hct_h {httk}R Documentation

KDE bandwidths for residual variability in hematocrit


Bandwidths used for a one-dimensional kernel density estimation of the distribution of residual errors around smoothing spline fits of hematocrit vs. age for NHANES respondents in each of ten combinations of sex and race/ethnicity categories.




A named list with 10 elements, each a numeric value. Each list element corresponds to, and is named for, one combination of NHANES sex categories (Male and Female) and NHANES race/ethnicity categories (Mexican American, Other Hispanic, Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, and Other).


Each matrix is the standard deviation for a normal distribution: this is the bandwidth to be used for a kernel density estimation (KDE) (using a normal kernel) of the distribution of residual errors around smoothing spline fits of hematocrit vs. age for NHANES respondents in the specified sex and race/ethnicity category. Optimal bandwidths were pre-calculated by doing the smoothing spline fits, getting the residuals, then calling kde on the residuals (which calls hpi to compute the plug-in bandwidth).

Used by HTTK-Pop only in "virtual individuals" mode (i.e. httkpop_generate with method = "v"), in estimate_hematocrit.


Caroline Ring


Ring CL, Pearce RG, Setzer RW, Wetmore BA, Wambaugh JF (2017). “Identifying populations sensitive to environmental chemicals by simulating toxicokinetic variability.” Environment International, 106, 105–118.

[Package httk version 2.3.1 Index]