Prediction Performance Metrics

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-- A --

AC Ji and Gallo's Agreement Coefficient (AC)
accuracy Accuracy
agf Adjusted F-score
AUC_roc Area Under the ROC Curve

-- B --

B0_sma Intercept of standardized major axis regression (SMA).
B1_sma Slope of standardized major axis regression (SMA).
balacc Balanced Accuracy
barley Barley grain number
bland_altman_plot Bland-Altman plot
bmi Bookmaker Informedness

-- C --

CCC Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC)
chickpea Chickpea dry mass
confusion_matrix Confusion Matrix
csi Critical Success Index | Jaccard's Index

-- D --

d Willmott's Index of Agreement (d)
d1 Modified Index of Agreement (d1).
d1r Refined Index of Agreement (d1).
dcorr Distance Correlation
deltap deltaP or Markedness
density_plot Density plot of predicted and observed values
dor Likelihood Ratios (Classification)

-- E --

E1 Absolute Model Efficiency (E1)
Erel Relative Model Efficiency (Erel)
error_rate Error rate

-- F --

FDR Precision | Positive Predictive Value
fmi Fowlkes-Mallows Index
FNR Recall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate
FOR Negative Predictive Value
FPR Specificity | Selectivity | True Negative Rate
fscore F-score

-- G --

gmean Geometric Mean

-- H --

hitrate Recall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate

-- I --

import_apsim_db Import SQLite databases generated by APSIM NextGen
import_apsim_out import_apsim_out
iqRMSE Inter-Quartile Root Mean Squared Error

-- J --

jaccardindex Critical Success Index | Jaccard's Index
jindex Bookmaker Informedness

-- K --

KGE Kling-Gupta Model Efficiency (KGE).
khat K-hat (Cohen's Kappa Coefficient)

-- L --

lambda Duveiller's Agreement Coefficient
land_cover Binary Land Cover Data
LCS Lack of Correlation (LCS)
likelihood_ratios Likelihood Ratios (Classification)

-- M --

MAE Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
maize_phenology Multi Class Phenology
MAPE Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)
MASE Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
MBE Mean Bias Error (MBE)
mcc Matthews Correlation Coefficient | Phi Coefficient
metrics_summary Prediction Performance Summary
MIC Maximal Information Coefficient
mk deltaP or Markedness
MLA Mean Lack of Accuracy (MLA)
MLP Mean Lack of Precision (MLP)
MSE Mean Squared Error (MSE)

-- N --

negLr Likelihood Ratios (Classification)
npv Negative Predictive Value
NSE Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency (NSE)

-- P --

PAB Percentage Additive Bias (PAB)
PBE Percentage Bias Error (PBE).
phi_coef Matthews Correlation Coefficient | Phi Coefficient
PLA Percentage Lack of Accuracy (PLA)
PLP Percentage Lack of Precision (PLP)
posLr Likelihood Ratios (Classification)
PPB Percentage Proportional Bias (PPB)
ppv Precision | Positive Predictive Value
precision Precision | Positive Predictive Value
preval Prevalence
prevalence Prevalence
preval_t Prevalence

-- R --

r Sample Correlation Coefficient (r)
R2 Coefficient of determination (R2).
RAC Robinson's Agreement Coefficient (RAC).
RAE Relative Absolute Error (RAE)
recall Recall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate
RMAE Relative Mean Absolute Error (RMAE)
RMLA Root Mean Lack of Accuracy (RMLA)
RMLP Root Mean Lack of Precision (RMLP)
RMSE Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
RRMSE Relative Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
RSE Relative Squared Error (RSE)
RSR Root Mean Standard Deviation Ratio (RSR)
RSS Residual Sum of Squares (RSS)

-- S --

SB Squared bias (SB)
scatter_plot Scatter plot of predicted and observed values
SDSD Squared difference between standard deviations (SDSD)
selectivity Specificity | Selectivity | True Negative Rate
sensitivity Recall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate
SMAPE Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE).
sorghum Sorghum grain number
specificity Specificity | Selectivity | True Negative Rate

-- T --

tiles_plot Tiles plot of predicted and observed values
TNR Specificity | Selectivity | True Negative Rate
TPR Recall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate
TSS Total Sum of Squares (TSS)

-- U --

Ub Mean Bias Error Proportion (Ub)
Uc Lack of Consistency (Uc)
Ue Lack of Consistency (Ue)
uSD Uncorrected Standard Deviation

-- V --

var_u Uncorrected Variance (var_u)

-- W --

wheat Wheat grain nitrogen

-- X --

Xa Accuracy Component (Xa) of CCC