bayesmeta-package |
Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression |
BaetenEtAl2013 |
Ankylosing spondylitis example data |
bayesmeta |
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis |
bayesmeta.default |
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis |
bayesmeta.escalc |
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis |
bmr |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
bmr.default |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
bmr.escalc |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
BucherEtAl1997 |
Direct and indirect comparison example data |
Cochran1954 |
Fly counts example data |
convolve |
Convolution of two probability distributions |
CrinsEtAl2014 |
Pediatric liver transplant example data |
dhalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
dhalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
dhalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
dhalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
dinvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
dlomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
drayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
ehalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
ehalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
ehalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
ehalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
einvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
elomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
erayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
ess |
Effective sample size (ESS) |
ess.bayesmeta |
Effective sample size (ESS) |
forest.bayesmeta |
Generate a forest plot for a 'bayesmeta' object (based on the 'metafor' package's plotting functions). |
forestplot.bayesmeta |
Generate a forest plot for a 'bayesmeta' object (based on the 'forestplot' package's plotting functions). |
forestplot.bmr |
Generate a forest plot for a 'bmr' object (based on the 'forestplot' package's plotting functions). |
forestplot.escalc |
Generate a forest plot for an 'escalc' object (based on the 'forestplot' package's plotting functions). |
funnel.bayesmeta |
Generate a funnel plot for a 'bayesmeta' object. |
GoralczykEtAl2011 |
Liver transplant example data |
HinksEtAl2010 |
JIA example data |
KarnerEtAl2014 |
COPD example data |
kldiv |
Kullback-Leibler divergence of two multivariate normal distributions. |
NicholasEtAl2019 |
Multiple sclerosis disability progression example data |
normalmixture |
Compute normal mixtures |
pairs.bmr |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
Peto1980 |
Aspirin after myocardial infarction example data |
phalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
phalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
phalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
phalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
pinvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
plomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
plot.bayesmeta |
Generate summary plots for a 'bayesmeta' object. |
plot.bmr |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
pppvalue |
Posterior predictive p-values |
prayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
print.bayesmeta |
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis |
print.bmr |
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression |
print.summary.bmr |
Summarizing a 'bmr' object). |
qhalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
qhalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
qhalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
qhalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
qinvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
qlomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
qrayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
rhalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
rhalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
rhalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
rhalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
RhodesEtAlParameters |
Heterogeneity priors for continuous outcomes (standardized mean differences) as proposed by Rhodes et al. (2015). |
RhodesEtAlPrior |
Heterogeneity priors for continuous outcomes (standardized mean differences) as proposed by Rhodes et al. (2015). |
rinvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
rlomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
RobergeEtAl2017 |
Aspirin during pregnancy example data |
rrayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
Rubin1981 |
8-schools example data |
SchmidliEtAl2017 |
Historical variance example data |
SidikJonkman2007 |
Postoperative complication odds example data |
SnedecorCochran |
Artificial insemination of cows example data |
summary.bayesmeta |
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis |
summary.bmr |
Summarizing a 'bmr' object). |
traceplot |
Illustrate conditional means of study-specific estimates as well as overall mean (or other linear combinations) as a function of heterogeneity. |
traceplot.bayesmeta |
Illustrate conditional means of study-specific estimates as well as overall mean (or other linear combinations) as a function of heterogeneity. |
traceplot.bmr |
Illustrate conditional means of study-specific estimates as well as overall mean (or other linear combinations) as a function of heterogeneity. |
traceplot.default |
Illustrate conditional means of study-specific estimates as well as overall mean (or other linear combinations) as a function of heterogeneity. |
TurnerEtAlParameters |
(Log-Normal) heterogeneity priors for binary outcomes as proposed by Turner et al. (2015). |
TurnerEtAlPrior |
(Log-Normal) heterogeneity priors for binary outcomes as proposed by Turner et al. (2015). |
uisd |
Unit information standard deviation |
uisd.default |
Unit information standard deviation |
uisd.escalc |
Unit information standard deviation |
vhalfcauchy |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
vhalflogistic |
Half-logistic distribution. |
vhalfnormal |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
vhalft |
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions. |
vinvchi |
Inverse-Chi distribution. |
vlomax |
The Lomax distribution. |
vrayleigh |
The Rayleigh distribution. |
weightsplot |
Illustrate the posterior mean weights for a 'bayesmeta' object. |
weightsplot.bayesmeta |
Illustrate the posterior mean weights for a 'bayesmeta' object. |
weightsplot.default |
Illustrate the posterior mean weights for a 'bayesmeta' object. |