Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

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RaceID-package Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

-- B --

barplotgene Gene Expression Barplot
baseLineVar Baseline gene expression variability
branchcells Differential Gene Expression between Links

-- C --

calcAlphaG Function for calculating an aggregated dispersion parameter
calcVar Function for calculating total variance from VarID fit
calcVarFit Function for calculating the total variance fit
CCcorrect Dimensional Reduction by PCA or ICA
cc_genes Cell cycle markers for Mus Muscuus
cellsfromtree Extract Cells on Differentiation Trajectory
cleanNN Function for pruning k-nearest neighborhoods based on neighborhood overlap
clustdiffgenes Inference of differentially expressed genes in a cluster
clustexp Clustering of single-cell transcriptome data
clustheatmap Plotting a Heatmap of the Distance Matrix
compdist Computing a distance matrix for cell type inference
compentropy Compute transcriptome entropy of each cell
compfr Computation of a two dimensional Fruchterman-Rheingold representation
compMean Function for computing local gene expression averages
compmedoids Computes Medoids from a Clustering Partition
compNoise Function for computing local gene expression variability
comppvalue Computing P-values for Link Significance
compscore Compute StemID2 score
compTBNoise Function for fitting a negative binomial noise model of technical and biological variability across cells in pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods.
comptsne Computation of a two dimensional t-SNE representation
compumap Computation of a two dimensional umap representation
corrVar Function for regressing out the mean-variance dependence. This function corrects for the systematic dependence of the variance on the mean by a local regression.
createKnnMatrix Function to create a knn matrix

-- D --

diffexpnb Function for differential expression analysis
diffgenes Compute Expression Differences between Clusters
diffNoisyGenes Function for extracting genes with elevated variability in a cluster
diffNoisyGenesTB Function for extracting genes with differential biological variability in a cluster

-- E --

extractCounts Function for filtering count data

-- F --

filterdata Data filtering
findoutliers Inference of outlier cells and final clustering
fitBackVar Function for computing a background model of gene expression variability
fitGammaRt Fitting a Gamma distribution to global cell-to-cell variability
fitLogVarLogMean Second order polynomial fit of mean-variance dependence This function corrects for the systematic dependence of the variance on the mean by a local regression.
fitNBtb Function for fitting a negative binomial noise model of technical and biological variability
fitNBtbCl Function for fitting a negative binomial noise model of technical and biological variability
fractDotPlot Dotplot of gene expression across clusters or samples

-- G --

getExpData Function for extracting a filtered expression matrix from a 'RaceID' 'SCseq' object
getfdata Extracting filtered expression data
getFilteredCounts Function for filtering count data
getNode Extract all genes for a module in a FateID self-orgaizing map
getproj Extract Projections of all Cells from a Cluster
graphCluster Function for infering clustering of the pruned k nearest neighbour graph

-- I --

imputeexp Imputed expression matrix
inspectKNN Function for inspecting pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods
intestinalData Single-cell transcriptome data of intestinal epithelial cells
intestinalDataSmall Single-cell transcriptome data of intestinal epithelial cells

-- L --

lineagegraph Inference of a Lineage Graph
Ltree The Ltree Class
Ltree-class The Ltree Class

-- M --

maxNoisyGenes Function for extracting genes maximal variability
maxNoisyGenesTB Function for extracting genes maximal variability

-- N --

noiseBaseFit Function for computing a fit to the baseline of gene expression variability

-- P --

plotB Boxplots for features across clusters
plotbackground Plot Background Model
plotBackVar Function for plottinhg the background model of gene expression variability
plotdiffgenes Barplot of differentially expressed genes
plotdiffgenesnb Function for plotting differentially expressed genes
plotDiffNoise Function for plotting differentially variable genes
plotdimsat Plotting the Saturation of Explained Variance
plotdistanceratio Histogram of Cell-to-Cell Distances in Real versus Embedded Space
plotexpmap Highlighting gene expression in a dimensional reduction representation
plotExpNoise Noise-expression scatter plot
plotfeatmap Highlighting feature values in a dimensional reduction representation
plotgraph StemID2 Lineage Graph
plotjaccard Plot Jaccard Similarities
plotlabelsmap Plot labels in a dimensional reduction representation
plotlinkpv Heatmap of Link P-values
plotlinkscore Heatmap of Link Scores
plotmap Plotting a dimensional reduction representation
plotmarkergenes Plotting a Heatmap of Marker Gene Expression
plotMV Plot of Mean-Variance dependence and various fits
plotNoiseModel Function for plotting the baseline model of gene expression variability
plotoutlierprobs Plot Outlier Probabilities
plotPC Function to plot the selected number of principal components
plotPearsonRes Function for plotting the variance of Pearson residuals
plotPP Plotting function for posterior checks
plotPT Plotting pseudo-time in dimensional reduction representation
plotQQ Scatter plot of two noise-related quantaties of local pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods
plotQuantMap Plotting noise-related quantaties of local pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods
plotRegNB Function for plotting negative binomial regression
plotsaturation Plot Saturation of Within-Cluster Dispersion
plotsensitivity Plot Sensitivity
plotsilhouette Plot Cluster Silhouette
plotspantree Minimum Spanning Tree of RaceID3 clusters
plotsymbolsmap Plotting groups as different symbols in a dimensional reduction representation
plotTrProbs Function for plotting transition probabilities between clusters
plotUMINoise Plotting noise dependence on total UMI count
postfntb Posterior probability
priorfn Prior function for maximum a posterior inference
projback Compute Cell Projections for Randomized Background Distribution
projcells Compute transcriptome entropy of each cell
projenrichment Enrichment of cells on inter-cluster links
pruneKnn Function inferring a pruned knn matrix
pseudoTime Extract pseudo-time order of cells along a trajectory

-- Q --

quantKnn Noise-related quantaties of local pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods

-- R --

RaceID Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
rcpp_hello_world Simple function using Rcpp
rfcorrect Random Forests-based Reclassification

-- S --

SCseq The SCseq Class
SCseq-class The SCseq Class
Seurat2SCseq Converting a Seurat object to a RaceID/VarID object

-- T --

testPrior Posterior check of the model
transitionProbs Function for the computation of transition probabilities between clusters

-- U --

updateSC Function for updating a RaceID SCseq object with VarID results

-- V --

varRegression Linear Regression of Sources of Variability
violinMarkerPlot Violin plot of marker gene expression or noise