Psychometric Functions from the Waller Lab

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Documentation for package ‘fungible’ version 2.4.4

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-- A --

ACL Adjective Checklist Data.
adfCor Asymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of Correlations
adfCov Asymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of Covariances
alphaR Generate random R matrices with a known coefficient alpha
AmzBoxes Length, width, and height measurements for 98 Amazon shipping boxes

-- B --

BadRBY Improper correlation matrix reported by Bentler and Yuan
BadRJN Improper R matrix reported by Joseph and Newman
BadRKtB Improper R matrix reported by Knol and ten Berge
BadRLG Improper R matrix reported by Lurie and Goldberg
BadRRM Improper R matrix reported by Rousseeuw and Molenberghs
BiFAD Bifactor Analysis via Direct Schmid-Leiman (DSL) Transformations
bigen Generate Correlated Binary Data
Boruch70 Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Boruch, Larkin, Wolins, and MacKinney (1970)
Box20 Length, width, and height measurements for Thurstone's 20 boxes
Box26 R matrix for Thurstone's 26 hypothetical box attributes.

-- C --

cb Cudeck & Browne (1992) model error method
cfi Calculate CFI for two correlation matrices
CompleteRcvx Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by Convex Optimization
CompleteRdev Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the Method of Differential Evolution
CompleteRmap Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the Method of Alternating Projections
corDensity Generate the marginal density of a correlation from a uniformly sampled R matrix.
corSample Sample Correlation Matrices from a Population Correlation Matrix
corSmooth Smooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix
cosMat Compute the cosine(s) between either 2 matrices or 2 vectors.

-- D --

d2r Convert Degrees to Radians

-- E --

eap Compute eap trait estimates for FMP and FUP models
eigGen Generate eigenvalues for R matrices with underlying component structure
enhancement Find OLS Regression Coefficients that Exhibit Enhancement
erf Utility fnc to compute the components for an empirical response function

-- F --

faAlign Align the columns of two factor loading matrices
faBounds Bounds on the Correlation Between an External Variable and a Common Factor
faEKC Calculate Reference Eigenvalues for the Empirical Kaiser Criterion
faIB Inter-Battery Factor Analysis by the Method of Maximum Likelihood
faLocalMin Investigate local minima in faMain objects
fals Unweighted least squares factor analysis
faMain Automatic Factor Rotation from Random Configurations with Bootstrap Standard Errors
faMAP Velicer's minimum partial correlation method for determining the number of major components for a principal components analysis or a factor analysis
faMB Multiple Battery Factor Analysis by Maximum Likelihood Methods
fapa Iterated Principal Axis Factor Analysis (fapa)
fareg Regularized Factor Analysis
faScores Factor Scores
faSort Sort a factor loadings matrix
faStandardize Standardize the Unrotated Factor Loadings
faX Factor Extraction (faX) Routines
FMP Estimate the coefficients of a filtered monotonic polynomial IRT model
FMPMonotonicityCheck Utility function for checking FMP monotonicity
fsIndeterminacy Understanding Factor Score Indeterminacy with Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
fungible Generate Fungible Regression Weights
fungibleExtrema Locate Extrema of Fungible Regression Weights
fungibleL Generate Fungible Logistic Regression Weights
fungibleR Generate Fungible Correlation Matrices
FUP Estimate the coefficients of a filtered unconstrained polynomial IRT model

-- G --

gen4PMData Generate item response data for 1, 2, 3, or 4-parameter IRT models
genCorr Generate Correlation Matrices with User-Defined Eigenvalues
GenerateBoxData Generate Thurstone's Box Data From length, width, and height box measurements
genFMPData Generate item response data for a filtered monotonic polynomial IRT model
genPhi Create a random Phi matrix with maximum factor correlation
get_wb_mod Find an 'lm' model to use with the Wu & Browne (2015) model error method

-- H --

HS9Var 9 Variables from the Holzinger and Swineford (1939) Dataset
HW Six data sets that yield a Heywood case

-- I --

irf Plot item response functions for polynomial IRT models.
itemDescriptives Compute basic descriptives for binary-item analysis

-- J --

Jackson67 Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Jackson and Singer (1967)

-- K --

kurt Calculate Univariate Kurtosis for a Vector or Matrix

-- L --

Ledermann Ledermann's inequality for factor solution identification

-- M --

Malmi79 Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Malmi, Underwood, and Carroll (1979).
monte Simulate Clustered Data with User-Defined Properties
monte1 Simulate Multivariate Non-normal Data by Vale & Maurelli (1983) Method

-- N --

noisemaker Simulate a population correlation matrix with model error
normalCor Compute Normal-Theory Covariances for Correlations
normF Compute the Frobenius norm of a matrix

-- O --

obj_func Objective function for optimizing RMSEA and CFI
Omega Compute Omega hierarchical
orderFactors Order factor-loadings matrix by the sum of squared factor loadings

-- P --

plot.monte Plot Method for Class Monte
print.faMain Print Method for an Object of Class faMain
print.faMB Print Method for an Object of Class faMB
print.summary.monte Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte
print.summary.monte1 Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte1
promaxQ Conduct an Oblique Promax Rotation

-- R --

r2d Convert Radians to Degrees
rarc Rotate Points on the Surface on an N-Dimensional Ellipsoid
Ravgr Generate a random R matrix with an average rij
Rbounds Generate random R matrices with user-defined bounds on the correlation coefficients via differential evolution (DE).
rcone Generate a Cone of Regression Coefficient Vectors
rcor Generate Random PSD Correlation Matrices
rellipsoid Generate Uniformly Spaced OLS Regression Coefficients that Yield a User-Supplied R-Squared Value
restScore Plot an ERF using rest scores
RGen Generate random R matrices with various user-defined properties via differential evolution (DE).
rGivens Generate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues
rMAP Generate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues
rmsd Root Mean Squared Deviation of (A - B)
rmsea Calculate RMSEA between two correlation matrices
RnpdMAP Generate Random NPD R matrices from a user-supplied population R
rPCA Generate a Correlation Matrix from a Truncated PCA Loadings Matrix.

-- S --

SchmidLeiman Schmid-Leiman Orthogonalization to a (Rank-Deficient) Bifactor Structure
seBeta Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients
seBetaCor Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients from Correlations
seBetaFixed Covariance Matrix and Standard Errors for Standardized Regression Coefficients for Fixed Predictors
semify Generate an sem model from a simFA model object
simFA Generate Factor Analysis Models and Data Sets for Simulation Studies
skew Calculate Univariate Skewness for a Vector or Matrix
SLi Conduct a Schmid-Leiman Iterated (SLi) Target Rotation
smoothAPA Smooth a NPD R matrix to PD using the Alternating Projection Algorithm
smoothBY Smooth an NPD R matrix to PD using the Bentler Yuan 2011 method
smoothKB Smooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix using the Knol-Berger algorithm
smoothLG Smooth NPD to Nearest PSD or PD Matrix
summary.faMain Summary Method for an Object of Class faMain
summary.faMB Summary Method for an Object of Class faMB
summary.monte Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte
summary.monte1 Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte1
svdNorm Compute theta surrogates via normalized SVD scores

-- T --

TaylorRussell A generalized (multiple predictor) Taylor-Russell function.
tetcor Compute ML Tetrachoric Correlations
tetcorQuasi Correlation between a Naturally and an Artificially Dichotomized Variable
Thurstone41 Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Thurstone and Thurstone (1941).
ThurstoneBox20 Factor Pattern and Factor Correlations for Thurstone's 20 hypothetical box attributes.
ThurstoneBox26 Factor Pattern Matrix for Thurstone's 26 box attributes.
tkl Optimize TKL parameters to find a solution with target RMSEA and CFI values
TR Estimate the parameters of the Taylor-Russell function.

-- V --

vcos Compute the Cosine Between Two Vectors
vnorm Norm a Vector to Unit Length
VolElliptope Compute the volume of the elliptope of possible correlation matrices of a given dimension.

-- W --

wb Wu & Browne model error method