fdasrvf-package |
Elastic Functional Data Analysis |
align_fPCA |
Group-wise function alignment and PCA Extractions |
beta |
MPEG7 Curve Dataset |
bootTB |
Tolerance Bound Calculation using Bootstrap Sampling |
boxplot.ampbox |
Functional Boxplot |
boxplot.curvebox |
Functional Boxplot |
boxplot.fdawarp |
Functional Boxplot |
boxplot.phbox |
Functional Boxplot |
calc_shape_dist |
Elastic Shape Distance |
curve2srvf |
Converts a curve to its SRVF representation |
curve_boxplot |
Curve Boxplot |
curve_depth |
Calculates elastic depth for a set of curves |
curve_dist |
Distance Matrix Computation |
curve_geodesic |
Form geodesic between two curves |
curve_karcher_cov |
Curve Karcher Covariance |
curve_karcher_mean |
Karcher Mean of Curves |
curve_pair_align |
Pairwise align two curves |
curve_principal_directions |
Curve PCA |
curve_srvf_align |
Align Curves |
curve_to_q |
Curve to SRVF Space |
discrete2curve |
Converts a curve from matrix to functional data object |
discrete2warping |
Converts a warping function from vector to functional data object |
elastic.depth |
Calculates elastic depth |
elastic.distance |
Calculates two elastic distance |
elastic.logistic |
Elastic Logistic Regression |
elastic.lpcr.regression |
Elastic logistic Principal Component Regression |
elastic.mlogistic |
Elastic Multinomial Logistic Regression |
elastic.mlpcr.regression |
Elastic Multinomial logistic Principal Component Regression |
elastic.pcr.regression |
Elastic Linear Principal Component Regression |
elastic.prediction |
Elastic Prediction from Regression Models |
elastic.regression |
Elastic Linear Regression |
elastic_amp_change_ff |
Elastic Amplitude Changepoint Detection |
elastic_change_fpca |
Elastic Changepoint Detection |
elastic_ph_change_ff |
Elastic Phase Changepoint Detection |
fdasrvf |
Elastic Functional Data Analysis |
function_group_warp_bayes |
Bayesian Group Warping |
function_mean_bayes |
Bayesian Karcher Mean Calculation |
f_plot |
Plot functional data |
f_to_srvf |
Transformation to SRVF Space |
gam_to_v |
map warping function to tangent space at identity |
gauss_model |
Gaussian model of functional data |
get_distance_matrix |
Computes the distance matrix between a set of shapes. |
get_hilbert_sphere_distance |
Computes the geodesic distance between two SRVFs on the Hilbert sphere |
get_identity_warping |
Computes the identity warping function |
get_l2_distance |
Computes the L^2 distance between two SRVFs |
get_l2_inner_product |
Computes the L^2 inner product between two SRVFs |
get_shape_distance |
Computes the distance between two shapes |
get_warping_distance |
Computes the distance between two warping functions |
gradient |
Gradient using finite differences |
growth_vel |
Berkeley Growth Velocity Dataset |
horizFPCA |
Horizontal Functional Principal Component Analysis |
im |
Example Image Data set |
invertGamma |
Invert Warping Function |
inv_exp_map |
map square root of warping function to tangent space |
jointFPCA |
Joint Vertical and Horizontal Functional Principal Component Analysis |
joint_gauss_model |
Gaussian model of functional data using joint Model |
kmeans_align |
K-Means Clustering and Alignment |
LongRunCovMatrix |
Long Run Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multivariate Time Series |
multiple_align_functions |
Group-wise function alignment to specified mean |
multivariate_karcher_mean |
Karcher Mean of Multivariate Functional Data |
optimum.reparam |
Align two functions |
outlier.detection |
Outlier Detection |
pair_align_functions |
Align two functions |
pair_align_functions_bayes |
Align two functions |
pair_align_functions_expomap |
Align two functions using geometric properties of warping functions |
pair_align_image |
Pairwise align two images This function aligns to images using the q-map framework |
pcaTB |
Tolerance Bound Calculation using Elastic Functional PCA |
plot_curve |
Plot Curve |
predict.hfpca |
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA |
predict.jfpca |
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA |
predict.lpcr |
Elastic Prediction for functional logistic PCR Model |
predict.mlpcr |
Elastic Prediction for functional multinomial logistic PCR Model |
predict.pcr |
Elastic Prediction for functional PCR Model |
predict.vfpca |
Elastic Prediction for functional PCA |
q_to_curve |
Convert to curve space |
reparam_curve |
Align two curves |
reparam_image |
Find optimum reparameterization between two images |
resamplecurve |
Resample Curve |
rgam |
Random Warping |
sample_shapes |
Sample shapes from model |
shape_CI |
Shape Confidence Interval Calculation using Bootstrap Sampling |
simu_data |
Simulated two Gaussian Dataset |
simu_warp |
Aligned Simulated two Gaussian Dataset |
simu_warp_median |
Aligned Simulated two Gaussian Dataset using Median |
smooth.data |
Smooth Functions |
SqrtMean |
SRVF transform of warping functions |
SqrtMeanInverse |
SRVF transform of warping functions |
SqrtMedian |
SRVF transform of warping functions |
srvf2curve |
Converts from SRVF to curve representation |
srvf_to_f |
Transformation from SRSF Space |
time_warping |
Alignment of univariate functional data |
toy_data |
Distributed Gaussian Peak Dataset |
toy_warp |
Aligned Distributed Gaussian Peak Dataset |
to_hilbert_sphere |
Projects an SRVF onto the Hilbert sphere |
vertFPCA |
Vertical Functional Principal Component Analysis |
v_to_gam |
map shooting vector to warping function at identity |
warp_curve |
Applies a warping function to a given curve |
warp_f_gamma |
Warp Function |
warp_q_gamma |
Warp SRSF |
warp_srvf |
Applies a warping function to a given SRVF |