getalign |
Align two peaks vectors by mass to charge ratio and/or retention time |
getalign2 |
Align mass to charge ratio and/or retention time to remove redundancy |
getarea |
Get the peak information from samples for SCCPs detection |
getareastd |
Get the peak information from SCCPs standards |
getbgremove |
Get the peak list with blank samples' peaks removed |
getbiotechrep |
Get the report for biological replicates. |
getcompare |
Align multiple peaks list to one peak list |
getcsv |
Convert an list object to csv file. |
getdata |
Get xcmsset object in one step with optimized methods. |
getdata2 |
Get XCMSnExp object in one step from structured folder path for xcms 3. |
getdoe |
Generate the group level rsd and average intensity based on DoE, |
getdwtus |
Density weighted intensity for one sample |
getfeaturesanova |
Get the features from anova, with p value, q value, rsd and power restriction |
getfeaturest |
Get the features from t test, with p value, q value, rsd and power restriction |
getfilter |
Filter the data based on row and column index |
getformula |
Get chemical formula for mass to charge ratio. |
getgrouprep |
Get the report for samples with biological and technique replicates in different groups |
getimputation |
Impute the peaks list data |
GetIntegration |
GetIntegration was mainly used for get the integration of certain ion's chromatogram data and plot the data |
Getisotopologues |
Get the selected isotopologues at certain MS data |
getmass |
Get the exact mass of the isotopologues from a chemical formula or reaction's isotope patterns with the highest abundances |
getmassdefect |
Get mass defect with certain scaled factor |
getmd |
Import data and return the annotated matrix for GC/LC-MS by m/z range and retention time |
getmdh |
Get the high order unit based Mass Defect |
getmdr |
Get the raw Mass Defect |
getmr |
Get the mzrt profile and group information for batch correction and plot as a list directly from path with default setting |
getms1anno |
Annotation of MS1 data by compounds database by predefined paired mass distance |
getMSP |
read in MSP file as list for ms/ms or ms(EI) annotation |
getmzrt |
Get the mzrt profile and group information as a mzrt list and/or save them as csv or rds for further analysis. |
getmzrt2 |
Get the mzrt profile and group information for batch correction and plot as a list for xcms 3 object |
getmzrtcsv |
Covert the peaks list csv file into list |
getoverlappeak |
Get the overlap peaks by mass and retention time range |
getpn |
Merge positive and negative mode data |
getpower |
Get the index with power restriction for certain study with BH adjusted p-value and certain power. |
getpqsi |
Compute pooled QC linear index according to run order |
getQCraw |
get the data of QC compound for a group of data |
getrangecsv |
Get a mzrt list and/or save mz and rt range as csv file. |
getretcor |
Perform peaks list alignment and return features table |
getrmd |
Get the Relative Mass Defect |
getsccp |
Quantitative analysis for short-chain chlorinated paraffins(SCCPs) |
getsim |
output the similarity of two dataset |
gettechrep |
Get the report for technique replicates. |
gettimegrouprep |
Get the time series or two factor DoE report for samples with biological and technique replicates in different groups |
getupload |
Get the csv files from xcmsset/XCMSnExp/list object |
getupload2 |
Get the csv files to be submitted to Metaboanalyst |
getupload3 |
Get the csv files to be submitted to Metaboanalyst |
gifmr |
plot scatter plot for rt-mz profile and output gif file for multiple groups |