Helpers for Model Coefficients Tibbles

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Documentation for package ‘broom.helpers’ version 1.15.0

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A M P S T V misc

-- A --

all_categorical Select helper functions
all_continuous Select helper functions
all_contrasts Select helper functions
all_dichotomous Select helper functions
all_interaction Select helper functions
all_intercepts Select helper functions
all_ran_pars Select helper functions
all_ran_vals Select helper functions
assert_package Check a package installation status or minimum required version

-- M --

model_compute_terms_contributions Compute a matrix of terms contributions
model_compute_terms_contributions.default Compute a matrix of terms contributions
model_get_assign Get the assign attribute of model matrix of a model
model_get_assign.default Get the assign attribute of model matrix of a model
model_get_assign.model_fit Get the assign attribute of model matrix of a model
model_get_assign.vglm Get the assign attribute of model matrix of a model
model_get_coefficients_type Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.biglm Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.cch Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.clm Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.clmm Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.clogit Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.coxph Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.crr Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.default Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.fixest Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.geeglm Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.glm Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.glmerMod Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.LORgee Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.model_fit Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.multinom Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.negbin Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.polr Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.svyolr Get coefficient type
model_get_coefficients_type.tidycrr Get coefficient type
model_get_contrasts Get contrasts used in the model
model_get_contrasts.betareg Get contrasts used in the model
model_get_contrasts.hurdle Get contrasts used in the model
model_get_contrasts.model_fit Get contrasts used in the model
model_get_contrasts.zeroinfl Get contrasts used in the model
model_get_model Get the model from model objects
model_get_model.default Get the model from model objects
model_get_model.mira Get the model from model objects
model_get_model_frame Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.biglm Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.coxph Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.default Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.fixest Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.model_fit Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_frame.survreg Get the model frame of a model
model_get_model_matrix Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.betareg Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.biglm Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.brmsfit Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.cch Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.clm Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.default Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.fixest Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.glmmTMB Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.LORgee Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.model_fit Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.multinom Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_model_matrix.plm Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_n Get the number of observations
model_get_n.coxph Get the number of observations
model_get_n.default Get the number of observations
model_get_n.glm Get the number of observations
model_get_n.glmerMod Get the number of observations
model_get_n.LORgee Get the number of observations
model_get_n.model_fit Get the number of observations
model_get_n.multinom Get the number of observations
model_get_n.survreg Get the number of observations
model_get_n.tidycrr Get the number of observations
model_get_nlevels Get the number of levels for each factor used in 'xlevels'
model_get_nlevels.default Get the number of levels for each factor used in 'xlevels'
model_get_offset Get model offset
model_get_offset.default Get model offset
model_get_pairwise_contrasts Get pairwise comparison of the levels of a categorical variable
model_get_response Get model response
model_get_response.default Get model response
model_get_response.glm Get model response
model_get_response.glmerMod Get model response
model_get_response.model_fit Get model response
model_get_response_variable Get the name of the response variable
model_get_response_variable.default Get the name of the response variable
model_get_terms Get the terms of a model
model_get_terms.betareg Get the terms of a model
model_get_terms.brmsfit Get the terms of a model
model_get_terms.cch Get the model matrix of a model
model_get_terms.default Get the terms of a model
model_get_terms.glmmTMB Get the terms of a model
model_get_terms.model_fit Get the terms of a model
model_get_weights Get sampling weights used by a model
model_get_weights.default Get sampling weights used by a model
model_get_weights.model_fit Get sampling weights used by a model
model_get_weights.svrepglm Get sampling weights used by a model
model_get_weights.svyglm Get sampling weights used by a model
model_get_xlevels Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.brmsfit Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.default Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.felm Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.glmerMod Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.glmmTMB Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.lmerMod Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.model_fit Get xlevels used in the model
model_get_xlevels.plm Get xlevels used in the model
model_identify_variables Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.aov Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.clm Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.clmm Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.default Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.gam Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.lavaan Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.logitr Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_identify_variables.model_fit Identify for each coefficient of a model the corresponding variable
model_list_contrasts List contrasts used by a model
model_list_contrasts.default List contrasts used by a model
model_list_higher_order_variables List higher order variables of a model
model_list_higher_order_variables.default List higher order variables of a model
model_list_terms_levels List levels of categorical terms
model_list_terms_levels.default List levels of categorical terms
model_list_variables List all the variables used in a model
model_list_variables.default List all the variables used in a model
model_list_variables.lavaan List all the variables used in a model
model_list_variables.logitr List all the variables used in a model

-- P --

plot_marginal_predictions Marginal Predictions with 'marginaleffects::avg_predictions()'

-- S --

select_helpers Select helper functions
seq_range Sequence generation between min and max
supported_models Listing of Supported Models

-- T --

tidy_add_coefficients_type Add coefficients type and label as attributes
tidy_add_contrasts Add contrasts type for categorical variables
tidy_add_estimate_to_reference_rows Add an estimate value to references rows for categorical variables
tidy_add_header_rows Add header rows variables with several terms
tidy_add_n Add the (weighted) number of observations
tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts Add pairwise contrasts for categorical variables
tidy_add_reference_rows Add references rows for categorical variables
tidy_add_term_labels Add term labels
tidy_add_variable_labels Add variable labels
tidy_all_effects Marginal Predictions at the mean with 'effects::allEffects()'
tidy_and_attach Attach a full model to the tibble of model terms
tidy_attach_model Attach a full model to the tibble of model terms
tidy_avg_comparisons Marginal Contrasts with 'marginaleffects::avg_comparisons()'
tidy_avg_slopes Marginal Slopes / Effects with 'marginaleffects::avg_slopes()'
tidy_broom Tidy with 'broom::tidy()' and checks that all arguments are used
tidy_detach_model Attach a full model to the tibble of model terms
tidy_disambiguate_terms Disambiguate terms
tidy_get_model Attach a full model to the tibble of model terms
tidy_ggpredict Marginal Predictions with 'ggeffects::ggpredict()'
tidy_identify_variables Identify the variable corresponding to each model coefficient
tidy_marginal_contrasts Marginal Contrasts with 'marginaleffects::avg_comparisons()'
tidy_marginal_means Marginal Means with 'marginaleffects::marginal_means()'
tidy_marginal_predictions Marginal Predictions with 'marginaleffects::avg_predictions()'
tidy_margins Average Marginal Effects with 'margins::margins()'
tidy_multgee Tidy a 'multgee' model
tidy_parameters Tidy a model with parameters package
tidy_plus_plus Tidy a model and compute additional informations
tidy_remove_intercept Remove intercept(s)
tidy_select_variables Select variables to keep/drop
tidy_with_broom_or_parameters Tidy a model with broom or parameters
tidy_zeroinfl Tidy a 'zeroinfl' or a 'hurdle' model

-- V --

variables_to_contrast Marginal Contrasts with 'marginaleffects::avg_comparisons()'
variables_to_predict Marginal Predictions with 'marginaleffects::avg_predictions()'

-- misc --

.assert_package Check a package installation status or minimum required version
.clean_backticks Remove backticks around variable names
.escape_regex Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a regular expression
.formula_list_to_named_list Convert formula selector to a named list
.generic_selector Generate a custom selector function
.get_all_packages_dependencies Check a package installation status or minimum required version
.get_min_version_required Check a package installation status or minimum required version
.get_package_dependencies Check a package installation status or minimum required version
.is_selector_scoped Generate a custom selector function
.select_to_varnames Variable selector