a2g | Allele-to-genotype conversion |
ab | Test/Power calculation for mediating effect |
AE3 | AE model using nuclear family trios |
allele.recode | Allele recoding |
asplot | Regional association plot |
b2r | Obtain correlation coefficients and their variance-covariances |
BFDP | Bayesian false-discovery probability |
bt | Bradley-Terry model for contingency table |
ccsize | Power and sample size for case-cohort design |
chow.test | Chow's test for heterogeneity in two regressions |
chr_pos_a1_a2 | SNP id by chr:pos+a1/a2 |
ci2ms | Effect size and standard error from confidence interval |
circos.cis.vs.trans.plot | circos plot of cis/trans classification |
circos.cnvplot | circos plot of CNVs. |
circos.mhtplot | circos Manhattan plot with gene annotation |
circos.mhtplot2 | Another circos Manhattan plot |
cis.vs.trans.classification | A cis/trans classifier |
cnvplot | genomewide plot of CNVs |
comp.score | score statistics for testing genetic linkage of quantitative trait |
cs | Credible set |
ESplot | Effect-size plot |
fbsize | Sample size for family-based linkage and association design |
FPRP | False-positive report probability |
g2a | Conversion of a genotype identifier to alleles |
gc.em | Gene counting for haplotype analysis |
gc.lambda | Estimation of the genomic control inflation statistic (lambda) |
gcontrol | genomic control |
gcontrol2 | genomic control based on p values |
gcp | Permutation tests using GENECOUNTING |
genecounting | Gene counting for haplotype analysis |
geno.recode | Genotype recoding |
get_b_se | Get b and se from AF, n, and z |
get_pve_se | Get pve and its standard error from n, z |
get_sdy | Get sd(y) from AF, n, b, se |
gif | Kinship coefficient and genetic index of familiality |
grid2d | Two-dimensional grid |
h2.jags | Heritability estimation based on genomic relationship matrix using JAGS |
h2G | Heritability and its variance |
h2GE | Heritability and its variance when there is an environment component |
h2l | Heritability under the liability threshold model |
h2_mzdz | Heritability estimation according to twin correlations |
hap | Haplotype reconstruction |
hap.control | Control for haplotype reconstruction |
hap.em | Gene counting for haplotype analysis |
hap.score | Score statistics for association of traits with haplotypes |
hg18 | Chromosomal lengths for build 36 |
hg19 | Chromosomal lengths for build 37 |
hg38 | Chromosomal lengths for build 38 |
hmht.control | Controls for highlights |
htr | Haplotype trend regression |
hwe | Hardy-Weinberg equlibrium test for a multiallelic marker |
hwe.cc | A likelihood ratio test of population Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for case-control studies |
hwe.hardy | Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test using MCMC |
hwe.jags | Hardy-Weinberg equlibrium test for a multiallelic marker using JAGS |
invnormal | Inverse normal transformation |
inv_chr_pos_a1_a2 | Retrieval of chr:pos+a1/a2 according to SNP id |
ixy | Conversion of chrosome name from strings |
KCC | Disease prevalences in cases and controls |
kin.morgan | kinship matrix for simple pedigree |
klem | Haplotype frequency estimation based on a genotype table of two multiallelic markers |
labelManhattan | Annotate Manhattan or Miami Plot |
LD22 | LD statistics for two diallelic markers |
LDkl | LD statistics for two multiallelic markers |
log10p | log10(p) for a normal deviate z |
log10pvalue | log10(p) for a P value including its scientific format |
logp | log(p) for a normal deviate z |
makeped | A function to prepare pedigrees in post-MAKEPED format |
masize | Sample size calculation for mediation analysis |
MCMCgrm | Mixed modeling with genetic relationship matrices |
METAL_forestplot | forest plot as R/meta's forest for METAL outputs |
metap | Meta-analysis of p values |
metareg | Fixed and random effects model for meta-analysis |
mht.control | Controls for mhtplot |
mhtplot | Manhattan plot |
mhtplot.trunc | Truncated Manhattan plot |
mhtplot2 | Manhattan plot with annotations |
mia | Multiple imputation analysis for hap |
miamiplot | Miami plot |
miamiplot2 | Miami Plot |
mr | Mendelian randomization analysis |
mr_forestplot | Mendelian Randomization forest plot |
mtdt | Transmission/disequilibrium test of a multiallelic marker |
mtdt2 | Transmission/disequilibrium test of a multiallelic marker by Bradley-Terry model |
muvar | Means and variances under 1- and 2- locus (biallelic) QTL model |
mvmeta | Multivariate meta-analysis based on generalized least squares |
PARn | Functions for single nucleotide polymorphisms |
pbsize | Power for population-based association design |
pbsize2 | Power for case-control association design |
pedtodot | Converting pedigree(s) to dot file(s) |
pedtodot_verbatim | Pedigree-drawing with graphviz |
pfc | Probability of familial clustering of disease |
pfc.sim | Probability of familial clustering of disease |
pgc | Preparing weight for GENECOUNTING |
plot.hap.score | Plot haplotype frequencies versus haplotype score statistics |
print.hap.score | Print a hap.score object |
pvalue | P value for a normal deviate |
qqfun | Quantile-comparison plots |
qqunif | Q-Q plot for uniformly distributed random variable |
qtl2dplot | 2D QTL plot |
qtl2dplotly | 2D QTL plotly |
qtl3dplotly | 3D QTL plot |
qtlClassifier | A QTL cis/trans classifier |
read.ms.output | A utility function to read ms output |
ReadGRM | A function to read GRM file |
ReadGRMBin | A function to read GRM binary files |
revStrand | Allele on the reverse strand |
runshinygap | Start shinygap |
s2k | Statistics for 2 by K table |
sentinels | Sentinel identification from GWAS summary statistics |
snpHWE | Functions for single nucleotide polymorphisms |
snpPAR | Functions for single nucleotide polymorphisms |
snpPVE | Functions for single nucleotide polymorphisms |
snptest_sample | A utility to generate SNPTEST sample file |
tscc | Power calculation for two-stage case-control design |
whscore | Whittemore-Halpern scores for allele-sharing |
WriteGRM | A function to write GRM file |
WriteGRMBin | A function to write GRM binary file |
xy | Conversion of chromosome names to strings |