is_in_inclusive {httk}R Documentation

Checks whether a value, or all values in a vector, is within inclusive limits


Checks whether a value, or all values in a vector, is within inclusive limits


is_in_inclusive(x, lims)



A numeric value, or vector of values.


A two-element vector of (min, max) values for the inclusive limits. If x is a vector, lims may also be a two-column matrix with nrow=length(x) where the first column is lower limits and the second column is upper limits. If x is a vector and lims is a two-element vector, then each element of x will be checked against the same limits. If x is a vector and lims is a matrix, then each element of x will be checked against the limits given by the corresponding row of lims.


A logical vector the same length as x, indicating whether each element of x is within the inclusive limits given by lims.


Caroline Ring


Ring CL, Pearce RG, Setzer RW, Wetmore BA, Wambaugh JF (2017). “Identifying populations sensitive to environmental chemicals by simulating toxicokinetic variability.” Environment International, 106, 105–118.

[Package httk version 2.3.1 Index]