.install_pkg | Installs Julia packages if needed |
.julia_project_status | Obtain the status of the current Julia project |
.set_seed | Set a seed both in Julia and R |
.using | Loads Julia packages |
BayesFluxR_setup | Set up of the Julia environment needed for BayesFlux |
bayes_by_backprop | Use Bayes By Backprop to find Variational Approximation to BNN. |
BNN | Create a Bayesian Neural Network |
BNN.totparams | Obtain the total parameters of the BNN |
Chain | Chain various layers together to form a network |
Dense | Create a Dense layer with 'in_size' inputs and 'out_size' outputs using 'act' activation function |
find_mode | Find the MAP of a BNN using SGD |
Gamma | Create a Gamma Prior |
get_random_symbol | Creates a random string that is used as variable in julia |
initialise.allsame | Initialises all parameters of the network, all hyper parameters of the prior and all additional parameters of the likelihood by drawing random values from 'dist'. |
InverseGamma | Create an Inverse-Gamma Prior |
likelihood.feedforward_normal | Use a Normal likelihood for a Feedforward network |
likelihood.feedforward_tdist | Use a t-Distribution likelihood for a Feedforward network |
likelihood.seqtoone_normal | Use a Normal likelihood for a seq-to-one recurrent network |
likelihood.seqtoone_tdist | Use a T-likelihood for a seq-to-one recurrent network. |
LSTM | Create an LSTM layer with 'in_size' input size, and 'out_size' hidden state size |
madapter.DiagCov | Use the diagonal of sample covariance matrix as inverse mass matrix. |
madapter.FixedMassMatrix | Use a fixed mass matrix |
madapter.FullCov | Use the full covariance matrix as inverse mass matrix |
madapter.RMSProp | Use RMSProp to adapt the inverse mass matrix. |
mcmc | Sample from a BNN using MCMC |
Normal | Create a Normal Prior |
opt.ADAM | ADAM optimiser |
opt.Descent | Standard gradient descent |
opt.RMSProp | RMSProp optimiser |
posterior_predictive | Draw from the posterior predictive distribution |
prior.gaussian | Use an isotropic Gaussian prior |
prior.mixturescale | Scale Mixture of Gaussian Prior |
prior_predictive | Sample from the prior predictive of a Bayesian Neural Network |
RNN | Create a RNN layer with 'in_size' input, 'out_size' hidden state and 'act' activation function |
sadapter.Const | Use a constant stepsize in mcmc |
sadapter.DualAverage | Use Dual Averaging like in STAN to tune stepsize |
sampler.AdaptiveMH | Adaptive Metropolis Hastings as introduced in |
sampler.GGMC | Gradient Guided Monte Carlo |
sampler.HMC | Standard Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (Hybrid Monte Carlo). |
sampler.SGLD | Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics as proposed in Welling, M., & Teh, Y. W. (n.d.). Bayesian Learning via Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics. 8. |
sampler.SGNHTS | Stochastic Gradient Nose-Hoover Thermostat as proposed in |
summary.BNN | Print a summary of a BNN |
tensor_embed_mat | Embed a matrix of timeseries into a tensor |
to_bayesplot | Convert draws array to conform with 'bayesplot' |
Truncated | Truncates a Distribution |
vi.get_samples | Draw samples form a variational family. |