boot.comp | Performs Parametric Bootstrap for Sequentially Testing the Number of Components in Various Mixture Models |
boot.se | Performs Parametric Bootstrap for Standard Error Approximation |
CO2data | GNP and CO2 Data Set |
compCDF | Plot the Component CDF |
density.npEM | Normal kernel density estimate for nonparametric EM output |
density.spEM | Normal kernel density estimate for semiparametric EM output |
depth | Elliptical and Spherical Depth |
dmvnorm | The Multivariate Normal Density |
ellipse | Draw Two-Dimensional Ellipse Based on Mean and Covariance |
expRMM_EM | EM algorithm for Reliability Mixture Models (RMM) with right Censoring |
flaremixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Flare |
gammamixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Gamma Distributions |
Habituationdata | Infant habituation data |
hmeEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures-of-Experts |
ise.npEM | Integrated Squared Error for a selected density from npEM output |
logdmvnorm | The Multivariate Normal Density |
logisregmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Logistic Regressions |
makemultdata | Produce Cutpoint Multinomial Data |
mixturegram | Mixturegrams |
multmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Multinomials |
multmixmodel.sel | Model Selection Mixtures of Multinomials |
mvnormalmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Multivariate Normals |
mvnpEM | EM-like Algorithm for Nonparametric Mixture Models with Conditionally Independent Multivariate Component Densities |
NOdata | Ethanol Fuel Data Set |
normalmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Univariate Normals |
normalmixEM2comp | Fast EM Algorithm for 2-Component Mixtures of Univariate Normals |
normalmixMMlc | EC-MM Algorithm for Mixtures of Univariate Normals with linear constraints |
normmix.sim | Simulate from Mixtures of Normals |
normmixrm.sim | Simulate from Multivariate (repeated measures) Mixtures of Normals |
npEM | Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements |
npEMindrep | Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements |
npEMindrepbw | Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements |
npMSL | Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements - Maximum Smoothed Likelihood version |
plot.mixEM | Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Models |
plot.mixMCMC | Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Model Output Using MCMC Methods |
plot.mvnpEM | Plots of Marginal Density Estimates from the mvnpEM Algorithm Output |
plot.npEM | Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Output |
plot.spEM | Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Output |
plot.spEMN01 | Plot mixture pdf for the semiparametric mixture model output by spEMsymlocN01 |
plotexpRMM | Plot sequences from the EM algorithm for censored mixture of exponentials |
plotFDR | Plot False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimates from output by EM-like strategies |
plotly_compCDF | Plot the Component CDF using 'plotly' |
plotly_ellipse | Draw Two-Dimensional Ellipse Based on Mean and Covariance using 'plotly' |
plotly_expRMM | Plot sequences from the EM algorithm for censored mixture of exponentials using 'plotly' |
plotly_FDR | Plot False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimates from output by EM-like strategies using 'plotly' |
plotly_ise.npEM | Visualization of Integrated Squared Error for a selected density from npEM output using 'plotly' |
plotly_mixEM | Visualization of output of 'mixEM' function using 'plotly' |
plotly_mixMCMC | Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Model Output Using MCMC Methods using 'plotly' |
plotly_mixturegram | Mixturegrams |
plotly_npEM | Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Output |
plotly_seq.npEM | Plotting sequences of estimates from non- or semiparametric EM-like Algorithm using 'plotly' |
plotly_spEM | Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Output |
plotly_spEMN01 | Plot mixture pdf for the semiparametric mixture model output by 'spEMsymlocN01' using 'plotly'. |
plotly_spRMM | Plot output from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored data using 'plotly'. |
plotly_weibullRMM | Plot sequences from the Stochastic EM algorithm for mixture of Weibull using 'plotly' |
plotseq.npEM | Plotting sequences of estimates from non- or semiparametric EM-like Algorithm |
plotspRMM | Plot output from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored data |
plotweibullRMM | Plot sequences from the Stochastic EM algorithm for mixture of Weibull |
poisregmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Poisson Regressions |
post.beta | Summary of Posterior Regression Coefficients in Mixtures of Random Effects Regressions |
print.mvnpEM | Printing of Results from the mvnpEM Algorithm Output |
print.npEM | Printing non- and semi-parametric multivariate mixture model fits |
print.summary.mvnpEM | Summarizing Fits for Nonparametric Mixture Models with Conditionally Independent Multivariate Component Densities |
print.summary.npEM | Summarizing non- and semi-parametric multivariate mixture model fits |
RanEffdata | Simulated Data from 2-Component Mixture of Regressions with Random Effects |
regcr | Add a Confidence Region or Bayesian Credible Region for Regression Lines to a Scatterplot |
regmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions |
regmixEM.chgpt | ECM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Changepoints |
regmixEM.lambda | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Local Lambda Estimates |
regmixEM.loc | Iterative Algorithm Using EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Local Lambda Estimates |
regmixEM.mixed | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Random Effects |
regmixMH | Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions |
regmixmodel.sel | Model Selection in Mixtures of Regressions |
repnormmixEM | EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Normals with Repeated Measurements |
repnormmixmodel.sel | Model Selection in Mixtures of Normals with Repeated Measures |
rexpmix | Simulate from Mixtures of Exponentials |
rmvnorm | Simulate from a Multivariate Normal Distribution |
rmvnormmix | Simulate from Multivariate (repeated measures) Mixtures of Normals |
rnormmix | Simulate from Mixtures of Normals |
RodFramedata | Rod and Frame Task Data Set |
RTdata | Reaction Time (RT) Data Set |
RTdata2 | Reaction Time (RT) Data Set (No. 2) |
rweibullmix | Simulate from Mixtures of Weibull distributions |
segregmixEM | ECM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Changepoints |
spEM | Semiparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements |
spEMsymloc | Semiparametric EM-like Algorithm for univariate symmetric location mixture |
spEMsymlocN01 | semiparametric EM-like algorithm for univariate mixture in False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimation |
spregmix | EM-like Algorithm for Semiparametric Mixtures of Regressions |
spRMM_SEM | Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored data |
summary.mixEM | Summarizing EM mixture model fits |
summary.mvnpEM | Summarizing Fits for Nonparametric Mixture Models with Conditionally Independent Multivariate Component Densities |
summary.npEM | Summarizing non- and semi-parametric multivariate mixture model fits |
summary.spRMM | Summarizing fits from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored data |
tauequivnormalmixEM | Special EM Algorithm for three-component tau equivalence model |
test.equality | Performs Chi-Square Tests for Scale and Location Mixtures |
test.equality.mixed | Performs Chi-Square Test for Mixed Effects Mixtures |
tonedata | Tone perception data |
Waterdata | Water-Level Task Data Set |
WaterdataFull | Water-Level Task Data Set |
weibullRMM_SEM | St-EM algorithm for Reliability Mixture Models (RMM) of Weibull with right Censoring |
wIQR | Weighted quantiles |
wkde | Weighted Univariate (Normal) Kernel Density Estimate |
wkde.symm | Weighted Univariate (Normal) Kernel Density Estimate |
wquantile | Weighted quantiles |