Aggregate | Aggregate data |
Aggregate.coin | Aggregate indicators in a coin |
Aggregate.data.frame | Aggregate data frame |
Aggregate.purse | Aggregate indicators |
approx_df | Interpolate time-indexed data frame |
ASEM_iData | ASEM raw indicator data |
ASEM_iData_p | ASEM raw panel data |
ASEM_iMeta | ASEM indicator metadata |
a_amean | Weighted arithmetic mean |
a_copeland | Copeland scores |
a_genmean | Weighted generalised mean |
a_gmean | Weighted geometric mean |
a_hmean | Weighted harmonic mean |
boxcox | Box Cox transformation |
build_example_coin | Build ASEM example coin |
build_example_purse | Build example purse |
CAGR | Compound annual growth rate |
change_ind | Add and remove indicators |
check_iData | Check iData |
check_iMeta | Check iMeta |
check_SkewKurt | Check skew and kurtosis of a vector |
COIN_to_coin | Convert a COIN to a coin |
compare_coins | Compare two coins |
compare_coins_corr | Compare two coins by correlation |
compare_coins_multi | Compare multiple coins |
compare_df | Compare two data frames |
Custom | Custom operation |
Custom.coin | Custom operation |
Custom.purse | Custom operation |
Denominate | Denominate data |
Denominate.coin | Denominate data set in a coin |
Denominate.data.frame | Denominate data sets by other variables |
Denominate.purse | Denominate a data set within a purse. |
export_to_excel | Export a coin or purse to Excel |
export_to_excel.coin | Export a coin to Excel |
export_to_excel.purse | Export a purse to Excel |
get_corr | Get correlations |
get_corr_flags | Find highly-correlated indicators within groups |
get_cronbach | Cronbach's alpha |
get_data | Get subsets of indicator data |
get_data.coin | Get subsets of indicator data |
get_data.purse | Get subsets of indicator data |
get_data_avail | Get data availability of units |
get_data_avail.coin | Get data availability of units |
get_data_avail.data.frame | Get data availability of units |
get_denom_corr | Correlations between indicators and denominators |
get_dset | Gets a named data set and performs checks |
get_dset.coin | Gets a named data set and performs checks |
get_dset.purse | Gets a named data set and performs checks |
get_eff_weights | Get effective weights |
get_noisy_weights | Noisy replications of weights |
get_opt_weights | Weight optimisation |
get_PCA | Perform PCA on a coin |
get_pvals | P-values for correlations in a data frame or matrix |
get_results | Results summary tables |
get_sensitivity | Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a coin |
get_stats | Statistics of columns/indicators |
get_stats.coin | Statistics of indicators |
get_stats.data.frame | Statistics of columns |
get_str_weak | Generate strengths and weaknesses for a specified unit |
get_trends | Get time trends |
get_unit_summary | Generate unit summary table |
icodes_to_inames | Convert iCodes to iNames |
import_coin_tool | Import data directly from COIN Tool |
Impute | Imputation of missing data |
Impute.coin | Impute a data set in a coin |
Impute.data.frame | Impute a data frame |
Impute.numeric | Impute a numeric vector |
Impute.purse | Impute data sets in a purse |
impute_panel | Impute panel data |
is.coin | Check if object is coin class |
is.purse | Check if object is purse class |
i_mean | Impute by mean |
i_mean_grp | Impute by group mean |
i_median | Impute by median |
i_median_grp | Impute by group median |
kurt | Calculate kurtosis |
log_CT | Log-transform a vector |
log_CT_orig | Log-transform a vector |
log_CT_plus | Log transform a vector (skew corrected) |
log_GII | Log-transform a vector |
names_to_codes | Generate short codes from long names |
new_coin | Create a new coin |
Normalise | Normalise data |
Normalise.coin | Create a normalised data set |
Normalise.data.frame | Normalise a data frame |
Normalise.numeric | Normalise a numeric vector |
Normalise.purse | Create normalised data sets in a purse of coins |
n_borda | Normalise using Borda scores |
n_dist2max | Normalise as distance to maximum value |
n_dist2ref | Normalise as distance to reference value |
n_dist2targ | Normalise as distance to target |
n_fracmax | Normalise as fraction of max value |
n_goalposts | Normalise using goalpost method |
n_minmax | Minmax a vector |
n_prank | Normalise using percentile ranks |
n_rank | Normalise using ranks |
n_scaled | Scale a vector |
n_zscore | Z-score a vector |
outrankMatrix | Outranking matrix |
plot_bar | Bar chart |
plot_corr | Static heatmaps of correlation matrices |
plot_dist | Static indicator distribution plots |
plot_dot | Dot plots of single indicator with highlighting |
plot_framework | Framework plots |
plot_scatter | Scatter plot of two variables |
plot_sensitivity | Plot sensitivity indices |
plot_uncertainty | Plot ranks from an uncertainty/sensitivity analysis |
prc_change | Percentage change of time series |
print.coin | Print coin |
print.purse | Print purse |
qNormalise | Quick normalisation |
qNormalise.coin | Quick normalisation of a coin |
qNormalise.data.frame | Quick normalisation of a data frame |
qNormalise.purse | Quick normalisation of a purse |
qTreat | Quick outlier treatment |
qTreat.coin | Quick outlier treatment of a coin |
qTreat.data.frame | Quick outlier treatment of a data frame |
qTreat.purse | Quick outlier treatment of a purse |
rank_df | Convert a data frame to ranks |
Regen | Regenerate a coin or purse |
Regen.coin | Regenerate a coin |
Regen.purse | Regenerate a purse |
remove_elements | Check the effect of removing indicators or aggregates |
replace_df | Replace multiple values in a data frame |
round_df | Round down a data frame |
SA_estimate | Estimate sensitivity indices |
SA_sample | Generate sample for sensitivity analysis |
Screen | Screen units based on data availability |
Screen.coin | Screen units based on data availability |
Screen.data.frame | Screen units based on data availability |
Screen.purse | Screen units based on data availability |
signif_df | Round a data frame to specified significant figures |
skew | Calculate skewness |
Treat | Treat outliers |
Treat.coin | Treat a data set in a coin for outliers |
Treat.data.frame | Treat a data frame for outliers |
Treat.numeric | Treat a numeric vector for outliers |
Treat.purse | Treat a purse of coins for outliers |
ucodes_to_unames | Convert uCodes to uNames |
winsorise | Winsorise a vector |
WorldDenoms | World denomination data |