compare_coins_multi {COINr}R Documentation

Compare multiple coins


Given multiple coins as a list, generates a rank comparison of a single indicator or aggregate which is specified by the dset and iCode arguments (passed to get_data()). The indicator or aggregate targeted must be available in all the coins in coins.


  also_get = NULL,
  tabtype = "Values",
  ibase = 1,
  sort_table = TRUE,
  compare_by = "ranks"



A list of coins. If names are provided, these will be used in the tables returned by this function.


The name of a data set found in .$Data. See get_data().


A column name of the data set targeted by dset. See get_data().


Optional metadata columns to attach to the table: see get_data(). If this is not specified, the results of each coin will be merged using the uCodes within each coin. If this is specified, results will be merged additionally using the metadata columns. This means that coins must share the same metadata columns that are returned as a result of also_get.


The type of table to generate. One of:

  • "Values": returns a data frame of rank values for each coin provided, plus ISO3 column

  • "Diffs": returns a data frame of rank differences between the base coin and each other coin (see ibase)

  • "AbsDiffs": as "Diffs" but absolute rank differences are returned

  • "All": returns all of the three previous rank tables, as a list of data frames


The index of the coin to use as a base comparison (default first coin in list)


If TRUE, sorts by the base COIN (ibase) (default).


Either "ranks" which produces a comparison using ranks, or else "scores", which instead uses scores. Note that scores may be very different if the methodology is different from one coin to another, e.g. for different normalisation methods.


By default, the ranks of the target indicator/aggregate of each coin will be merged using the uCodes within each coin. Optionally, specifying also_get (passed to get_data()) will additionally merge using the metadata columns. This means that coins must share the same metadata columns that are returned as a result of also_get.

This function replaces the now-defunct compTableMulti() from COINr < v1.0.


Data frame unless tabtype = "All", in which case a list of three data frames is returned.


# see vignette("adjustments")

[Package COINr version 1.1.14 Index]