Denominate.coin {COINr}R Documentation

Denominate data set in a coin


"Denominates" or "scales" indicators by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  denoms = NULL,
  denomby = NULL,
  denoms_ID = NULL,
  f_denom = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  out2 = "coin",



A coin class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An optional data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding to entries in denomby. This must also include an ID column identified by denoms_ID to match rows. If denoms is not specified, will extract any potential denominator columns that were attached to iData when calling new_coin().


Optional data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors to apply. Should have columns iCode, Denominator, ScaleFactor. iCode specifies an indicator code found in dset, Denominator specifies a column name from denoms to use to denominate the corresponding column from x. ScaleFactor allows the possibility to scale denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision. If denomby is not specified, specifications will be taken from the "Denominator" column in iMeta, if it exists.


An ID column for matching denoms with the data to be denominated. This column should contain uMeta codes to match with the data set extracted from the coin.


A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each column. By default, this is division, i.e. x[[col]]/denoms[[col]] for given columns, but any function can be passed that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Denominated".


Either "coin" (default) to return updated coin or "df" to output the aggregated data set.


arguments passed to or from other methods


This function denominates a data set dset inside the coin. By default, denominating variables are taken from the coin, specifically as variables in iData with Type = "Denominator" in iMeta (input to new_coin()). Specifications to map denominators to indicators are also taken by default from iMeta$Denominator, if it exists.

These specifications can be overridden using the denoms and denomby arguments. The operator for denomination can also be changed using the f_denom argument.

See also documentation for which is called by this method.


An updated coin if out2 = "coin", else a data frame of denominated data if out2 = "df".


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# denominate (here, we only need to say which dset to use, takes
# specs and denominators from within the coin)
coin <- Denominate(coin, dset = "Raw")

[Package COINr version 1.1.14 Index]