tauequivnormalmixEM {mixtools} | R Documentation |
Special EM Algorithm for three-component tau equivalence model
Return ECM algorithm output for a specific case of a three-component tau equivalence model
tauequivnormalmixEM (x, lambda = NULL, mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, k = 3,
mean.constr = NULL, sd.constr = NULL, gparam = NULL,
epsilon = 1e-08, maxit = 10000, maxrestarts=20,
verb = FALSE, fast=FALSE, ECM = TRUE,
arbmean = TRUE, arbvar = TRUE)
x |
A vector of length n consisting of the data,
passed directly to |
lambda |
Initial value of mixing proportions,
passed directly to |
mu |
Starting value of vector of component means for algorithm,
passed directly to |
sigma |
Starting value of vector of component standard deviations
for algorithm, passed directly to |
k |
Number of components, passed directly to |
mean.constr |
If non-NULL, this parameter is
passed directly to |
sd.constr |
Deprecated. |
gparam |
This argument is passed directly to |
epsilon |
The convergence criterion. Convergence is declared when the change in the observed data log-likelihood increases by less than epsilon. |
maxit |
The maximum number of iterations. |
maxrestarts |
The maximum number of restarts allowed in case of a problem with the particular starting values chosen due to one of the variance estimates getting too small (each restart uses randomly chosen starting values). It is well-known that when each component of a normal mixture may have its own mean and variance, the likelihood has no maximizer; in such cases, we hope to find a "nice" local maximum with this algorithm instead, but occasionally the algorithm finds a "not nice" solution and one of the variances goes to zero, driving the likelihood to infinity. |
verb |
If TRUE, then various updates are printed during each iteration of the algorithm. |
fast |
If TRUE and k==2 and arbmean==TRUE, then use
logical: Should this algorithm be an ECM algorithm in the sense
of Meng and Rubin (1993)? If FALSE, the algorithm is a true EM algorithm;
if TRUE, then every half-iteration alternately updates the means conditional
on the variances or the variances conditional on the means, with an extra
E-step in between these updates. For |
arbmean |
Deprecated. |
arbvar |
Deprecated. |
The tauequivnormalmixEM
function is merely a wrapper for the
# This is the standard EM algorithm for normal mixtures that maximizes
# the conditional expected complete-data
# log-likelihood at each M-step of the algorithm.
# If desired, the
# EM algorithm may be replaced by an ECM algorithm (see ECM
# that alternates between maximizing with respect to the mu
# and lambda
while holding sigma
fixed, and maximizing with
# respect to sigma
and lambda
while holding mu
# fixed. In the case where arbmean
# and arbvar
, there is no closed-form EM algorithm,
# so the ECM option is forced in this case.
returns a list of class mixEM
with items:
x |
The raw data. |
lambda |
The final mixing proportions. |
mu |
The final mean parameters. |
sigma |
The final standard deviation(s) |
scale |
Scale factor for the component standard deviations, if applicable. |
loglik |
The final log-likelihood. |
posterior |
An nxk matrix of posterior probabilities for observations. |
all.loglik |
A vector of each iteration's log-likelihood. This vector includes both the initial and the final values; thus, the number of iterations is one less than its length. |
restarts |
The number of times the algorithm restarted due to unacceptable choice of initial values. |
ft |
A character vector giving the name of the function. |
Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., and Domsch, H. (2011) Stable Unstable Reliability Theory, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 65(2): 201-221.
Meng, X.-L. and Rubin, D. B. (1993) Maximum Likelihood Estimation Via the ECM Algorithm: A General Framework, Biometrika 80(2): 267-278.
See Also
, normalmixEM
, mvnormalmixEM
, normalmixEM2comp
## Analyzing synthetic data as in the tau equivalent model
## From Thomas et al (2011), see also Chauveau and Hunter (2013)
## a 3-component mixture of normals with linear constraints.
lbd <- c(0.6,0.3,0.1); m <- length(lbd)
sigma <- sig0 <- sqrt(c(1,9,9))
# means constaints mu = M beta
M <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,1,-1), 3, 2)
beta <- c(1,5) # unknown constained mean
mu0 <- mu <- as.vector(M %*% beta)
# linear constraint on the inverse variances pi = A.g
A <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,1,0), m, 2, byrow=TRUE)
iv0 <- 1/(sig0^2)
g0 <- c(iv0[2],iv0[1] - iv0[2]) # gamma^0 init
# simulation and EM fits
set.seed(40); n=100; x <- rnormmix(n,lbd,mu,sigma)
s <- normalmixEM(x,mu=mu0,sigma=sig0,maxit=2000) # plain EM
# EM with var and mean linear constraints
sc <- normalmixMMlc(x, lambda=lbd, mu=mu0, sigma=sig0,
mean.lincstr=M, var.lincstr=A, gparam=g0)
# Using tauequivnormalmixEM function to call normalmixMMlc
tau <- tauequivnormalmixEM (x, lambda=lbd, mu=mu0, gparam=g0)
# plot and compare both estimates
dnormmixt <- function(t, lam, mu, sig){
m <- length(lam); f <- 0
for (j in 1:m) f <- f + lam[j]*dnorm(t,mean=mu[j],sd=sig[j])
t <- seq(min(x)-2, max(x)+2, len=200)
hist(x, freq=FALSE, col="lightgrey",
ylim=c(0,0.3), ylab="density",main="")
lines(t, dnormmixt(t, lbd, mu, sigma), col="darkgrey", lwd=2) # true
lines(t, dnormmixt(t, s$lambda, s$mu, s$sigma), lty=2)
lines(t, dnormmixt(t, sc$lambda, sc$mu, sc$sigma), col=1, lty=3)
lines(t, dnormmixt(t, tau$lambda, tau$mu, tau$sigma), col=2, lty=4)
legend("topleft", c("true","plain EM","constr EM", "Tau Equiv"),
col=c("darkgrey",1,1,2), lty=c(1,2,3,4), lwd=c(2,1,1,1))