Modelling Spatial Extremes

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Documentation for package ‘SpatialExtremes’ version 2.1-0

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anova Anova Tables
anova.maxstab Anova Tables
anova.spatgev Anova Tables
concprob Pairwise empirical and extremal concurrence probabilities
concurrencemap Maps of concurrence probabilities/expected concurrence cell area
condmap Produces a conditional 2D map from a fitted max-stable process
condrgp Conditional simulation of Gaussian random fields
condrmaxlin Conditional simulation of max-linear random fields
condrmaxstab Conditional simulation of max-stable processes
covariance Defines and computes covariance functions
cv Estimates the penalty coefficient from the cross-validation criterion
dgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
dgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
DIC Deviance Information Criterion
distance Computes distance between pairs of locations
extcoeff Plots the extremal coefficient
fitcopula Fit a copula-based model to spatial extremes
fitcovariance Estimates the covariance function for the Schlather's model
fitcovmat Estimates the covariance matrix for the Smith's model
fitextcoeff Non parametric estimators of the extremal coefficient function
fitmaxstab Fits a max-stable process to data
fitspatgev MLE for a spatial GEV model
fmadogram Computes the F-madogram
frech2gev Transforms GEV data to unit Frechet ones and vice versa
gcv Estimates the penalty coefficient from the generalized cross-validation criterion
gev2frech Transforms GEV data to unit Frechet ones and vice versa
gevmle Fits univariate extreme value distributions to data
gpdmle Fits univariate extreme value distributions to data
kriging Simple kriging interpolation
latent Bayesian hierarchical models for spatial extremes
lmadogram Computes the lambda-madogram
logLik Extracts Log-Likelihood
logLik.copula Extracts Log-Likelihood
logLik.maxstab Extracts Log-Likelihood
lsmaxstab Estimates the spatial dependence parameter of a max-stable process by minimizing least squares.
madogram Computes madograms
map Produces a 2D map from a fitted max-stable process
map.latent Two dimensional map from a Bayesian hierarchical model
modeldef Define a model for the spatial behaviour of the GEV parameters
modeldef.lm Define a model for the spatial behaviour of the GEV parameters
modeldef.rb Define a model for the spatial behaviour of the GEV parameters
pgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
pgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
plot.copula Model checking of a fitted copula based model.
plot.maxstab Model checking of a fitted max-stable model
predict Prediction of the marginal parameters for various models
predict.copula Prediction of the marginal parameters for various models
predict.maxstab Prediction of the marginal parameters for various models
predict.pspline2 Prediction of the marginal parameters for various models
predict.spatgev Prediction of the marginal parameters for various models
print Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
print.copula Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
print.latent Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
print.maxstab Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
print.pspline2 Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
print.spatgev Printing objects of classes defined in the SpatialExtreme packages
profile Method for profiling fitted max-stable objects
profile.maxstab Method for profiling fitted max-stable objects
profile2d Method for profiling (in 2d) fitted max-stable objects
profile2d.maxstab Method for profiling (in 2d) fitted max-stable objects
qgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
qgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
qqextcoeff QQ-plot for the extremal coefficient
qqgev QQ-plot for the GEV parameters
rainfall Summer annual maxima precipitation in Switzerland
rb Creates a model using penalized smoothing splines
rbpspline Fits a penalized spline with radial basis functions to data
rcopula Simulation from copula based models with unit Frechet margins
rgev The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
rgp Gaussian Random Fields Simulation
rgpd The Generalized Pareto Distribution
rmaxlin Simulation from max-linear models
rmaxstab Simulation of Max-Stable Random Fields
SpatialExtremes Analysis of Spatial Extremes
swiss Map of the Switzerland.
swissalt Elevation in Switzerland
symbolplot Detecting spatial trends graphically
TIC Takeuchi's information criterion
TIC.default Takeuchi's information criterion
USHCNTemp Summer/Winter annual maxima/minima temperature in continental US.
variogram Empirical variogram
vdc Van der Corput Sequence
wind Annual maxima wind gusts in the Netherlands.