fitspatgev {SpatialExtremes}R Documentation

MLE for a spatial GEV model


This function derives the MLE of a spatial GEV model.


fitspatgev(data, covariables, loc.form, scale.form, shape.form,
temp.cov = NULL, temp.form.loc = NULL, temp.form.scale = NULL,
temp.form.shape = NULL, ..., start, control = list(maxit = 10000),
method = "Nelder", warn = TRUE, corr = FALSE)



A matrix representing the data. Each column corresponds to one location.


Matrix with named columns giving required covariates for the GEV parameter models.

loc.form, scale.form, shape.form

R formulas defining the spatial models for the GEV parameters. See section Details.


Matrix with names columns giving additional *temporal* covariates for the GEV parameters. If NULL, no temporal trend are assume for the GEV parameters — see section Details.

temp.form.loc, temp.form.scale, temp.form.shape

R formulas defining the temporal trends for the GEV parameters. May be missing. See section Details.


A named list giving the initial values for the parameters over which the pairwise likelihood is to be minimized. If start is omitted the routine attempts to find good starting values - but might fail.


Several arguments to be passed to the optim functions. See section details.


The control argument to be passed to the optim function.


The method used for the numerical optimisation procedure. Must be one of BFGS, Nelder-Mead, CG, L-BFGS-B or SANN. See optim for details.


Logical. If TRUE (default), users will be warned if the starting values lie in a zero density region.


Logical. If TRUE, the asymptotic correlation matrix is computed.


A kind of "spatial" GEV model can be defined by using response surfaces for the GEV parameters. For instance, the GEV location parameters are defined through the following equation:

μ=Xμβμ\mu = X_\mu \beta_\mu

where XμX_\mu is the design matrix and βμ\beta_\mu is the vector parameter to be estimated. The GEV scale and shape parameters are defined accordingly to the above equation.

The log-likelihood for the GEV spatial model is consequently defined as follows:

(β)=i=1n.sitej=1n.obslogf(yi,j;θi)\ell(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^{} \sum_{j=1}^{n.obs} \log f(y_{i,j}; \theta_i)

where θi\theta_i is the vector of the GEV parameters for the ii-th site.

Most often, there will be some dependence between stations. However, it can be seen from the log-likelihood definition that we supposed that the stations are mutually independent. Consequently, to get reliable standard error estimates, these standard errors are estimated with their sandwich estimates.

There are two different kind of covariates : "spatial" and "temporal".

A "spatial" covariate may have different values accross station but does not depend on time. For example the coordinates of the stations are obviously "spatial". These "spatial" covariates should be used with the marg.cov and loc.form, scale.form, shape.form.

A "temporal" covariates may have different values accross time but does not depend on space. For example the years where the annual maxima were recorded is "temporal". These "temporal" covariates should be used with the temp.cov and temp.form.loc, temp.form.scale, temp.form.shape.

As a consequence note that marg.cov must have K rows (K being the number of sites) while temp.cov must have n rows (n being the number of observations).


An object of class spatgev. Namely, this is a list with the following arguments:


The parameter estimates.


All the parameters e.g. parameter estimates and fixed parameters.


The standard errors.


The asymptotic MLE variance covariance matrix.

counts, message, convergence

Some information about the optimization procedure.

logLik, deviance

The log-likelihood and deviance values.

loc.form, scale.form, shape.form

The formulas defining the spatial models for the GEV parameters.


The covariables used for the spatial models.


The inverse of the Hessian matrix of the negative log-likelihood.


The variance covariance matrix of the score.


Mathieu Ribatet


## 1- Simulate a max-stable random field <- 35
locations <- matrix(runif(2*, 0, 10), ncol = 2)
colnames(locations) <- c("lon", "lat")
data <- rmaxstab(50, locations, cov.mod = "whitmat", nugget = 0, range =
  3, smooth = 0.5)

## 2- Transformation to non unit Frechet margins
param.loc <- -10 + 2 * locations[,2]
param.scale <- 5 + 2 * locations[,1]
param.shape <- rep(0.2,
for (i in
  data[,i] <- frech2gev(data[,i], param.loc[i], param.scale[i],

## 3- Fit a ''spatial GEV'' mdoel to data with the following models for
##    the GEV parameters
form.loc <- loc ~ lat
form.scale <- scale ~ lon
form.shape <- shape ~ 1

fitspatgev(data, locations, form.loc, form.scale, form.shape)

[Package SpatialExtremes version 2.1-0 Index]