httk.performance {httk}R Documentation

Historical Performance of R Package httk


This table records the historical performance and other metrics of the R package "httk" as profiled with the function benchmark_httk. There is a row for each version and a column for each benchmark or metric. This table is used to generate graphs comparing the current version to past performance in order to help identify unintended degradtion of package capabilities.




An object of class data.frame with 23 rows and 18 columns.


Column Name Description
Version The release of httk (major.minor.patch)
N.steadystate The number of chemicals for which Css can be predicted for the steady-state model
calc_analytic.units The ratio of the output of calc_analytic_css in mg/L to uM multiplied by 1000/MW (should be 1)
calc_mc.units The ratio of the output of calc_mc_css in mg/L to uM multiplied by 1000/MW (should be 1)
solve_pbtk.units The ratio of a Cplasma value from solve_pbtk in mg/L to uM multiplied by 1000/MW (should be 1)
RMSLE.Wetmore Root mean squared log10 error between Css predictions from httk and published values from Wetmore papers (both 95th percentile)
N.Wetmore Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
RMSLE.noMC RMSLE between 95th percentile Css prediction and median prediction
N.noMC Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
RMSLE.InVivoCss RMSLE for predictions of in vivo measured Css
N.InVivoCss Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
RMSLE.InVivoAUC RMSLE for predictions of in vivo measured AUCs
N.InVivoAUC Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
RMSLE.InVivoCmax RMSLE for predictions of in vivo measured Cmax
N.InVivoCmax Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
RMSLE.TissuePC RMSLE for predicted tissue:plasma partition coefficients
N.TissuePC Number of chemicals used in RMSLE evaluation
Notes Why benchmarks/metrics may have changed


Davidson-Fritz SE, Evans MV, Chang X, Breen M, Honda GS, Kenyon E, Linakis MW, Meade A, Pearce RG, Purucker T, Ring CL, Sfeir MA, Setzer RW, Sluka JP, Vitense K, Devito MJ, Wambaugh JF (2023). “Transparent and Evaluated Toxicokinetic Models for Bioinformatics and Public Health Risk Assessment.” Unpublished.

See Also


[Package httk version 2.3.1 Index]