dTpdWou2D {sdetorus}R Documentation

Approximation of the transition probability density of the WN diffusion in 2D


Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) for a WN diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix)


dTpdWou2D(x, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho = 0, maxK = 2L, expTrc = 30)



a matrix of dimension c(n, 2) containing angles. They all must be in [π,π)[\pi,\pi) so that the truncated wrapping by maxK windings is able to capture periodicity.


a matrix of dimension c(n, 2) containing the starting angles. They all must be in [π,π)[\pi,\pi). If all x0 are the same, a matrix of dimension c(1, 2) can be passed for better performance.


a scalar containing the times separating x and x0.


vector of length 3 parametrizing the A matrix as in alphaToA.


a vector of length 2 giving the mean.


vector of length 2 containing the square root of the diagonal of Σ\Sigma, the diffusion matrix.


correlation coefficient of Σ\Sigma.


maximum absolute value of the windings considered in the computation of the WN.


truncation for exponential: exp(x) with x <= -expTrc is set to zero. Defaults to 30.


The function checks for positive definiteness. If violated, it resets A such that solve(A) %*% Sigma is positive definite.

See Section 3.3 in García-Portugués et al. (2019) for details. See dTpdWou for the general case (less efficient for 1D).


A vector of size n containing the tpd evaluated at x.


García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019) Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications. Statistics and Computing, 29(2):1–22. doi:10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2


alpha <- c(2, 1, -1)
sigma <- c(1.5, 2)
rho <- 0.9
Sigma <- diag(sigma^2)
Sigma[1, 2] <- Sigma[2, 1] <- rho * prod(sigma)
A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)
solve(A) %*% Sigma
mu <- c(pi, 0)
x <- t(euler2D(x0 = matrix(c(0, 0), nrow = 1), A = A, mu = mu,
               sigma = sigma, N = 500, delta = 0.1)[1, , ])

sum(sapply(1:49, function(i) log(dTpdWou(x = matrix(x[i + 1, ], ncol = 2),
                                         x0 = x[i, ], t = 1.5, A = A,
                                         Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu))))

sum(log(dTpdWou2D(x = matrix(x[2:50, ], ncol = 2),
                  x0 = matrix(x[1:49, ], ncol = 2), t = 1.5, alpha = alpha,
                  mu = mu, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)))

lgrid <- 56
grid <- seq(-pi, pi, l = lgrid + 1)[-(lgrid + 1)]
image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdWou(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)),
                                 x0 = c(0, 0), t = 0.5, A = A,
                                 Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu),
                         nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25),
      main = "dTpdWou")
image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdWou2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)),
                                   x0 = matrix(0, nrow = 56^2, ncol = 2),
                                   t = 0.5, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma,
                                   mu = mu),
                         nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25),
      main = "dTpdWou2D")

x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100)
t <- 1
image(x, x, matrix(dTpdWou2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(x, x)),
                             x0 = matrix(rep(0, 100 * 2), nrow = 100 * 100,
                                         ncol = 2),
                             t = t, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
                             maxK = 2, expTrc = 30),
                             nrow = 100, ncol = 100),
      zlim = c(0, 0.25))
points(stepAheadWn2D(x0 = rbind(c(0, 0)), delta = t / 500,
                     A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma), mu = mu,
                     sigma = sigma, N = 500, M = 1000, maxK = 2,
                     expTrc = 30))

[Package sdetorus version 0.1.10 Index]