KarnerEtAl2014 {bayesmeta}R Documentation

COPD example data


Data on several endpoints from a systematic review in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).




The data frame contains the following columns:

study character publication identifier (first author and publication year)
year numeric publication year
duration factor study duration (<1<1 year vs. 1\geq 1 year)
inhaler factor type of inhaler investigated (“dry powder” or “soft mist”)
baseline.age numeric mean age at baseline
baseline.males numeric proportion of males among study participants
baseline.fev1 numeric mean FEV1 at baseline (L)
baseline.fev1pp numeric mean FEV1 (percent of predicted) at baseline
baseline.pyr numeric mean number of pack-years (smoking history)
tiotropium.total numeric total number of patients in the treatment group
tiotropium.exa numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 exacerbation in the treatment group
tiotropium.sexa numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 severe exacerbation in the treatment group
tiotropium.hospi numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 hospitalisation (all-cause) in the treatment group
tiotropium.deaths numeric number of deaths in the treatment group
tiotropium.sae numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 serious adverse event (non-fatal) in the treatment group
tiotropium.dropout numeric number of withdrawals in the treatment group
placebo.total numeric total number of patients in the control group
placebo.exa numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 exacerbation in the control group
placebo.sexa numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 severe exacerbation in the control group
placebo.hospi numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 hospitalisation (all-cause) in the control group
placebo.deaths numeric number of deaths in the control group
placebo.sae numeric number of patients with 1\geq 1 serious adverse event (non-fatal) in the control group
placebo.dropout numeric number of withdrawals in the control group
sgrq.md, sgrq.se numeric mean difference and associated standard error for St. George's respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ) total score
fev1.md, fev1.se numeric mean difference and associated standard error for forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1, mL)


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic and progressive condition characterized by recurrent exacerbation phases. Various treatment options are available, aimed at both providing relief during an acute exacerbation, and at delaying overall disease progression. A common drug used in the management of COPD is tiotropium, a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), which is administered via an inhaler device.

Karner et al. (2014) conducted a systematic review in order to evaluate the evidence on the effects of tiotropium in comparison to placebo. 22 placebo-controlled studies were found, and a range of endpoints and subgroups were considered. The data reproduced here relate to analyses 1.1, 1.9, 1.14, 1.15, 1.19, 1.26, 1.27 and 1.28 in the original investigation. A number of study-level covariables are also provided.


C. Karner, J. Chong, P. Poole. Tiotropium versus placebo for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 7:CD009285, 2014. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009285.pub3.


## Not run: 
# compute effect sizes (log odds ratios) from exacerbation count data
# (using the "metafor" package's "escalc()" function):
karner.exa <- escalc(measure="OR",
                     ai=tiotropium.exa, n1i=tiotropium.total,
                     ci=placebo.exa,    n2i=placebo.total,
                     slab=study, data=KarnerEtAl2014)
# show forest plot:
forestplot(karner.exa, title="exacerbation",
           exponentiate=TRUE, xlog=TRUE,
           xlab="odds ratio")

# derive St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) effect sizes:
karner.sgrq <- escalc(measure="MD",
                      yi=sgrq.md, sei=sgrq.se,
                      slab=study, data=KarnerEtAl2014,
# show forest plot:
forestplot(karner.sgrq, title="SGRQ",
           xlab="mean difference")

## End(Not run)

[Package bayesmeta version 3.4 Index]