Panomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysis for Panomics Data

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Documentation for package ‘pmartR’ version 2.4.4

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A B C D E F G I L M N P Q R S T V Z misc

-- A --

all_subset Identify All Biomolecules for Use in Normalization
anova_filter Identifies biomolecules to be filtered in preparation for IMD-ANOVA.
anova_test Tests for a quantiative difference between groups (aka factors, aka main effects)
applyFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.customFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.cvFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.imdanovaFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.moleculeFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.proteomicsFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.rmdFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.RNAFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
applyFilt.totalCountFilt Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
as.isobaricpepData Create pmartR Object of Class isobaricpepData
as.lipidData Create pmartR Object of Class lipidData
as.metabData Create pmartR Object of Class metabData
as.multiData Create a 'multiData' object from multiple omicsData objects
as.nmrData Create pmartR Object of Class nmrData
as.pepData Create pmartR Object of Class pepData
as.proData Create pmartR Object of Class proData
as.seqData Create pmartR Object of Class seqData
as.trelliData Generate an object from omicsData and/or statRes objects to pass to trelliscope building functions
as.trelliData.edata Generate an object from edata to pass to trelliscope building functions

-- B --

bpquant Runs BP-Quant
bpquant_mod bpquant_mod function

-- C --

combine_lipidData Combines two omicsData objects with identical sample information.
combine_techreps Combine technical replicates of an omicsData object
complete_mols Identify biomolecules with no missing values across samples
cor_result Compute Correlation matrix of biomolecule data
create_comparisonDF Returns data frame with comparisons to be made
custom_filter Custom Filter Object
custom_sampnames Creates custom sample names to be used in plots
cv_filter Pooled Coefficient of Variation (CV) Filter Object

-- D --

DESeq2_wrapper Wrapper for DESeq2 workflow
diffexp_seq Differential Expression for seqData
dim_reduction Reduce Dimension of Data for Exploratory Data Analysis
dispersion_est Diagnostic plot for seqData

-- E --

edata_replace Replace Values Equal to x with y
edata_summary Creates a list of six Data Frames, one for each summarizing metric
edata_transform Apply a Transformation to the Data
edgeR_wrapper Wrapper for edgeR workflow

-- F --

fit_surv Basic survival analysis function

-- G --

get_check_names *DEPRECATED*: Fetch the check.names attribute
get_comparisons Return comparisons of statRes object
get_data_class Return data_class of statRes or trelliData object
get_data_info Fetch the data_info attribute
get_data_norm Fetch the normalization status of the data
get_data_scale Fetch the current data scale
get_data_scale_orig Fetch the original data scale
get_edata_cname Fetch the e_data column name
get_emeta_cname Fetch the e_meta column name
get_fdata_cname Fetch the f_data column name
get_filters Fetch the filters attribute
get_filter_type Extracts the types of filters that have been applied. This function will be used at the beginning of the applyFilt function to give a warning if the same type of filter has already been applied.
get_group_DF Fetch the group_DF attribute
get_group_formula Get formula for group design
get_group_table Get group table
get_isobaric_info Fetch the isobaric_info attribute
get_isobaric_norm Fetch the isobaric normalization info
get_lsmeans Compute the least squares means from a prediction grid and estimated coefficients
get_meta_info Fetch the meta_info attribute
get_nmr_info Fetch the nmr_info attribute
get_nmr_norm Fetch the NMR normalization info
get_pred_grid Build the prediction grid to compute least squares means.
get_spans_params Gets the parameters for the highest ranked methods from spans.
group_comparison_anova Group comparisons for the anova test
group_comparison_imd Group comparisons for the g-test
group_designation Creates Attribute of omicsData Object for Group Membership
gtest_filter Identifies peptides to be filtered out in preparation for IMD-ANOVA.

-- I --

imdanova_filter IMD-ANOVA Filter Object
imd_anova Test for a qualitative and quantitative difference between groups using IMD and ANOVA, respectively
imd_test Tests for the independence of missing data across groups (aka factors, aka main effects)

-- L --

los Identify Biomolecules from the Top L Order Statistics for Use in Normalization

-- M --

mad_transform Median Absolute Deviation Transformation
mean_center Mean Center Transformation
median_center Median Center Transformation
missingval_result Creates an object of class naRes (NA Result)
molecule_filter Molecule Filter Object

-- N --

nonmissing_per_group Computes the Number of Non-Missing Data Points by Group
normalize_global Calculate Normalization Parameters and Apply Global Normalization
normalize_global_basic Normalize e_data within SPANS
normalize_isobaric Examine and Apply Isobaric Normalization
normalize_loess Loess Normalization
normalize_nmr Normalize an Object of Class nmrData
normalize_quantile Quantile Normalization
normRes_tests Test the location and scale parameters from a normalization procedure

-- P --

plot.corRes Plot corRes Object
plot.customFilt Plot customFilt Object
plot.cvFilt Plot cvFilt Object
plot.dataRes Plot dataRes object
plot.dimRes Plot dimRes Object
plot.imdanovaFilt Plot imdanovaFilt Object
plot.isobaricnormRes Plot isobaricnormRes object
plot.isobaricpepData Plot isobaricpepData Object
plot.lipidData Plot lipidData Object
plot.metabData Plot metabData Object
plot.moleculeFilt Plot moleculeFilt Object
plot.naRes Plot naRes Object
plot.nmrData Plot nmrData Object
plot.nmrnormRes Plot nmrnormRes Object
plot.normRes Plot normRes Object
plot.pepData Plot pepData Object
plot.proData Plot proData Object
plot.proteomicsFilt Plot proteomicsFilt Object
plot.rmdFilt Plot rmdFilt Object
plot.RNAFilt Plot RNAFilt Object
plot.seqData Plot seqData Object
plot.SPANSRes Plot SPANSRes Object
plot.statRes Plot statRes Object
plot.totalCountFilt Plot totalCountFilt Object
plot_km Basic survival analysis plot
pmartR Panomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysis for Panomics Data
pmartR_filter_worker Remove items that need to be filtered out
ppp Identify Biomolecules from the Proportion Present (PPP) for Use in Normalization
ppp_rip Identify Proportion of Peptides Present (PPP) and Rank Invariant Peptides (RIP) for Use in Normalization
pquant Protein Quantitation using Mean or Median Peptide Abundances
prep_flags Extract flag columns from a statRes object
pre_imdanova_melt Create a Melted and Grouped Version of e_data for IMD_ANOVA filter
print.customFilt print.customFilt
print.customFilterSummary Custom Filter Print Method
print.cvFilt print.cvFilt
print.cvFilterSummary CV Filter Print Method
print.dataRes print.dataRes
print.imdanovaFilt print.imdanovaFilt
print.imdanovaFilterSummary IMD-ANOVA Filter Print Method
print.lipidData print.lipidData
print.metabData print.metabData
print.moleculeFilt print.moleculeFilt
print.moleculeFilterSummary Molecule Filter Print Method
print.normRes print.normRes
print.pepData print.pepData
print.proData print.proData
print.proteomicsFilt print.proteomicsFilt
print.proteomicsFilterSummary Proteomics Filter Print Method
print.rmdFilt print.rmdFilt
print.rmdFilterSummary RMD Filter Print Method
print.RNAFilt print.RNAFilt
print.RNAFiltSummary RNA Filter Print Method
print.seqData print.seqData
print.totalCountFilt print.totalCountFilt
print.totalCountFiltSummary Total Count Filter Print Method
protein_quant Protein Quantification
proteomics_filter Proteomics Filter Object
p_adjustment_anova Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons

-- Q --

qrollup Applies qrollup function

-- R --

replace_nas Replace NA with 0
replace_zeros Replace 0 with NA
report_dataRes Creates a data frame displaying multiple metrics
rip Identify Rank-Invariant Biomolcules for Use in Normalization
rmd_conversion Conversion between log2(RMD) and p-value
rmd_filter Robust Mahalanobis Distance (RMD) Filter Object
RNA_filter RNA Filter Object
rrollup Applies rrollup function
run_group_meancor Calculate the Mean Correlation of a Sample with Respect to Group
run_kurtosis Calculate the Kurtosis of Sample Runs
run_mad Calculate the Median Absolute Deviance (MAD) of Sample Runs
run_prop_missing Calculate the Fraction of Missing Data of Sample Runs
run_skewness Calculate the Skewness of Sample Runs

-- S --

set_check_names *DEPRECATED*: Set check.names attribute of omicsData object
spans_make_distribution Creates the list of median p-values used to make the background distribution used to compute the SPANS score in step 2.
spans_procedure Calculate SPANS Score for a Number of Normalization Methods
statRes-class Summary of statRes Object
statRes_output Function to take raw output of 'imd_anova' and create output for 'statRes' object
summary-isobaricnormRes Summary for isobaricnormRes Object
summary-nmrnormRes Summary of nmrnormRes Object
summary-omicsData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary-pmartR-results Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions
summary-trelliData Summarizes potential plotting options for a trelliData object
summary.corRes Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions
summary.customFilt Custom Filter Summary
summary.cvFilt Coefficient of Variation (CV) Filter Summary
summary.dimRes Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions
summary.imdanovaFilt IMD-ANOVA Filter Summary
summary.isobaricnormRes Summary for isobaricnormRes Object
summary.lipidData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.metabData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.moleculeFilt Molecule Filter Summary
summary.nmrData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.nmrnormRes Summary of nmrnormRes Object
summary.normRes Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions
summary.pepData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.proData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.proteomicsFilt Proteomics Filter Summary
summary.rmdFilt RMD Filter Summary
summary.RNAFilt RNA Filter Summary
summary.seqData Produce a basic summary of a pmartR omicsData S3 Object
summary.SPANSRes Summary of pmartR Analysis Functions
summary.totalCountFilt Total Count Filter Summary
summary.trelliData Summarizes potential plotting options for a trelliData object
summary_km Basic survival analysis summary
surv_designation Create a "surv_DF" attribute so that survival analysis can be implemented.

-- T --

take_diff Compute pairwise differences
total_count_filter Total Count Filter Object
trelli_abundance_boxplot Boxplot trelliscope building function for abundance data
trelli_abundance_heatmap Heatmap trelliscope building function for abundance data
trelli_abundance_histogram Histogram trelliscope building function for abundance data
trelli_foldchange_bar Bar chart trelliscope building function for fold_change
trelli_foldchange_boxplot Boxplot trelliscope building function for fold_changes
trelli_foldchange_heatmap Heatmap trelliscope building function for fold_change
trelli_foldchange_volcano Volcano trelliscope building function for fold_change
trelli_missingness_bar Bar chart trelliscope building function for missing data
trelli_panel_by Set the "panel_by" variable for a trelliData object
trelli_precheck Performs initial checks for trelliData objects
trelli_pvalue_filter Filter a paneled trelliData object by a p-value
trelli_rnaseq_boxplot Boxplot trelliscope building function for RNA-seq data
trelli_rnaseq_heatmap Heatmap trelliscope building function for RNA-seq data
trelli_rnaseq_histogram Histogram trelliscope building function for RNA-Seq data
trelli_rnaseq_nonzero_bar Bar chart trelliscope building function for Non-Zero counts in RNA-seq data

-- V --

vector_replace Replace x with y for a single vector
voom_wrapper Wrapper for limma-voom workflow

-- Z --

zrollup Applies zrollup function
zscore_transform Z-Score Transformation

-- misc --

.is_edata Test if a file is an edata file