Extract and Analyze Median Molecule Intensity from 'citrus' Output

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Documentation for package ‘mineCitrus’ version 1.0.0

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allmeds Gets matrices of medians for each individual sample for all measured parameters for all clusters
citrus.combinedFCSSet Cytometry data set for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
citrus.foldClustering Clustering data for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
citrus.foldFeatureSet Correlation data for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
classclustermeds Gets matrices of medians for each individual sample for all measured parameters for all clusters
clustermeds Gets matrix of medians for desired measured features for all clusters meeting threshold requirements specified in Citrus
difMarkerPlots Plot dot plots of features where both clusters are significantly different from the reference cluster without processing data before hand
difMarkerPlots2 Plot dot plots of features where one cluster is significantly different from the reference cluster without processing data before hand
filterMarker Filters list of data matrices with columns corresponding to the measured parameters of interest
findclust Filters list to contain only desired clusters
findSig Assesses significance of ANOVA and t-test results
plotdif Plot dot plots of features where both clusters are significantly different from the reference cluster
plotdif2 Plot dot plots of features where one cluster is significantly different from the reference cluster
posthoc Runs ANOVA and t-tests comparing clusters and markers in clusters
processforanova Processes cluster signaling data in form for statistical analysis
sortmat Reorders to rows (corresponding to different clusters) of a matrix of medians to a desired order