Toolkit for HLA Immunogenomics

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Documentation for package ‘HLAtools’ version 1.1.1

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addCodonLine Add an 'AA codon' Line to Alignments When Missing.
alignmentFull Build Sets of Protein, Codon, Coding Nucleotide and Genomic Nucleotide Alignments for Specified Loci
alignmentSearch Search Alignments for Specific Positions in a Specific Allele
alleleListHistory Allele Names Across All Release Versions
alleleTrim Trim All Versions of Allele Names
atlasFull Generate a Complete set of Protein, Coding nucleotide and Genomic Nucleotide Atlases
atlasMaker Identify the Gene-Feature Boundaries in HLA Region Genes
BDstrat Stratify BIGDAWG Datasets by Specific Alleles
BDtoPyPop Convert BIGDAWG datasets to PyPop datasets Converts a BIGDAWG-formatted data frame into a pair of PyPop-formatted case and control data frames.
buildAlignments Build Amino Acid, cDNA and gDNA Alignments
buildGazeteer Define Categories of Genes Supported by the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database
buildIMGTHLAGeneTypes Describe IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Genes, Identifying Pseudogenes and Gene Fragments
checkAlignType Ensure that AlignType Values are Valid
checkgDNAstart Identify gDNA Alignments in Which the First Feature Boundary is not Identified as Position +1.
checkSource Ensure that Source Values are Valid
checkVersion Check IPD-IMGT/HLA Release Version Allele Names
compareSequences Identify Sequence Differences Between Two Alleles at a Locus
convertAny Convert Values Across an Entire Data Frame or Vector Converts all instances of a value in a data frame or vector to a specified value.
countSpaces Count the Spaces in a Character String
customAlign Generate a Customized Peptide, Codon or Nucleotide Sequence Alignment.
expandVersion Add 'Dot' Delimiters to a Numeric Release Version
ffN Identify and Annotate Gene Features in Pseudogenes and Gene Fragments.
formatHead Format PyPop Data Frame Headers Format the header of a PyPop-formatted data frame.
fragmentFeatureNames Gene Features of HLA Pseduogenes and Gene Fragments
getAlignmentNames Retrieve Alignment Filenames for HLA Genes
getField Trim Colon-Delimited HLA Allele Names by Field
getLatestVersion Identify the Latest IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Release
GIANT GLupdate-Integrated Allele Name Translation
GLSC.ex Example Data Frame of Genotype List String Code Data
GLStoUNI Translate GL String to UNIFORMAT
GLstring.ex Example Data Frame of Genotype List String Data.
GLtoUN Translate GL Strings to UNIFORMAT Strings
GLupdate Update a GL String Code.
GLV Retrieve version from input GL String.
GLV2 Format GL String Code version number.
GLvalidate Validates a GL String Code.
GLVhelper Locate matches for an incomplete IPD-IMGT/HLA Database version.
HLAatlas Boundary Positions of Exons, Introns and UTRs in Amino Acid, cDNA and gDNA Alignments
HLAgazeteer Functional and Organizational Categories of Genes Supported by the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database
IMGTHLAGeneTypes Molecular characteristics of the Genes Curated by the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database
motifMatch Identify Alleles that Share a Sequence Motif
multiAlign Generate an Alignment for Specific Alleles at Different Positions
multiGLStoUNI Translate Multiple GL Strings to UNIFORMAT
multiLocusValidation Apply validateLocus() to Multiple Loci
multiSearch Search Alignment Sequences at Multiple Positions for a Specified Allele
multiUNItoGLS Translate Multiple UNIFORMAT Strings to GL Strings
multiUpdateGL Update columns of GL String Code data to a desired IPD-IMGT/HLA Database version.
numFields Identify the Number of Fields in a Colon-Delimited Allele Name
parseAlignmentHead Guides For Parsing the Header Blocks of Alignment Files
posSort Numerical Sort of Alignment Positions that Contain Indels
pypopHeaders Convert BIGDAWG File Headers to PyPop Format
queryRelease Search Allele Names Across Release Versions
redec Reintroduce version decimals.
relRisk Calculate Relative Risk for Individual Alleles and Genotypes in BIGDAWG-formatted Non-Case-Control Datasets
repoVersion Convert an AlleleListHistory Release Version to the GitHub Repository Version
sHLAdata Synthetic HLA Data for use with Package Examples
squashVersion Reduce a Release Version to Numerals
typeToSource Convert AlignType Values to Source Values
uniAlign Generate an Alignment for Specific Alleles at Specific Positions
UNIFORMAT.example Example Data Frame of UNIFORMAT Data.
uniSearch Search Sequences at a Single Position for an Allele
UNItoGLS Translate UNIFORMAT to GL String
UNtoGL Translate UNIFORMAT Strings to GL Strings
updateAll Update All Package Data Objects Derived from IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Resources
updateAlleleListHistory Build the AlleleList History R Object
updateGL Update a GL String Code to a Specified IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Version.
validateAllele Validate Allele-Name Format and Presence in HLAalignments
validateGLstring Validate a GL String
validateLocus Determine if a Locus Name is in the HLAgazeteer
validateMotif Determine if a Motif is Properly Formatted
validateUniformat Validate a UNIFORMAT String
validateVersion Validate an IPD-IMGT/HLA Release Version
verifyAllele Determine if an Allele Name Ever Existed, and (if so) its Most Recent IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Release