Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research

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Documentation for package ‘catSurv’ version 1.5.0

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-- A --

agree_cat Agreeableness Cat Object

-- C --

Cat-class Computerized Adaptive Testing Survey (catSurv) Object
checkStopRules Check if Stop and/or Override Rules are Met
consc_cat Conscientiousness Cat Object

-- D --

d1LL The First Derivative of the Log-Likelihood
d2LL The Second Derivative of the Log-Likelihood

-- E --

empathy_cat Empathizing Quotient Cat Object
estimateSE Standard Error of Ability Parameter Estimate
estimateTheta Estimate of the Respondent's Ability Parameter
estimateThetas Estimates of Ability Parameters for a Dataset of Response Profiles
estimateThetas-method Estimates of Ability Parameters for a Dataset of Response Profiles
expectedKL Expected Kullback-Leibler Information
expectedObsInf Expected Observed Information
expectedPV Expected Posterior Variance
extra_cat Extraversion Cat Object
ex_qualtrics_results Example Qualtrics Data for Adaptive Inventory
ex_qualtrics_results_multiple Example Qualtrics Data for Multiple Adaptive Inventories

-- F --

fisherInf Fisher's Information
fisherTestInfo Fisher's Test Information
fromJSONCat Convert JSON object to Cat object
fromJSONCat-method Convert JSON object to Cat object

-- G --

getAnswers Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getAnswers-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getDifficulty Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getDifficulty-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getDiscrimination Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getDiscrimination-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getEstimation Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getEstimation-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getEstimationDefault Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getEstimationDefault-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGainOverride Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGainOverride-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGainThreshold Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGainThreshold-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGuessing Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getGuessing-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getIds Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getIds-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getInfoThreshold Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getInfoThreshold-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLengthOverride Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLengthOverride-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLengthThreshold Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLengthThreshold-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLowerBound Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getLowerBound-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getModel Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getModel-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getPriorName Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getPriorName-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getPriorParams Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getPriorParams-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getSelection Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getSelection-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getSeThreshold Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getSeThreshold-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getters Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getUpperBound Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getUpperBound-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getZ Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
getZ-method Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
gpcm Computerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit Model
gpcmCat Computerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit Model
gpcmCat-method Computerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit Model
gpcm_cat gpcm Cat Object
grm Computerized Adaptive Testing Graded Response Model
grmCat Computerized Adaptive Testing Graded Response Model
grmCat-method Computerized Adaptive Testing Graded Response Model
grm_cat grm Cat Object

-- I --

initialize-method Computerized Adaptive Testing Survey (catSurv) Object

-- L --

likelihood Likelihood of the Specified Response Set
likelihoodKL Expected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by Likelihood
lookAhead Look Ahead to Select Next Item
ltm Computerized Adaptive Testing Latent Trait Model
ltmCat Computerized Adaptive Testing Latent Trait Model
ltmCat-method Computerized Adaptive Testing Latent Trait Model
ltm_cat ltm Cat Object

-- M --

mach_cat Machiavellianism Personality Cat Object
makeTree Make Tree of Possible Question Combinations

-- N --

neuro_cat Neuroticism Cat Object
nfa_cat Need for Affect Cat Object
nfc Need For Cognition
nfc_cat Need for Cognition Cat Object
npi Narcissistic Personality Inventory
npi_battery Narcissistic personality inventory question items
npi_cat Narcissistic Personality Cat Object
nte Need to Evaluate
nte_cat Need to Evaluate Cat Object

-- O --

obsInf Observed Information
open_cat Openness to Experience Cat Object
oracle Find Answer Profile that Minimizes Bias
oracle-method Find Answer Profile that Minimizes Bias

-- P --

plot,Cat Plotting function for Cat object
plot-method Plotting function for Cat object
plot.Cat Plotting function for Cat object
polknowMT MTurk Political Knowledge
polknowOrdered TAPS Political Knowledge (Ordered Response Options)
polknowTAPS TAPS Political Knowledge
posteriorKL Expected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by the Prior
prior Evaluate the Prior Density Distribution at Position theta
probability Probability of Responses to a Question Item or the Left-Cumulative Probability of Responses
processAJAX Qualtrics AJAX Handler
processAJAX-method Qualtrics AJAX Handler

-- R --

readQualtrics Clean adaptive inventory responses from Qualtrics
readQualtrics-method Clean adaptive inventory responses from Qualtrics
rwa_cat Right Wing Authoritarianism Cat Object

-- S --

sdo_cat Social Dominance Orientation Cat Object
selectItem Select Next Item
setAnswers<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setAnswers<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setDifficulty<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setDifficulty<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setDiscrimination<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setDiscrimination<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setEstimation<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setEstimation<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setEstimationDefault<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setEstimationDefault<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGainOverride<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGainOverride<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGainThreshold<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGainThreshold<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGuessing<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setGuessing<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setIds<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setIds<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setInfoThreshold<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setInfoThreshold<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLengthOverride<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLengthOverride<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLengthThreshold<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLengthThreshold<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLowerBound<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setLowerBound<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setModel<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setModel<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setPriorName<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setPriorName<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setPriorParams<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setPriorParams<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setSelection<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setSelection<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setSeThreshold<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setSeThreshold<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setters Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setUpperBound<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setUpperBound<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setZ<- Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
setZ<--method Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
simulateFisherInfo Calculates Fisher Information under different adaptive battery specifications
simulateRespondents Simulate answer profiles given some true value of theta
simulateRespondents-method Simulate answer profiles given some true value of theta
simulateThetas Estimates theta under different adaptive battery specifications
storeAnswer Update Answer to Single Item
storeAnswer-method Update Answer to Single Item
sv_conservation_cat Conservation (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_open_cat Openness to Change (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_selfenhance_cat Self-Enhancement (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_selftransc_cat Self-Transcendence (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
systemizing_cat Systemizing Quotient Cat Object

-- T --

toJSONCat Convert Cat object to JSON
toJSONCat-method Convert Cat object to JSON
tpm Computerized Adaptive Testing Birnbaum's Three Parameter Model
tpmCat Computerized Adaptive Testing Birnbaum's Three Parameter Model
tpmCat-method Computerized Adaptive Testing Birnbaum's Three Parameter Model
tpm_cat tpm Cat Object