flaremixEM {mixtools} | R Documentation |
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Flare
Returns output for 2-component mixture of regressions with flaring using an EM algorithm with one step of Newton-Raphson requiring an adaptive barrier for maximization of the objective function. A mixture of regressions with flare occurs when there appears to be a common regression relationship for the data, but the error terms have a mixture structure of one normal component and one exponential component.
flaremixEM(y, x, lambda = NULL, beta = NULL, sigma = NULL,
alpha = NULL, nu = NULL, epsilon = 1e-04,
maxit = 10000, verb = FALSE, restart = 50)
y |
An n-vector of response values. |
x |
An n-vector of predictor values. An intercept term will be added by default. |
lambda |
Initial value of mixing proportions. Entries should sum to 1. |
beta |
Initial value of |
sigma |
A vector of standard deviations. |
alpha |
A scalar for the exponential component's rate. |
nu |
A vector specifying the barrier constants to use. The first barrier constant where the algorithm converges is used. |
epsilon |
The convergence criterion. |
maxit |
The maximum number of iterations. |
verb |
If TRUE, then various updates are printed during each iteration of the algorithm. |
restart |
The number of times to restart the algorithm in case convergence is not attained. The default is 50. |
returns a list of class mixEM
with items:
x |
The set of predictors (which includes a column of 1's). |
y |
The response values. |
posterior |
An nx2 matrix of posterior probabilities for observations. |
lambda |
The final mixing proportions. |
beta |
The final regression coefficients. |
sigma |
The final standard deviations. |
alpha |
The final exponential rate. |
loglik |
The final log-likelihood. |
all.loglik |
A vector of each iteration's log-likelihood. |
ft |
A character vector giving the name of the function. |
See Also
## Simulation output.
while(j == 1){
x1 <- runif(30, 0, 10)
x2 <- runif(20, 10, 20)
x3 <- runif(30, 20, 30)
y1 <- 3+4*x1+rnorm(30, sd = 1)
y2 <- 3+4*x2+rexp(20, rate = .05)
y3 <- 3+4*x3+rnorm(30, sd = 1)
x <- c(x1, x2, x3)
y <- c(y1, y2, y3)
nu <- (1:30)/2
out <- try(flaremixEM(y, x, beta = c(3, 4), nu = nu,
lambda = c(.75, .25), sigma = 1), silent = TRUE)
if(any(class(out) == "try-error")){
j <- 1
} else j <- 2
plot(x, y, pch = 19)