to_bayesplot {BayesFluxR}R Documentation

Convert draws array to conform with 'bayesplot'


BayesFluxR returns draws in a matrix of dimension params x draws. This cannot be used with the 'bayesplot' package which expects an array of dimensions draws x chains x params.


to_bayesplot(ch, param_names = NULL)



Chain of draws obtained using mcmc


If 'NULL', the parameter names will be of the form 'param_1', 'param_2', etc. If 'param_names' is a string, the parameter names will start with the string with the number of the parameter attached to it. If 'param_names' is a vector, it has to provide a name for each paramter in the chain.


Returns an array of dimensions draws x chains x params.


## Not run: 
  ## Needs previous call to `BayesFluxR_setup` which is time
  ## consuming and requires Julia and BayesFlux.jl
  BayesFluxR_setup(installJulia=TRUE, seed=123)
  net <- Chain(Dense(5, 1))
  like <- likelihood.feedforward_normal(net, Gamma(2.0, 0.5))
  prior <- prior.gaussian(net, 0.5)
  init <- initialise.allsame(Normal(0, 0.5), like, prior)
  x <- matrix(rnorm(5*100), nrow = 5)
  y <- rnorm(100)
  bnn <- BNN(x, y, like, prior, init)
  sampler <- sampler.SGLD()
  ch <- mcmc(bnn, 10, 1000, sampler)
  ch <- to_bayesplot(ch)
  mcmc_intervals(ch, pars = paste0("param_", 1:10))

## End(Not run)

[Package BayesFluxR version 0.1.3 Index]