AddAnalysis | Analysis table functions |
AddGenePlot | Stored plot functions |
AddGlobalPlot | Stored plot functions |
AddSlot | Slot functions |
Analyses | Analysis table functions |
AnalyzeGeneSets | Gene set analysis |
ApplyContrasts | Apply a function over contrasts |
as.Seurat.grandR | Create Seurat object from a grandR object |
CalibrateEffectiveLabelingTimeKineticFit | Uses the kinetic model to calibrate the effective labeling time. |
CalibrateEffectiveLabelingTimeMatchHalflives | Calibrate the effective labeling time by matching half-lives to a .reference |
check.analysis | Internal functions to check for a valid analysis or slot names. |
check.mode.slot | Internal functions to check for a valid analysis or slot names. |
check.slot | Internal functions to check for a valid analysis or slot names. |
ClassifyGenes | Build the type column for the gene info table. |
Coldata | Get the column annotation table or add additional columns to it |
Coldata<- | Get the column annotation table or add additional columns to it |
Columns | Gene and sample (or cell) names |
ComputeAbsolute | Compute absolute expression using ERCC spike ins |
ComputeColumnStatistics | Compute statistics for all columns (i.e. samples or cells) |
ComputeExpressionPercentage | Expression percentage computation |
ComputeNonConstantParam | Compute and evaluate functions for non constant rates |
ComputeNtrCI | Compute NTR quantiles |
ComputeNtrPosteriorLower | Compute NTR quantiles |
ComputeNtrPosteriorQuantile | Compute NTR quantiles |
ComputeNtrPosteriorUpper | Compute NTR quantiles |
ComputePseudoNtr | Compute pseudo NTRs from two count matrices |
ComputeSteadyStateHalfLives | Steady state half-lives for each sample |
ComputeSummaryStatistics | Compute summary statistics |
Condition | Get or set the conditions in the column annotation table. |
Condition<- | Get or set the conditions in the column annotation table. |
Correct4sUDropoutHLFactor | Correct for 4sU dropout |
Correct4sUDropoutHLSpline | Correct for 4sU dropout |
correctdropout | Correct for 4sU dropout |
CreateConvolutionTable | Create Convolution Table from a Seurat object |
CreatePdfs | Convencience methods for creating QC pdfs |
CreatePdfsComparison | Convencience methods for creating QC pdfs |
CreatePdfsParameters | Convencience methods for creating QC pdfs |
CreatePdfsProfiles | Convencience methods for creating QC pdfs |
CreatePseudobulkTable | Create Pseudobulk Table from a Seurat object |
data.apply | Internal function to apply functions to all slots etc. |
DefaultSlot | Get or set the default slot for a grandR object. |
DefaultSlot<- | Get or set the default slot for a grandR object. |
Defer | Defer calling a function |
density2d | Density estimation in 2d |
DESeq2BIC | Compute the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) |
Design | A list of predefined names for design vectors |
DesignSemantics | Build the design semantics list |
dim.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
dimnames.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
DropAnalysis | Analysis table functions |
dropout | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
dropoutpercent | Estimate 4sU dropout percentages |
DropPlots | Stored plot functions |
DropSlot | Slot functions |
estimate.dispersion | Estimate dispersion parameters for a count matrix using DESeq2 |
Estimate4sUDropoutPercentage | Estimate 4sU dropout percentages |
Estimate4sUDropoutPercentageForSample | Estimate 4sU dropout percentages |
EstimateRegulation | Estimate regulation from snapshot experiments |
EvaluateNonConstantParam | Compute and evaluate functions for non constant rates |
f.new | Functions to compute the abundance of new or old RNA at time t. |
f.nonconst | Function to compute the abundance of new or old RNA at time t for non-constant rates. |
f.nonconst.linear | Function to compute the abundance of new or old RNA at time t for non-constant rates. |
f.old.equi | Functions to compute the abundance of new or old RNA at time t. |
f.old.nonequi | Functions to compute the abundance of new or old RNA at time t. |
FilterGenes | Filter genes |
Findno4sUPairs | Find equivalent no4sU samples for 4sU samples |
FindReferences | Obtain reference columns (samples or cells) for all columns (samples or cells) in the data set |
FitKinetics | Fit kinetic models to all genes. |
FitKineticsGeneLeastSquares | Fit a kinetic model according to non-linear least squares. |
FitKineticsGeneLogSpaceLinear | Fit a kinetic model using a linear model. |
FitKineticsGeneNtr | Fit a kinetic model using the degradation rate transformed NTR posterior distribution. |
FitKineticsGeneSnapshot | Compute the posterior distributions of RNA synthesis and degradation for a particular gene |
FitKineticsPulseR | Fit kinetics using pulseR |
FitKineticsSnapshot | Fits RNA kinetics from snapshot experiments |
FormatCorrelation | Formatting function for correlations |
GeneInfo | Get the gene annotation table or add additional columns to it |
GeneInfo<- | Get the gene annotation table or add additional columns to it |
Genes | Gene and sample (or cell) names |
get.mode.slot | Internal functions to parse mode.slot strings |
GetAnalysisTable | Obtain a table of analysis results values |
GetContrasts | Create a contrast matrix |
GetContrasts.default | Create a contrast matrix |
GetContrasts.grandR | Create a contrast matrix |
GetData | Obtain a tidy table of values for a gene or a small set of genes |
GetDiagnosticParameters | Describe parameters relevant to diagnostics |
GetMatrix | Obtain a genes x values table as a large matrix |
GetPairContrasts | Create a contrast matrix for two given conditions |
GetSignificantGenes | Significant genes |
GetSummarizeMatrix | Create a summarize matrix |
GetSummarizeMatrix.default | Create a summarize matrix |
GetSummarizeMatrix.grandR | Create a summarize matrix |
GetTable | Obtain a genes x values table |
grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
is.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
IsParallel | Checks for parallel execution |
IsSparse | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
kinetics2vector | Convert a structure into a vector |
LFC | Estimation of log2 fold changes |
LikelihoodRatioTest | Compute a likelihood ratio test. |
ListGeneSets | List available gene sets |
MakeColdata | Extract an annotation table from a formatted names vector |
MAPlot | Make an MA plot |
merge.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
Metadata | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
Normalize | Normalization |
NormalizeBaseline | Normalization to a baseline |
NormalizeFPKM | Normalization |
NormalizeRPM | Normalization |
NormalizeTPM | Normalization |
Pairwise | Log2 fold changes and Wald tests for differential expression |
PairwiseDESeq2 | Perform Wald tests for differential expression |
plapply | Parallel (s/l)apply |
Plot4sUDropout | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
Plot4sUDropoutAll | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
Plot4sUDropoutDeferAll | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
Plot4sUDropoutRank | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
Plot4sUDropoutRankAll | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
Plot4sUDropoutRankDeferAll | Perform 4sU dropout tests |
PlotAnalyses | Convenience function to make the same type of plot for multple analyses. |
PlotConversionFreq | Diagnostic plot for conversion frequencies |
PlotGene | Stored plot functions |
PlotGeneGroupsBars | Plot gene values as bars |
PlotGeneGroupsPoints | Plot gene groups as points |
PlotGeneOldVsNew | Gene plot comparing old vs new RNA |
PlotGeneProgressiveTimecourse | Plot progressive labeling timecourses |
PlotGeneSnapshotTimecourse | Gene plot for snapshot timecourse data |
PlotGeneTotalVsNtr | Gene plot comparing total RNA vs the NTR |
PlotGlobal | Stored plot functions |
PlotHeatmap | Create heatmaps from grandR objects |
PlotMismatchPositionForSample | Diagnostic plot for mismatch position for columns (by sample) |
PlotMismatchPositionForType | Diagnostic plot for mismatch position for columns (by mismatch type) |
PlotModelCompareConv | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global conversion rate) |
PlotModelCompareErr | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global error rate) |
PlotModelCompareErrPrior | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global error rate) |
PlotModelCompareLL | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (log likelihoods) |
PlotModelCompareNtr | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global NTR) |
PlotModelConv | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global conversion rate) |
PlotModelErr | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global error rate) |
PlotModelLabelTimeCourse | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (4sU increase) |
PlotModelNtr | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global NTR) |
PlotModelShape | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global shape parameter) |
PlotPCA | Make a PCA plot |
PlotProfileLikelihood | Diagnostic plot for estimated models (global error rate) |
Plots | Stored plot functions |
PlotScatter | Make a scatter plot |
PlotSimulation | Plot simulated data |
PlotTypeDistribution | Plot the distribution of gene types |
PoolColumns | Pool reads across columns |
print.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
psapply | Parallel (s/l)apply |
ReadCounts | Read a count table |
ReadFeatureCounts | Read featureCounts |
ReadGRAND | Read the output of GRAND-SLAM 2.0 into a grandR object. |
ReadGRAND3 | Read the output of GRAND-SLAM 3.0 into a grandR object. |
ReadNewTotal | Read sparse new/total matrices |
RenameColumns | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
RotatateAxisLabels | Rotate x axis labels |
SaveNtrSlot | Copy the NTR slot and save under new name |
Scale | Scale data |
Semantics.concentration | Semantics for concentration columns |
Semantics.time | Semantics for time columns |
ServeGrandR | Serve a shiny web interface |
SetParallel | Set up parallel execution |
SimulateKinetics | Simulate the kinetics of old and new RNA for given parameters. |
SimulateReadsForSample | Simulate metabolic labeling - nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data. |
SimulateTimeCourse | Simulate a complete time course of metabolic labeling - nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data. |
SimulateTimeCourseNonConstant | Simulate a complete time course of metabolic labeling - nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data. |
Slots | Slot functions |
split.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
structure2vector | Convert a structure into a vector |
subset.grandR | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
SwapColumns | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
Title | Create a grandR object and retrieve basic information |
ToIndex | Obtain the indices of the given genes |
Transform.logFC | Transformations for PlotHeatmap |
Transform.no | Transformations for PlotHeatmap |
Transform.VST | Transformations for PlotHeatmap |
Transform.Z | Transformations for PlotHeatmap |
TransformSnapshot | Estimate parameters for a one-shot experiment. |
UpdateSymbols | Update symbols using biomaRt |
UseNtrSlot | Copy the NTR slot and save under new name |
VulcanoPlot | Make a Vulcano plot |