Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models

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Documentation for package ‘mipfp’ version 3.2.1

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mipfp-package Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models
Array2Vector Transforming an array to a vector
Bernoulli Simulating a multivariate Bernoulli distribution
coef.mipfp Extract the coefficients of the estimates from an object of class mipfp
CompareMaxDev Comparing deviations of mipfp objects
ComputeA Computes the marginal matrix A and margins vector m of an estimation problem
confint.mipfp Computing confidence intervals for the mipfp estimates
Corr2Odds Converting correlation to odds ratio
Corr2PairProbs Converting correlation to pairwise probability
error.margins Extracts the deviation between every target and generated margin
error.margins.default Extracts the deviation between every target and generated margin
error.margins.mipfp Extracts the deviation between every target and generated margin
Estimate Update an N-way table given target margins
expand Expand a Table in a Data Frame
expand.default Expand a Table in a Data Frame
expand.table Expand a Table in a Data Frame
flat Flatten a table, array or matrix
flat.array Flatten a table, array or matrix
flat.default Flatten a table, array or matrix
flat.matrix Flatten a table, array or matrix
flat.table Flatten a table, array or matrix
GetConfInt Computing confidence intervals for the estimated counts and probabilities (deprecated)
GetLinInd Extracting the linearly independant columns from a matrix
gof.estimates Wald, Log-likelihood ratio and Person Chi-square statistics for mipfp object
gof.estimates.default Wald, Log-likelihood ratio and Person Chi-square statistics for mipfp object
gof.estimates.mipfp Wald, Log-likelihood ratio and Person Chi-square statistics for mipfp object
Ipfp Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting
IpfpCov Covariance matrix of the estimators produced by Ipfp (deprecated)
mipfp Multidimensional Iterative Proportional Fitting and Alternative Models
ObtainModelEstimates Estimating a contingency table using model-based approaches
ObtainMultBinaryDist Generating a multivariate Bernoulli joint-distribution
Odds2Corr Converting odds ratio to correlation
Odds2PairProbs Converting odds ratio to pairwise probability
print.mipfp Update an N-way table given target margins
print.summary.mipfp Summarizing objects of class mipfp
Qaqish Qaqish
RMultBernoulli Simulating a multivariate Bernoulli distribution
RMultBinary Simulating a multivariate Bernoulli distribution
spnamur Synthetic population of Namur (Belgium)
summary.mipfp Summarizing objects of class mipfp
vcov.mipfp Calculate variance-covariance matrix for mipfp objects
Vector2Array Transforming a vector to an array