ACL | Adjective Checklist Data. |
adfCor | Asymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of Correlations |
adfCov | Asymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of Covariances |
alphaR | Generate random R matrices with a known coefficient alpha |
AmzBoxes | Length, width, and height measurements for 98 Amazon shipping boxes |
BadRBY | Improper correlation matrix reported by Bentler and Yuan |
BadRJN | Improper R matrix reported by Joseph and Newman |
BadRKtB | Improper R matrix reported by Knol and ten Berge |
BadRLG | Improper R matrix reported by Lurie and Goldberg |
BadRRM | Improper R matrix reported by Rousseeuw and Molenberghs |
BiFAD | Bifactor Analysis via Direct Schmid-Leiman (DSL) Transformations |
bigen | Generate Correlated Binary Data |
Boruch70 | Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Boruch, Larkin, Wolins, and MacKinney (1970) |
Box20 | Length, width, and height measurements for Thurstone's 20 boxes |
Box26 | R matrix for Thurstone's 26 hypothetical box attributes. |
cb | Cudeck & Browne (1992) model error method |
cfi | Calculate CFI for two correlation matrices |
CompleteRcvx | Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by Convex Optimization |
CompleteRdev | Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the Method of Differential Evolution |
CompleteRmap | Complete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the Method of Alternating Projections |
corDensity | Generate the marginal density of a correlation from a uniformly sampled R matrix. |
corSample | Sample Correlation Matrices from a Population Correlation Matrix |
corSmooth | Smooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix |
cosMat | Compute the cosine(s) between either 2 matrices or 2 vectors. |
d2r | Convert Degrees to Radians |
eap | Compute eap trait estimates for FMP and FUP models |
eigGen | Generate eigenvalues for R matrices with underlying component structure |
enhancement | Find OLS Regression Coefficients that Exhibit Enhancement |
erf | Utility fnc to compute the components for an empirical response function |
faAlign | Align the columns of two factor loading matrices |
faBounds | Bounds on the Correlation Between an External Variable and a Common Factor |
faEKC | Calculate Reference Eigenvalues for the Empirical Kaiser Criterion |
faIB | Inter-Battery Factor Analysis by the Method of Maximum Likelihood |
faLocalMin | Investigate local minima in faMain objects |
fals | Unweighted least squares factor analysis |
faMain | Automatic Factor Rotation from Random Configurations with Bootstrap Standard Errors |
faMAP | Velicer's minimum partial correlation method for determining the number of major components for a principal components analysis or a factor analysis |
faMB | Multiple Battery Factor Analysis by Maximum Likelihood Methods |
fapa | Iterated Principal Axis Factor Analysis (fapa) |
fareg | Regularized Factor Analysis |
faScores | Factor Scores |
faSort | Sort a factor loadings matrix |
faStandardize | Standardize the Unrotated Factor Loadings |
faX | Factor Extraction (faX) Routines |
FMP | Estimate the coefficients of a filtered monotonic polynomial IRT model |
FMPMonotonicityCheck | Utility function for checking FMP monotonicity |
fsIndeterminacy | Understanding Factor Score Indeterminacy with Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces |
fungible | Generate Fungible Regression Weights |
fungibleExtrema | Locate Extrema of Fungible Regression Weights |
fungibleL | Generate Fungible Logistic Regression Weights |
fungibleR | Generate Fungible Correlation Matrices |
FUP | Estimate the coefficients of a filtered unconstrained polynomial IRT model |
gen4PMData | Generate item response data for 1, 2, 3, or 4-parameter IRT models |
genCorr | Generate Correlation Matrices with User-Defined Eigenvalues |
GenerateBoxData | Generate Thurstone's Box Data From length, width, and height box measurements |
genFMPData | Generate item response data for a filtered monotonic polynomial IRT model |
genPhi | Create a random Phi matrix with maximum factor correlation |
get_wb_mod | Find an 'lm' model to use with the Wu & Browne (2015) model error method |
HS9Var | 9 Variables from the Holzinger and Swineford (1939) Dataset |
HW | Six data sets that yield a Heywood case |
irf | Plot item response functions for polynomial IRT models. |
itemDescriptives | Compute basic descriptives for binary-item analysis |
Jackson67 | Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Jackson and Singer (1967) |
kurt | Calculate Univariate Kurtosis for a Vector or Matrix |
Ledermann | Ledermann's inequality for factor solution identification |
Malmi79 | Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Malmi, Underwood, and Carroll (1979). |
monte | Simulate Clustered Data with User-Defined Properties |
monte1 | Simulate Multivariate Non-normal Data by Vale & Maurelli (1983) Method |
noisemaker | Simulate a population correlation matrix with model error |
normalCor | Compute Normal-Theory Covariances for Correlations |
normF | Compute the Frobenius norm of a matrix |
obj_func | Objective function for optimizing RMSEA and CFI |
Omega | Compute Omega hierarchical |
orderFactors | Order factor-loadings matrix by the sum of squared factor loadings |
plot.monte | Plot Method for Class Monte |
print.faMain | Print Method for an Object of Class faMain |
print.faMB | Print Method for an Object of Class faMB |
print.summary.monte | Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte |
print.summary.monte1 | Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte1 |
promaxQ | Conduct an Oblique Promax Rotation |
r2d | Convert Radians to Degrees |
rarc | Rotate Points on the Surface on an N-Dimensional Ellipsoid |
Ravgr | Generate a random R matrix with an average rij |
Rbounds | Generate random R matrices with user-defined bounds on the correlation coefficients via differential evolution (DE). |
rcone | Generate a Cone of Regression Coefficient Vectors |
rcor | Generate Random PSD Correlation Matrices |
rellipsoid | Generate Uniformly Spaced OLS Regression Coefficients that Yield a User-Supplied R-Squared Value |
restScore | Plot an ERF using rest scores |
RGen | Generate random R matrices with various user-defined properties via differential evolution (DE). |
rGivens | Generate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues |
rMAP | Generate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues |
rmsd | Root Mean Squared Deviation of (A - B) |
rmsea | Calculate RMSEA between two correlation matrices |
RnpdMAP | Generate Random NPD R matrices from a user-supplied population R |
rPCA | Generate a Correlation Matrix from a Truncated PCA Loadings Matrix. |
SchmidLeiman | Schmid-Leiman Orthogonalization to a (Rank-Deficient) Bifactor Structure |
seBeta | Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients |
seBetaCor | Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients from Correlations |
seBetaFixed | Covariance Matrix and Standard Errors for Standardized Regression Coefficients for Fixed Predictors |
semify | Generate an sem model from a simFA model object |
simFA | Generate Factor Analysis Models and Data Sets for Simulation Studies |
skew | Calculate Univariate Skewness for a Vector or Matrix |
SLi | Conduct a Schmid-Leiman Iterated (SLi) Target Rotation |
smoothAPA | Smooth a NPD R matrix to PD using the Alternating Projection Algorithm |
smoothBY | Smooth an NPD R matrix to PD using the Bentler Yuan 2011 method |
smoothKB | Smooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix using the Knol-Berger algorithm |
smoothLG | Smooth NPD to Nearest PSD or PD Matrix |
summary.faMain | Summary Method for an Object of Class faMain |
summary.faMB | Summary Method for an Object of Class faMB |
summary.monte | Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte |
summary.monte1 | Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte1 |
svdNorm | Compute theta surrogates via normalized SVD scores |
TaylorRussell | A generalized (multiple predictor) Taylor-Russell function. |
tetcor | Compute ML Tetrachoric Correlations |
tetcorQuasi | Correlation between a Naturally and an Artificially Dichotomized Variable |
Thurstone41 | Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Thurstone and Thurstone (1941). |
ThurstoneBox20 | Factor Pattern and Factor Correlations for Thurstone's 20 hypothetical box attributes. |
ThurstoneBox26 | Factor Pattern Matrix for Thurstone's 26 box attributes. |
tkl | Optimize TKL parameters to find a solution with target RMSEA and CFI values |
TR | Estimate the parameters of the Taylor-Russell function. |
vcos | Compute the Cosine Between Two Vectors |
vnorm | Norm a Vector to Unit Length |
VolElliptope | Compute the volume of the elliptope of possible correlation matrices of a given dimension. |
wb | Wu & Browne model error method |