dLIN {RelDists}R Documentation

Lindley distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function, random generation and hazard function for the Lindley distribution with parameter mu.


dLIN(x, mu, log = FALSE)

pLIN(q, mu, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

qLIN(p, mu, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

rLIN(n, mu)

hLIN(x, mu, log = FALSE)


x, q

vector of quantiles.



log, log.p

logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x].


vector of probabilities.


number of observations.


Lindley Distribution with parameter mu has density given by

f(x)=μ2μ+1(1+x)exp(μx),f(x) = \frac{\mu^2}{\mu+1} (1+x) \exp(-\mu x),

for x > 0 and μ>0\mu > 0. These function were taken form LindleyR package.


dLIN gives the density, pLIN gives the distribution function, qLIN gives the quantile function, rLIN generates random deviates and hLIN gives the hazard function.


Freddy Hernandez, fhernanb@unal.edu.co


Lindley DV (1958). “Fiducial distributions and Bayes' theorem.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 102–107.

Lindley DV (1965). Introduction to probability and statistics: from a Bayesian viewpoint. 2. Inference. CUP Archive.


old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) # save previous graphical parameters

## The probability density function
curve(dLIN(x, mu=1.5), from=0.0001, to=10,
      col="red", las=1, ylab="f(x)")

## The cumulative distribution and the Reliability function
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
curve(pLIN(x, mu=2), from=0.0001, to=10, col="red", las=1, ylab="F(x)")
curve(pLIN(x, mu=2, lower.tail=FALSE), from=0.0001, 
      to=10, col="red", las=1, ylab="R(x)")

## The quantile function
p <- seq(from=0, to=0.99999, length.out=100)
plot(x=qLIN(p, mu=2), y=p, xlab="Quantile", las=1, ylab="Probability")
curve(pLIN(x, mu=2), from=0, add=TRUE, col="red")

## The random function
hist(rLIN(n=10000, mu=2), freq=FALSE, xlab="x", las=1, main="")
curve(dLIN(x, mu=2), from=0.09, to=5, add=TRUE, col="red")

## The Hazard function
curve(hLIN(x, mu=2), from=0.001, to=10, col="red", ylab="Hazard function", las=1)

par(old_par) # restore previous graphical parameters

[Package RelDists version 1.0.0 Index]