summary.faMB {fungible}R Documentation

Summary Method for an Object of Class faMB


This function summarizes results from a call to faMB.


## S3 method for class 'faMB'
  digits = 2,
  Set = 1,
  HPthreshold = 0.05,
  PrintLevel = 1,
  DiagnosticsLevel = 1,



(Object of class faMB) The returned object from a call to faMB.


(Integer) Print output with user-specified number of significant digits. Default digits = 2.


The argument Set can be specified as either an integer value (i.e., 1 through the number of unique solution sets) or a character value (i.e., 'UnSpun').

  • Integer Summarize the solution from the specified solution set. If Set = 1, the "global minimum" solution is reported. See faMain for more details about finding the "global" and local minima.

  • 'UnSpun' Summarize the solution from the rotated output that was produced by rotating from the unrotated (i.e., unspun) factor orientation. All other solutions are rotated from a randomly 'spun' rotation (i.e., by orientating the unrotated factor solution via a random orthonormal matrix) .


(Numeric) User-defined threshold for declaring that the absolute value of a factor pattern coefficient is in a hyperplane. The hyperplane count is the number of near-zero (as defined by HPthreshold; see Cattell, 1978, p. 105) elements in the factor pattern matrix. Default HPthreshold = .05.


(Integer) Controls the level of printing. If PrintLevel = 0 then no output is printed. If PrintLevel = 1 then the standard output will be printed. If PrintLevel = 2 more extensive output (e.g., the Factor Structure Matrix, the Residuals Matrix [i.e., Observed - fitted R]) will be printed. Default PrintLevel = 1.


(Integer) Controls the amount of diagnostics information that is computed on the rotation local minima. If DiagnosticsLevel = 1 then only the number of local solution sets will be reported. If DiagnosticsLevel = 2 then the program will determine whether all solutions within a solution set are identicial. Default DiagnosticsLevel = 1.


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


summary.faMB provides various criteria for judging the adequacy of the rotated factor solution(s). After reporting the number of solution sets. (i.e., rotated solutions with the same complexity value) the following measures of factor adequacy are reported for each solution set:




Cattell, R. (1978). The scientific use of factor analysis in behavioral and life sciences. New York, New York, Plenum.

See Also

Other Factor Analysis Routines: BiFAD(), Box26, GenerateBoxData(), Ledermann(), SLi(), SchmidLeiman(), faAlign(), faEKC(), faIB(), faLocalMin(), faMB(), faMain(), faScores(), faSort(), faStandardize(), faX(), fals(), fapa(), fareg(), fsIndeterminacy(), orderFactors(), print.faMB(), print.faMain(), promaxQ(), summary.faMain()


# These examples reproduce published multiple battery analyses. 

# ----EXAMPLE 1: Browne, M. W. (1979)----
# Data originally reported in:
# Thurstone, L. L. & Thurstone, T. G. (1941). Factorial studies 
# of intelligence. Psychometric Monograph (2), Chicago: Univ. 
# Chicago Press.

## Load Thurstone & Thurstone's data used by Browne (1979)

Example1Output <-  faMB(R             = Thurstone41, 
                        n             = 710,
                        NB            = 2, 
                        NVB           = c(4,5), 
                        numFactors    = 2,
                        rotate        = "oblimin",
                        rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"))
## Call the summary function

# ----EXAMPLE 2: Browne, M. W. (1980)----
# Data originally reported in:
# Jackson, D. N. & Singer, J. E. (1967). Judgments, items and 
# personality. Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 20, 70-79.

## Load Jackson and Singer's dataset

Example2Output <-  faMB(R             = Jackson67, 
                        n             = 480,
                        NB            = 5, 
                        NVB           = rep(4,5), 
                        numFactors    = 4,
                        rotate        = "varimax",
                        rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"),
                        PrintLevel    = 1)

## Call the summary function
summary(object     = Example2Output,
        Set        = 1,
        PrintLevel = 1)

# ----EXAMPLE 3: Cudeck (1982)----
# Data originally reported by:
# Malmi, R. A., Underwood, B. J., & Carroll, J. B. (1979).
# The interrelationships among some associative learning tasks. 
# Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 13(3), 121-123. DOI: 10.3758/BF03335032 

## Load Malmi et al.'s dataset

Example3Output <- faMB(R             = Malmi79, 
                       n             = 97,
                       NB            = 3, 
                       NVB           = c(3, 3, 6), 
                       numFactors    = 2,
                       rotate        = "oblimin",
                       rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"))

## Call the summary function
summary(object     = Example3Output,
        Set        = 1,
        PrintLevel = 2)
# ----Example 4: Cudeck (1982)----
# Data originally reported by: 
# Boruch, R. F., Larkin, J. D., Wolins, L. and MacKinney, A. C. (1970). 
#  Alternative methods of analysis: Multitrait-multimethod data. Educational 
#  and Psychological Measurement, 30,833-853.

## Load Boruch et al.'s dataset

Example4Output <- faMB(R             = Boruch70,
                       n             = 111,
                       NB            = 2,
                       NVB           = c(7,7),
                       numFactors    = 2,
                       rotate        = "oblimin",
                       rotateControl = list(standardize  = "Kaiser",
                                            numberStarts = 100))

## Call the summary function

[Package fungible version 2.4.4 Index]