cosMat {fungible}R Documentation

Compute the cosine(s) between either 2 matrices or 2 vectors.


This function will compute the cosines (i.e., the angle) between two vectors or matrices. When applied to matrices, it will compare the two matrices one vector (i.e., column) at a time. For instance, the cosine (angle) between factor 1 in matrix A and factor 1 in matrix B.


cosMat(A, B, align = FALSE, digits = NULL)



(Matrix, Vector) Either a matrix or vector.


(Matrix, Vector) Either a matrix or vector (must be of the same dimensions as A).


(Logical) Whether to run a factor alignment before computing the cosine.


(Numeric) The number of digits to round the output to.



A vector of cosines will be returned. When comparing two vectors, only one cosine can be computed. When comparing matrices, one cosine is computed per column.



Burt, C. (1948). The factorial study of temperament traits. British Journal of Psychology, Statistical Section, 1, 178-203.

Lorenzo-Seva, U., & ten Berge, J. M. F. (2006). Tuckers Congruence Coefficient as a meaningful index of factor similarity. Methodology, 2(2), 57-64.

Paunonen, S. V. (1997). On chance and factor congruence following orthogonal Procrustes rotation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 57, 33-59.

Tucker, L. R. (1951). A method for synthesis of factor analysis studies (Personnel Research Section Report No. 984). Washington, DC: Department of the Army.


## Cosine between two vectors
A <- rnorm(5)
B <- rnorm(5)

cosMat(A, B)

## Cosine between the columns of two matrices
A <- matrix(rnorm(5 * 5), 5, 5)
B <- matrix(rnorm(5 * 5), 5, 5)

cosMat(A, B)

[Package fungible version 2.4.4 Index]