General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator Saturation Methods

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gets-package General-to-Specific (GETS) and Indicator Saturation (ISAT) Modelling

-- A --

arx Estimate an AR-X model with log-ARCH-X errors
as.arx Convert an object to class 'arx'
as.arx.lm Convert an object to class 'arx'
as.lm Convert to 'lm' object

-- B --

biascorr Bias-correction of coefficients following general-to-specific model selection
blocksFun Block-based General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling

-- C --

coef.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
coef.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
coef.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
coef.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects

-- D --

diagnostics Diagnostics tests
distorttest Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test
distorttestboot Bootstrapped Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test
dlogitx Estimate an autoregressive logit model with covariates
dlogitxSim Simulate from a dynamic logit-x model
dropvar Drop variable

-- E --

eqwma Equally Weighted Moving Average (EqWMA) of the pth. exponentiated values
ES Conditional Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES)
eviews Exporting results to EViews and STATA

-- F --

fitted.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
fitted.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
fitted.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
fitted.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects

-- G --

gets General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling
gets.arx General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling
gets.isat General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling 'isat' objects
gets.lm General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling 'lm' objects
gets.logitx General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling of objects of class 'logitx'
getsFun General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling function
getsm General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling of an AR-X model (the mean specification) with log-ARCH-X errors (the log-variance specification).
getsv General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling of an AR-X model (the mean specification) with log-ARCH-X errors (the log-variance specification).
gmm Generalised Method of Moment (GMM) estimation of linear models

-- H --

hpdata Hoover and Perez (1999) data

-- I --

iim Make Indicator Matrices (Impulses, Steps, Trends)
infldata Quarterly Norwegian year-on-year CPI inflation
info.criterion Computes the Average Value of an Information Criterion
infocrit Computes the Average Value of an Information Criterion
isat Indicator Saturation
isat.arx Indicator Saturation
isat.default Indicator Saturation
isat.lm Indicator Saturation
isatdates Extracting Indicator Saturation Breakdates
isatloop Repeated Impulse Indicator Saturation
isattest Indicator Saturation Test
isatvar Variance of the coefficient path
isatvarcorrect Consistency and Efficiency Correction for Impulse Indicator Saturation
isvarcor IIS Consistency Correction
isvareffcor IIS Efficiency Correction

-- L --

leqwma Equally Weighted Moving Average (EqWMA) of the pth. exponentiated values
logit Estimation of a logit model
logitx Estimate an autoregressive logit model with covariates
logitxSim Simulate from a dynamic logit-x model
logLik.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
logLik.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
logLik.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
logLik.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects

-- M --

model.matrix.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
mvrnormsim Simulate from a Multivariate Normal Distribution

-- O --

ols OLS estimation
outlierscaletest Sum and Sup Scaling Outlier Tests
outliertest Jiao and Pretis Outlier Proportion and Count Tests

-- P --

paths Extraction functions for 'arx', 'gets' and 'isat' objects
periodicdummies Make matrix of periodicity (e.g. seasonal) dummies
plot.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
plot.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
plot.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
plot.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects
predict.arx Forecasting with 'arx' models
predict.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
predict.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
print.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
print.distorttestboot Bootstrapped Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test
print.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
print.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
print.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects
printtex Generate LaTeX code of an estimation result

-- R --

recursive Recursive estimation
regressorsMean Create the regressors of the mean equation
regressorsVariance Create the regressors of the variance equation
residuals.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
residuals.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
residuals.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
rsquared Extraction functions for 'arx', 'gets' and 'isat' objects

-- S --

sigma.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
sigma.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
sigma.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
sim Make Indicator Matrices (Impulses, Steps, Trends)
so2data UK SO2 Data
sp500data Daily Standard and Poor's 500 index data
stata Exporting results to EViews and STATA
summary.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
summary.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
summary.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
summary.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects

-- T --

terminals Extraction functions for 'arx', 'gets' and 'isat' objects
tim Make Indicator Matrices (Impulses, Steps, Trends)
toLatex.arx Generate LaTeX code of an estimation result
toLatex.gets Generate LaTeX code of an estimation result
toLatex.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects

-- V --

VaR Conditional Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES)
vargaugeiis Variance of the Impulse Indicator Saturation Gauge
vcov.arx Extraction functions for 'arx' objects
vcov.gets Extraction functions for 'gets' objects
vcov.isat Extraction functions for 'isat' objects
vcov.logitx Extraction functions for 'logitx' objects