Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference

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Documentation for package ‘LearnBayes’ version 2.15.1

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achievement School achievement data
baseball.1964 Team records in the 1964 National League baseball season
bayes.influence Observation sensitivity analysis in beta-binomial model
bayes.model.selection Bayesian regression model selection using G priors
bayes.probit Simulates from a probit binary response regression model using data augmentation and Gibbs sampling
bayesresiduals Computation of posterior residual outlying probabilities for a linear regression model
bermuda.grass Bermuda grass experiment data Selection of Beta Prior Given Knowledge of Two Quantiles
betabinexch Log posterior of logit mean and log precision for Binomial/beta exchangeable model
betabinexch0 Log posterior of mean and precision for Binomial/beta exchangeable model
bfexch Logarithm of integral of Bayes factor for testing homogeneity of proportions
bfindep Bayes factor against independence assuming alternatives close to independence
binomial.beta.mix Computes the posterior for binomial sampling and a mixture of betas prior
birdextinct Bird measurements from British islands
birthweight Birthweight regression study
blinreg Simulation from Bayesian linear regression model
blinregexpected Simulates values of expected response for linear regression model
blinregpred Simulates values of predicted response for linear regression model
bprobit.probs Simulates fitted probabilities for a probit regression model Log posterior of a Bradley Terry random effects model
breastcancer Survival experience of women with breast cancer under treatment
calculus.grades Calculus grades dataset
cancermortality Cancer mortality data
careertraj.setup Setup for Career Trajectory Application
cauchyerrorpost Log posterior of median and log scale parameters for Cauchy sampling
chemotherapy Chemotherapy treatment effects on ovarian cancer
ctable Bayes factor against independence using uniform priors
darwin Darwin's data on plants
discint Highest probability interval for a discrete distribution
discrete.bayes Posterior distribution with discrete priors
discrete.bayes.2 Posterior distribution of two parameters with discrete priors
dmnorm The probability density function for the multivariate normal (Gaussian) probability distribution
dmt Probability density function for multivariate t
donner Donner survival study
election Florida election data
election.2008 Poll data from 2008 U.S. Presidential Election
footballscores Game outcomes and point spreads for American football
gibbs Metropolis within Gibbs sampling algorithm of a posterior distribution
groupeddatapost Log posterior of normal parameters when data is in grouped form
hearttransplants Heart transplant mortality data
hiergibbs Gibbs sampling for a hierarchical regression model
histprior Density function of a histogram distribution
howardprior Logarithm of Howard's dependent prior for two proportions
impsampling Importance sampling using a t proposal density
indepmetrop Independence Metropolis independence chain of a posterior distribution
iowagpa Admissions data for an university
jeter2004 Hitting data for Derek Jeter
laplace Summarization of a posterior density by the Laplace method
lbinorm Logarithm of bivariate normal density
logctablepost Log posterior of difference and sum of logits in a 2x2 table
logisticpost Log posterior for a binary response model with a logistic link and a uniform prior
logpoissgamma Log posterior with Poisson sampling and gamma prior
logpoissnormal Log posterior with Poisson sampling and normal prior
marathontimes Marathon running times
mnormt.onesided Bayesian test of one-sided hypothesis about a normal mean
mnormt.twosided Bayesian test of a two-sided hypothesis about a normal mean
mycontour Contour plot of a bivariate density function
normal.normal.mix Computes the posterior for normal sampling and a mixture of normals prior Selection of Normal Prior Given Knowledge of Two Quantiles
normchi2post Log posterior density for mean and variance for normal sampling
normnormexch Log posterior of mean and log standard deviation for Normal/Normal exchangeable model
normpostpred Posterior predictive simulation from Bayesian normal sampling model
normpostsim Simulation from Bayesian normal sampling model
ordergibbs Gibbs sampling for a hierarchical regression model
pbetap Predictive distribution for a binomial sample with a beta prior
pbetat Bayesian test of a proportion
pdisc Posterior distribution for a proportion with discrete priors
pdiscp Predictive distribution for a binomial sample with a discrete prior
plot.bayes Posterior distribution with discrete priors
plot.bayes2 Posterior distribution of two parameters with discrete priors
poissgamexch Log posterior of Poisson/gamma exchangeable model
poisson.gamma.mix Computes the posterior for Poisson sampling and a mixture of gammas prior
predplot Plot of predictive distribution for binomial sampling with a beta prior
print.bayes Posterior distribution with discrete priors
prior.two.parameters Construct discrete uniform prior for two parameters
puffin Bird measurements from British islands
rdirichlet Random draws from a Dirichlet distribution Computes the log posterior of a normal regression model with a g prior.
regroup Collapses a matrix by summing over rows
rejectsampling Rejecting sampling using a t proposal density
rigamma Random number generation for inverse gamma distribution
rmnorm Random number generation for multivariate normal
rmt Random number generation for multivariate t
robustt Gibbs sampling for a robust regression model
rtruncated Simulates from a truncated probability distribution
rwmetrop Random walk Metropolis algorithm of a posterior distribution
schmidt Batting data for Mike Schmidt
simcontour Simulated draws from a bivariate density function on a grid
sir Sampling importance resampling
sluggerdata Hitting statistics for ten great baseball players
soccergoals Goals scored by professional soccer team
stanfordheart Data from Stanford Heart Transplanation Program
strikeout Baseball strikeout data
studentdata Student dataset
summary.bayes Posterior distribution with discrete priors
transplantpost Log posterior of a Pareto model for survival data
triplot Plot of prior, likelihood and posterior for a proportion
weibullregpost Log posterior of a Weibull proportional odds model for survival data