTTK.
httkpop_biotophys_default Convert HTTK-Pop-generated parameters to HTTK physiological parameters
httkpop_direct_resample Generate a virtual population by directly resampling the NHANES data.
httkpop_direct_resample_inner Inner loop function called by 'httkpop_direct_resample'.
httkpop_generate Generate a virtual population for PBTK
httkpop_mc httk-pop: Correlated human physiological parameter Monte Carlo
httkpop_virtual_indiv Generate a virtual population by the virtual individuals method.
hw_H KDE bandwidth for residual variability in height/weight

-- I --

in.list Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
invitro_mc Monte Carlo for in vitro toxicokinetic parameters including uncertainty and variability.
is.expocast Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.httk Convenience Boolean (yes/no) function to identify chemical membership and treatment within the httk project.
is.nhanes Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.blood.analyte Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.blood.parent Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.serum.analyte Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.serum.parent Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.urine.analyte Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.nhanes.urine.parent Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.pharma Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.tox21 Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is.toxcast Convenience Boolean (yes/no) functions to identify chemical membership in several key lists.
is_in_inclusive Checks whether a value, or all values in a vector, is within inclusive limits

-- J --

johnson Johnson 2006

-- K --

Kapraun2019 Kapraun et al. 2019 data
kapraun2019 Kapraun et al. 2019 data
kidney_mass_children Predict kidney mass for children

-- L --

liver_mass_children Predict liver mass for children
load_dawson2021 Load CLint and Fup QSPR predictions from Dawson et al. 2021.
load_honda2023 Load Caco2 QSPR predictions from Honda et al. 2023
load_pradeep2020 Load CLint and Fup QSPR predictions predictions from Pradeep et al. 2020.
load_sipes2017 Load CLint and Fup QSPR predictions from Sipes et al 2017.
lump_tissues Lump tissue parameters into model compartments
lung_mass_children Predict lung mass for children

-- M --

mcnally_dt Reference tissue masses and flows from tables in McNally et al. 2014.
mecdt Pre-processed NHANES data.
metabolism_data_Linakis2020 Metabolism data involved in Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
monte_carlo Monte Carlo for toxicokinetic model parameters

-- O --

Obach2008 Published Pharmacokinetic Parameters from Obach et al. 2008
onlyp NHANES Exposure Data

-- P --

pancreas_mass_children Predict pancreas mass for children
parameterize_1comp Parameters for a one compartment (empirical) toxicokinetic model
parameterize_3comp Parameters for a three-compartment toxicokinetic model (dynamic)
parameterize_fetal_pbtk Parameterize_fetal_PBTK
parameterize_gas_pbtk Parameters for a generic gas inhalation physiologically-based toxicokinetic model
parameterize_pbtk Parameters for a generic physiologically-based toxicokinetic model
parameterize_schmitt Parameters for Schmitt's (2008) Tissue Partition Coefficient Method
parameterize_steadystate Parameters for a three-compartment toxicokinetic model at steady-state
pc.data Partition Coefficient Data
Pearce2017Regression Pearce et al. 2017 data
pearce2017regression Pearce et al. 2017 data
pharma DRUGS|NORMAN: Pharmaceutical List with EU, Swiss, US Consumption Data
physiology.data Species-specific physiology parameters
pksim.pcs Partition Coefficients from PK-Sim
Pradeep2020 Pradeep et al. 2020
pradeep2020 Pradeep et al. 2020
predict_partitioning_schmitt Predict partition coefficients using the method from Schmitt (2008).
pregnonpregaucs AUCs for Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women
propagate_invitrouv_1comp Propagates uncertainty and variability in in vitro HTTK data into one compartment model parameters
propagate_invitrouv_3comp Propagates uncertainty and variability in in vitro HTTK data into three compartment model parameters
propagate_invitrouv_pbtk Propagates uncertainty and variability in in vitro HTTK data into PBPK model parameters

-- R --

reset_httk Reset HTTK to Default Data Tables
rfun Randomly draws from a one-dimensional KDE
rmed0non0u95 Draw random numbers with LOD median but non-zero upper 95th percentile
r_left_censored_norm Returns draws from a normal distribution with a lower censoring limit of lod (limit of detection)

-- S --

scale_dosing Scale mg/kg body weight doses according to body weight and units
scr_h KDE bandwidths for residual variability in serum creatinine
set_httk_precision set_httk_precision
Sipes2017 Sipes et al. 2017 data
sipes2017 Sipes et al. 2017 data
skeletal_muscle_mass Predict skeletal muscle mass
skeletal_muscle_mass_children Predict skeletal muscle mass for children
skin_mass_bosgra Predict skin mass
solve_1comp Solve one compartment TK model
solve_3comp Solve_3comp
solve_fetal_pbtk Solve_fetal_PBTK
solve_gas_pbtk solve_gas_pbtk
solve_model Solve_model
solve_pbtk Solve_PBTK
spleen_mass_children Predict spleen mass for children
supptab1_Linakis2020 Supplementary output from Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.
supptab2_Linakis2020 More supplementary output from Linakis 2020 vignette analysis.

-- T --

Tables.Rdata.stamp A timestamp of table creation
tissue.data Tissue composition and species-specific physiology parameters
tissue_masses_flows Given a data.table describing a virtual population by the NHANES quantities, generates HTTK physiological parameters for each individual.
tissue_scale Allometric scaling.

-- W --

wambaugh2019 in vitro Toxicokinetic Data from Wambaugh et al. (2019)
wambaugh2019.nhanes NHANES Chemical Intake Rates for chemicals in Wambaugh et al. (2019)
wambaugh2019.raw Raw Bayesian in vitro Toxicokinetic Data Analysis from Wambaugh et al. (2019)
wambaugh2019.seem3 ExpoCast SEEM3 Consensus Exposure Model Predictions for Chemical Intake Rates
wambaugh2019.tox21 Tox21 2015 Active Hit Calls (EPA)
Wang2018 Wang et al. 2018 Wang et al. (2018) screened the blood of 75 pregnant women for the presence of environmental organic acids (EOAs) and identified mass spectral features corresponding to 453 chemical formulae of which 48 could be mapped to likely structures. Of the 48 with tentative structures the identity of six were confirmed with available chemical standards.
wang2018 Wang et al. 2018 Wang et al. (2018) screened the blood of 75 pregnant women for the presence of environmental organic acids (EOAs) and identified mass spectral features corresponding to 453 chemical formulae of which 48 could be mapped to likely structures. Of the 48 with tentative structures the identity of six were confirmed with available chemical standards.
well_param Microtiter Plate Well Descriptions for Armitage et al. (2014) Model
Wetmore2012 Published toxicokinetic predictions based on in vitro data from Wetmore et al. 2012.
wfl WHO weight-for-length charts