Analysis of Multivariate Event Times

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mets-package Analysis of Multivariate Events

-- A --

aalenfrailty Aalen frailty model
aalenMets Fast additive hazards model with robust standard errors For internal use
addCums Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox).
alpha2kendall For internal use
alpha2spear For internal use
ascertained.pairs For internal use

-- B --

back2timereg Convert to timereg object
base1cumhaz rate of CRBSI for HPN patients of Copenhagen
base44cumhaz rate of Occlusion/Thrombosis complication for catheter of HPN patients of Copenhagen
base4cumhaz rate of Mechanical (hole/defect) complication for catheter of HPN patients of Copenhagen
basecumhaz Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
basehazplot.phreg Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
bicomprisk Estimation of concordance in bivariate competing risks data
bicompriskData Estimation of concordance in bivariate competing risks data
BinAugmentCifstrata Augmentation for Binomial regression based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
binomial.twostage Fits Clayton-Oakes or bivariate Plackett (OR) models for binary data using marginals that are on logistic form. If clusters contain more than two times, the algoritm uses a compososite likelihood based on all pairwise bivariate models.
binomial.twostage.time Fits Clayton-Oakes or bivariate Plackett (OR) models for binary data using marginals that are on logistic form. If clusters contain more than two times, the algoritm uses a compososite likelihood based on all pairwise bivariate models.
binreg Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data
binregATE Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
binregATEbin Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
binregCasewise Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal estimate using binreg
binregG G-estimator for binomial regression model (Standardized estimates)
binregt Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data
binregTSR 2 Stage Randomization for Survival Data or competing Risks Data
biprobit Bivariate Probit model
biprobit.time Bivariate Probit model
biprobit.vector Bivariate Probit model
blocksample Block sampling
bmt The Bone Marrow Transplant Data
Bootcovariancerecurrence Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
BootcovariancerecurrenceS Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
BootmediatorSurv Mediation analysis in survival context
Bootphreg Wild bootstrap for Cox PH regression
bplot Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
bplotdFG Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes
bptwin Liability model for twin data
bptwin.time Liability model for twin data

-- C --

casewise Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal estimate using prodlim but no testing
casewise.bin Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal estimate using timereg and performs test for independence
casewise.test Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal estimate using timereg and performs test for independence
cause.pchazard.sim Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard models with two causes (Cox).
CCbinomial.twostage For internal use
cif Cumulative incidence with robust standard errors
cif.yearslost Restricted mean for stratified Kaplan-Meier or Cox model with martingale standard errors
cifreg CIF regression
ClaytonOakes Clayton-Oakes model with piece-wise constant hazards
cluster.index Finds subjects related to same cluster
coarse.clust For internal use
coefmat For internal use
concordance.cor Concordance Computes concordance and casewise concordance
concordanceCor Concordance Computes concordance and casewise concordance
concordanceTwinACE For internal use
concordanceTwostage For internal use
cor.cif Cross-odds-ratio, OR or RR risk regression for competing risks
corsim.prostate For internal use
corsim.prostate.random For internal use
count.history Counts the number of previous events of two types for recurrent events processes
count.historyVar Counts the number of previous events of two types for recurrent events processes
countID Finds subjects related to same cluster
covarianceRecurrent Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
covarianceRecurrentS Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
covfr Predictions from proportional hazards model
covfridstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model
covfridstrataCov Predictions from proportional hazards model
covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2 Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
cpred Fast approximation
cumContr GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression
cumODDS Discrete time to event interval censored data
cumsum2strata Predictions from proportional hazards model
cumsumidstratasum Predictions from proportional hazards model
cumsumidstratasumCov Predictions from proportional hazards model
cumsumstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model
cumsumstratasum Predictions from proportional hazards model

-- D --

daggr aggregating for for data frames
daggregate aggregating for for data frames
Dbvn Derivatives of the bivariate normal cumulative distribution function
dby Calculate summary statistics grouped by
dby2 Calculate summary statistics grouped by
dby2<- Calculate summary statistics grouped by
dby<- Calculate summary statistics grouped by
dbyr Calculate summary statistics grouped by
dcor summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dcount summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dcut Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dcut<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
ddrop Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
ddrop<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dermalridges Dermal ridges data (families)
dermalridgesMZ Dermal ridges data (monozygotic twins)
deval summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
deval2 summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dfactor relev levels for data frames
dfactor<- relev levels for data frames
dhead list, head, print, tail
diabetes The Diabetic Retinopathy Data
diffstrata CIF regression
dInterval Discrete time to event interval censored data
divide.conquer Split a data set and run function
divide.conquer.timereg Split a data set and run function from timereg and aggregate
dkeep Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dkeep<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dlag Lag operator
dlag<- Lag operator
dlev relev levels for data frames
dlev<- relev levels for data frames
dlevel relev levels for data frames
dlevel<- relev levels for data frames
dlevels relev levels for data frames
dlist list, head, print, tail
dmean summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dmeansd summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dmvn Multivariate normal distribution function
dnames Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dnames<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dnumeric relev levels for data frames
dnumeric<- relev levels for data frames
doubleFGR Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes
dprint list, head, print, tail
dquantile summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
drcumhaz Rate for leaving HPN program for patients of Copenhagen
dreg Regression for data frames with dutility call
drelev relev levels for data frames
drelev<- relev levels for data frames
drelevel relev levels for data frames
drelevel<- relev levels for data frames
drename Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
drename<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
dreshape Fast reshape
drm Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
drm<- Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames
drop.specials For internal use
drop.strata Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
dsample Block sampling
dscalar summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dsd summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dsort Sort data frame
dsort2 Sort data frame
dsort<- Sort data frame
dspline Simple linear spline
dspline<- Simple linear spline
dstr summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dsubset summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dsum summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dsummary summary, tables, and correlations for data frames
dtab tables for data frames
dtable tables for data frames
dtail list, head, print, tail
dtrans Transform that allows condition
dtrans<- Transform that allows condition
dtransform Transform that allows condition
dtransform<- Transform that allows condition
dunique Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames

-- E --

easy.binomial.twostage Fits two-stage binomial for describing depdendence in binomial data using marginals that are on logistic form using the binomial.twostage funcion, but call is different and easier and the data manipulation is build into the function. Useful in particular for family design data.
Effbinreg Efficient IPCW for binary data
EVaddGam Relative risk for additive gamma model
eventpois Extract survival estimates from lifetable analysis
EventSplit Event split with two time-scales, time and gaptime
extendCums Simulation of illness-death model

-- F --

familycluster.index Finds all pairs within a cluster (family)
familyclusterWithProbands.index Finds all pairs within a cluster (famly) with the proband (case/control)
fast.approx Fast approximation
fast.cluster For internal use
fast.pattern Fast pattern
fast.reshape Fast reshape
FastCoxPLstrataR Fast Cox PH regression and calculations done in R to make play and adjustments easy
faster.reshape For internal use
FGprediid CIF regression
FG_AugmentCifstrata Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
folds For internal use
force.same.cens For internal use

-- G --

ghaplos ghaplos haplo-types for subjects of haploX data
glm_IPTW IPTW GLM, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted GLM
GLprediid Recurrent events regression with terminal event
gof.phreg GOF for Cox PH regression
gofG.phreg Stratified baseline graphical GOF test for Cox covariates in PH regression
gofM.phreg GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression
gofZ.phreg GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression
Grandom.cif Additive Random effects model for competing risks data for polygenetic modelling
grouptable For internal use

-- H --

hapfreqs hapfreqs data set
haplo.surv.discrete Discrete time to event haplo type analysis
haploX haploX covariates and response for haplo survival discrete survival
headstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model

-- I --

IIDbaseline.cifreg CIF regression
IIDbaseline.phreg Fast Cox PH regression
ilap For internal use
indexstrata Fast approximation
indexstratarightR CIF regression
Interval Discrete time to event interval censored data
interval.logitsurv.discrete Discrete time to event interval censored data
invsubdist Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
ipw Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights
ipw2 Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights

-- J --

jumptimes For internal use

-- K --

kendall.ClaytonOakes.twin.ace For internal use
kendall.normal.twin.ace For internal use
km Kaplan-Meier with robust standard errors
kumarsim Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
kumarsimRCT Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression

-- L --

lifecourse Life-course plot
lifetable Life table
lifetable.formula Life table
lifetable.matrix Life table
lin.approx Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox).
LinSpline Simple linear spline
logitATE Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
logitIPCW Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data
logitIPCWATE Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
logitSurv Proportional odds survival model
loglikMVN Multivariate normal distribution function

-- M -- For internal use For internal use
matdoubleindex Predictions from proportional hazards model
matplot.mets.twostage For internal use
mdi Predictions from proportional hazards model
mediatorSurv Mediation analysis in survival context
medweight Computes mediation weights
melanoma The Melanoma Survival Data
mena Menarche data set
mets.options Set global options for 'mets'
migr Migraine data
mlogit Multinomial regression based on phreg regression
multcif Multivariate Cumulative Incidence Function example data set
mystrata Finds subjects related to same cluster
mystrata2index Finds subjects related to same cluster

-- N --

nonparcuminc For internal use
normalATE Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression
np np data set
npc For internal use

-- O --

object.defined For internal use
or.cif Cross-odds-ratio, OR or RR risk regression for competing risks
or2prob Estimate parameters from odds-ratio

-- P --

p11.binomial.twostage.RV For internal use
pairRisk Finds subjects related to same cluster
pbvn Multivariate normal distribution function
pcif Extract survival estimates from lifetable analysis
phreg Fast Cox PH regression
phreg.par Fast Cox PH regression
phregR Fast Cox PH regression and calculations done in R to make play and adjustments easy
phreg_IPTW IPTW Cox, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted Cox regression
phreg_rct Lu-Tsiatis More Efficient Log-Rank for Randomized studies with baseline covariates For internal use
piecewise.twostage For internal use
plack.cif plack Computes concordance for or.cif based model, that is Plackett random effects model
plack.cif2 plack Computes concordance for or.cif based model, that is Plackett random effects model
plot.covariace.recurrent Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
plotConfRegion Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
plotConfRegionSE Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
plotcr For internal use
plotstrata Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox
plotSurvd Discrete time to event haplo type analysis
pmvn Multivariate normal distribution function
ppch Piecewise constant hazard distribution
pre.cifs Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
pred.cif.boot Wild bootstrap for Cox PH regression
predict.phreg Predictions from proportional hazards model
predictCumhaz Fast approximation
predictdFG Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes
predictGLM Reporting OR (exp(coef)) from glm with binomial link and glm predictions
predictlogitSurvd Discrete time to event interval censored data
predictmlogit Multinomial regression based on phreg regression
predictPairPlack For internal use
predictSurvd Discrete time to event haplo type analysis
print.casewise prints Concordance test
prob.exceed.recurrent Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
prob.exceedBiRecurrent Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
prob.exceedBiRecurrentStrata Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
prob.exceedRecurrent Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
prob.exceedRecurrentStrata Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
procform For internal use
procform3 For internal use
procformdata For internal use
prt Prostate data set

-- R --

random.cif Random effects model for competing risks data
randomDes Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
rchaz Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox).
rchazC Piecewise constant hazard distribution
rcrisk Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard models with two causes (Cox).
rcrisks Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard models with two causes (Cox). Simulation of output from Cox model.
readmargsurv Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
readPhreg Fast Cox PH regression
recmarg Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
recreg Recurrent events regression with terminal event
recregIPCW Recurrent events regression with terminal event
recurrentMarginal Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
recurrentMarginalAIPCW Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
recurrentMarginalAIPCWdata Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
recurrentMarginalIPCW Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
resmean.phreg Restricted mean for stratified Kaplan-Meier or Cox model with martingale standard errors
resmeanATE Average Treatment effect for Restricted Mean for censored competing risks data using IPCW
resmeanIPCW Restricted IPCW mean for censored survival data
revcumsum Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsum2strata Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsum2stratafdN Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsumidstratasum Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsumidstratasumCov Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsumstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model
revcumsumstratasum Predictions from proportional hazards model
rmst.phreg Restricted mean for stratified Kaplan-Meier or Cox model with martingale standard errors
rmstATE Average Treatment effect for Restricted Mean for censored competing risks data using IPCW
rmstIPCW Restricted IPCW mean for censored survival data
rmvn Multivariate normal distribution function
robust.basehaz.phreg Predictions from proportional hazards model
robust.phreg Fast Cox PH regression
rpch Piecewise constant hazard distribution
rr.cif Cross-odds-ratio, OR or RR risk regression for competing risks

-- S --

scalecumhaz Recurrent events regression with terminal event
scoreMVN Multivariate normal distribution function
setup.cif Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
showfitsim Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
sim For internal use
sim.base Simulation of output from Cox model.
sim.cause.cox Simulation of cause specific from Cox models.
sim.cif Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
sim.cifs Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
sim.cifsRestrict Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
sim.cox Simulation of output from Cox model.
simAalenFrailty Simulate from the Aalen Frailty model For internal use
simbinClaytonOakes.pairs For internal use
simbinClaytonOakes.twin.ace For internal use
simBinFam For internal use
simBinFam2 For internal use
simBinPlack For internal use
simClaytonOakes Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model For internal use
simClaytonOakes.twin.ace For internal use
simClaytonOakesLam Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
simClaytonOakesWei Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
simCompete.simple For internal use
simCompete.twin.ace For internal use
simCox For internal use
simFrailty.simple For internal use
simlogitSurvd Discrete time to event interval censored data
simMultistate Simulation of illness-death model
simnordic For internal use
simnordic.random For internal use
simrchaz Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox).
simRecurrent Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
simRecurrentII Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
simRecurrentTS Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards: Two-stage model
simsubdist Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
simSurvFam For internal use
simTTP Discrete time to event haplo type analysis
simul.cifs Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
simulate.cox Simulation of output from Cox model.
slope.process Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and marginal estimate using timereg and performs test for independence
squareintHdM Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II
sTRACE The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
strataAugment Recurrent events regression with terminal event
strataC Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen)
subdist Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression model
summary.cor Summary for dependence models for competing risks
summaryGLM Reporting OR (exp(coef)) from glm with binomial link and glm predictions
summaryTimeobject Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
sumstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model
surv.boxarea For internal use
survival.twostage Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
survivalG G-estimator for Cox and Fine-Gray model

-- T --

tailstrata Predictions from proportional hazards model
test.conc Concordance test Compares two concordance estimates
tetrachoric Estimate parameters from odds-ratio
tie.breaker Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
TRACE The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
ttpd ttpd discrete survival data on interval form
tTRACE The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
twin.clustertrunc Estimation of twostage model with cluster truncation in bivariate situation For internal use
twinbmi BMI data set
twinlm Classic twin model for quantitative traits
twinlm.strata Classic twin model for quantitative traits
twinlm.time Liability model for twin data
twinsim Simulate twin data
twinstut Stutter data set
twostage.aalen Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
twostage.cox.aalen Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
twostage.coxph Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
twostage.phreg Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data
twostageMLE Twostage survival model fitted by pseudo MLE
twostageREC Recurrent events regression with terminal event

-- V --

vecAllStrata CIF regression