AddW | The Additive Weibull family |
BGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated family |
CS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential family |
dAddW | The Additive Weibull distribution |
dBGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution |
dCS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential distribution |
dEEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric distribution |
dEGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma distribution |
dEMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution |
dEOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi |
dEW | The Exponentiated Weibull distribution |
dExW | The Extended Weibull distribution |
dFWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension distribution |
dGammaW | The Gamma Weibull distribution |
dGGD | The Generalized Gompertz distribution |
dGIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution |
dGMW | The Generalized modified Weibull distribution |
dIW | The Inverse Weibull distribution |
dKumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution |
dLIN | Lindley distribution |
dLW | The Log-Weibull distribution |
dMOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution |
dMOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution |
dMOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution |
dMW | The Modified Weibull distribution |
dOW | The Odd Weibull Distribution |
dPL | The Power Lindley distribution |
dQXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution |
dRW | The Reflected Weibull distribution |
dSZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution |
dWG | The Weibull Geometric distribution |
dWGEE | The Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution |
dWP | The Weibull Poisson distribution |
EEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric family |
EGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma family |
EMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension family |
EOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarjad-Hanhighi family |
equipment | Electronic equipment data |
EW | The Exponentiated Weibull family |
ExW | The Extended Weibull family |
FWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension family |
GammaW | The Gamma Weibull family |
GGD | The Generalized Gompertz family |
GIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull family |
GMW | The Generalized Modified Weibull family |
hAddW | The Additive Weibull distribution |
hBGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution |
hCS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential distribution |
hEEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric distribution |
hEGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma distribution |
hEMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution |
hEOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi |
hEW | The Exponentiated Weibull distribution |
hExW | The Extended Weibull distribution |
hFWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension distribution |
hGammaW | The Gamma Weibull distribution |
hGGD | The Generalized Gompertz distribution |
hGIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution |
hGMW | The Generalized modified Weibull distribution |
hIW | The Inverse Weibull distribution |
hKumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution |
hLIN | Lindley distribution |
hLW | The Log-Weibull distribution |
hMOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution |
hMOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution |
hMOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution |
hMW | The Modified Weibull distribution |
hOW | The Odd Weibull Distribution |
hPL | The Power Lindley distribution |
hQXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution |
hRW | The Reflected Weibull distribution |
hSZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution |
hWG | The Weibull Geometric distribution |
hWGEE | The Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution |
hWP | The Weibull Poisson distribution |
initValuesOW | Initial values and search region for Odd Weibull distribution |
IW | The Inverse Weibull family |
KumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull family |
LIN | The Lindley family |
LW | The Log-Weibull family |
mice | Mice mortality data |
MOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull family |
MOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull family |
MOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa family |
MW | The Modified Weibull family |
myOW_region | Custimized region search for odd Weibull distribution |
OW | The Odd Weibull family |
pAddW | The Additive Weibull distribution |
param.startOW | Initial values extraction for Odd Weibull distribution |
pBGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution |
pCS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential distribution |
pEEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric distribution |
pEGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma distribution |
pEMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution |
pEOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi |
pEW | The Exponentiated Weibull distribution |
pExW | The Extended Weibull distribution |
pFWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension distribution |
pGammaW | The Gamma Weibull distribution |
pGGD | The Generalized Gompertz distribution |
pGIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution |
pGMW | The Generalized modified Weibull distribution |
pIW | The Inverse Weibull distribution |
pKumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution |
PL | The Power Lindley family |
pLIN | Lindley distribution |
pLW | The Log-Weibull distribution |
pMOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution |
pMOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution |
pMOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution |
pMW | The Modified Weibull distribution |
pOW | The Odd Weibull Distribution |
pPL | The Power Lindley distribution |
pQXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution |
pRW | The Reflected Weibull distribution |
pSZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution |
pWG | The Weibull Geometric distribution |
pWGEE | The Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution |
pWP | The Weibull Poisson distribution |
qAddW | The Additive Weibull distribution |
qBGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution |
qCS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential distribution |
qEEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric distribution |
qEGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma distribution |
qEMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution |
qEOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi |
qEW | The Exponentiated Weibull distribution |
qExW | The Extended Weibull distribution |
qFWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension distribution |
qGammaW | The Gamma Weibull distribution |
qGGD | The Generalized Gompertz distribution |
qGIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution |
qGMW | The Generalized modified Weibull distribution |
qIW | The Inverse Weibull distribution |
qKumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution |
qLIN | Lindley distribution |
qLW | The Log-Weibull distribution |
qMOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution |
qMOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution |
qMOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution |
qMW | The Modified Weibull distribution |
qOW | The Odd Weibull Distribution |
qPL | The Power Lindley distribution |
qQXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution |
qRW | The Reflected Weibull distribution |
qSZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution |
qWG | The Weibull Geometric distribution |
qWGEE | The Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution |
qWP | The Weibull Poisson distribution |
QXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson family |
rAddW | The Additive Weibull distribution |
rBGE | The Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution |
rCS2e | The Cosine Sine Exponential distribution |
rEEG | The Extended Exponential Geometric distribution |
rEGG | The four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma distribution |
rEMWEx | The Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution |
rEOFNH | The Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi |
rEW | The Exponentiated Weibull distribution |
rExW | The Extended Weibull distribution |
rFWE | The Flexible Weibull Extension distribution |
rGammaW | The Gamma Weibull distribution |
rGGD | The Generalized Gompertz distribution |
rGIW | The Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution |
rGMW | The Generalized modified Weibull distribution |
rIW | The Inverse Weibull distribution |
rKumIW | The Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution |
rLIN | Lindley distribution |
rLW | The Log-Weibull distribution |
rMOEIW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution |
rMOEW | The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution |
rMOK | The Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution |
rMW | The Modified Weibull distribution |
rOW | The Odd Weibull Distribution |
rPL | The Power Lindley distribution |
rQXGP | The Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution |
rRW | The Reflected Weibull distribution |
rSZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution |
RW | The Reflected Weibull family |
rWG | The Weibull Geometric distribution |
rWGEE | The Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution |
rWP | The Weibull Poisson distribution |
summary.initValOW | Summary of 'initValOW' objects |
SZMW | The Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull family |
WG | The Weibull Geometric family |
WGEE | The Weigted Generalized Exponential-Exponential family |
WP | The Weibull Poisson family |