get_dset.purse {COINr}R Documentation

Gets a named data set and performs checks


A helper function to retrieve a named data set from a purse object. Retrieves the specified data set from each coin in the purse and joins them together in a single data frame using rbind(), indexed with a Time column.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
get_dset(x, dset, Time = NULL, also_get = NULL, ...)



A purse class object


A character string corresponding to a named data set within each coin .$Data. E.g. "Raw".


Optional time index to extract from a subset of the coins present in the purse. Should be a vector containing one or more entries in x$Time or NULL to return all (default).


A character vector specifying any columns to attach to the data set that are not indicators or aggregates. These will be e.g. uName, groups, denominators or columns labelled as "Other" in iMeta. These columns are stored in .$Meta$Unit to avoid repetition. Set also_get = "all" to attach all columns, or set also_get = "none" to return only numeric columns, i.e. no uCode column.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Data frame of indicator data.


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get raw data set
df1 <- get_dset(purse, dset = "Raw")

[Package COINr version 1.1.14 Index]