sdetorus-package |
sdetorus - Statistical Tools for Toroidal Diffusions |
a1Inv |
Efficient computation of Bessel related functions |
alphaToA |
Valid drift matrices for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion in 2D |
approxMleWn1D |
Approximate MLE of the WN diffusion in 1D |
approxMleWn2D |
Approximate MLE of the WN diffusion in 2D |
approxMleWnPairs |
Approximate MLE of the WN diffusion in 2D from a sample of initial and final pairs of angles. |
aToAlpha |
Valid drift matrices for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion in 2D |
constBvm |
Bivariate Sine von Mises density |
constJp |
Jones and Pewsey (2005)'s circular distribution |
covstOu |
Transition probability density of the univariate OU diffusion |
covtMou |
Transition probability density of the multivariate OU diffusion |
crankNicolson1D |
Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme for the 1D Fokker-Planck equation with periodic boundaries |
crankNicolson2D |
Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme for the 2D Fokker-Planck equation with periodic boundaries |
dBvm |
Bivariate Sine von Mises density |
diffCirc |
Lagged differences for circular time series |
dJp |
Jones and Pewsey (2005)'s circular distribution |
dPsTpd |
Wrapped Euler and Shoji-Ozaki pseudo-transition probability densities |
driftJp |
Drift for the JP diffusion |
driftMixIndVm |
Drift for the mivM diffusion |
driftMixVm |
Drift for the mivM diffusion (circular case) |
driftMvm |
Drift for the MvM diffusion |
driftWn |
Drift for the WN diffusion |
driftWn1D |
Drift of the WN diffusion in 1D |
driftWn2D |
Drift of the WN diffusion in 2D |
dStatWn2D |
Stationary density of a WN diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix) in 2D |
dTpdMou |
Transition probability density of the multivariate OU diffusion |
dTpdOu |
Transition probability density of the univariate OU diffusion |
dTpdPde1D |
Transition probability density in 1D by PDE solving |
dTpdPde2D |
Transition probability density in 2D by PDE solving |
dTpdWou |
Conditional probability density of the WOU process |
dTpdWou1D |
Approximation of the transition probability density of the WN diffusion in 1D |
dTpdWou2D |
Approximation of the transition probability density of the WN diffusion in 2D |
dVm |
Density of the von Mises |
dWn1D |
WN density in 1D |
euler1D |
Simulation of trajectories of the WN or vM diffusion in 1D |
euler2D |
Simulation of trajectories of the WN or MvM diffusion in 2D |
forwardSweepPeriodicTridiag |
Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition |
forwardSweepTridiag |
Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition |
integrateSimp1D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
integrateSimp2D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
integrateSimp3D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
linesCirc |
Lines and arrows with vertical wrapping |
linesTorus |
Lines and arrows with wrapping in the torus |
linesTorus3d |
Lines and arrows with wrapping in the torus |
logBesselI0Scaled |
Efficient computation of Bessel related functions |
logLikWouPairs |
Loglikelihood of WN in 2D when only the initial and final points are observed |
meantMou |
Transition probability density of the multivariate OU diffusion |
meantOu |
Transition probability density of the univariate OU diffusion |
mleMou |
Maximum likelihood estimation of the multivariate OU diffusion |
mleOptimWrapper |
Optimization wrapper for likelihood-based procedures |
mleOu |
Maximum likelihood estimation of the OU diffusion |
mlePde1D |
MLE for toroidal process via PDE solving in 1D |
mlePde2D |
MLE for toroidal process via PDE solving in 2D |
momentMatchWnVm |
Score and moment matching of a univariate or bivariate wrapped normal by a von Mises |
periodicTrapRule1D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
periodicTrapRule2D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
periodicTrapRule3D |
Quadrature rules in 1D, 2D and 3D |
psMle |
Maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation by wrapped pseudo-likelihoods |
rStatWn2D |
Simulation from the stationary density of a WN diffusion in 2D |
rTpdWn2D |
Simulation from the approximated transition distribution of a WN diffusion in 2D |
rTrajLangevin |
Simulation of trajectories of a Langevin diffusion |
rTrajMou |
Simulation of trajectories for the multivariate OU diffusion |
rTrajOu |
Simulation of trajectories for the univariate OU diffusion |
rTrajWn1D |
Simulation of trajectories for the WN diffusion in 1D |
rTrajWn2D |
Simulation of trajectories for the WN diffusion in 2D |
safeSoftMax |
Safe softmax function for computing weights |
scoreMatchWnBvm |
Score and moment matching of a univariate or bivariate wrapped normal by a von Mises |
scoreMatchWnVm |
Score and moment matching of a univariate or bivariate wrapped normal by a von Mises |
sdetorus |
sdetorus - Statistical Tools for Toroidal Diffusions |
sigmaDiff |
High-frequency estimate of the diffusion matrix |
solvePeriodicTridiag |
Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition |
solveTridiag |
Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition |
solveTridiagMatConsts |
Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix systems, with optional presaving of LU decomposition |
stepAheadWn1D |
Multiple simulation of trajectory ends of the WN or vM diffusion in 1D |
stepAheadWn2D |
Multiple simulation of trajectory ends of the WN or MvM diffusion in 2D |
to2PiInt |
Wrapping of radians to its principal values |
toInt |
Wrapping of radians to its principal values |
toPiInt |
Wrapping of radians to its principal values |
torusAxis |
Draws pretty axis labels for circular variables |
torusAxis3d |
Draws pretty axis labels for circular variables |
unwrapCircSeries |
Unwrapping of circular time series |
vartOu |
Transition probability density of the univariate OU diffusion |