Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions

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elliptic-package Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions

-- A --

amn matrix a on page 637
as.primitive Converts basic periods to a primitive pair

-- C --

cc Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
cd Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
ck Coefficients of Laurent expansion of Weierstrass P function
cn Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
congruence Solves mx+by=1 for x and y
coqueraux Fast, conceptually simple, iterative scheme for Weierstrass P functions
cs Jacobi form of the elliptic functions

-- D --

dc Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
dd Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
divisor Number theoretic functions
dn Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
ds Jacobi form of the elliptic functions

-- E --

e16.1.1 quarter period K
e16.27.1 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.27.2 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.27.3 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.27.4 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.28.1 Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5
e16.28.2 Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5
e16.28.3 Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5
e16.28.4 Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5
e16.28.5 Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5
e16.28.6 Derivative of theta1
e16.31.1 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.31.2 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.31.3 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.31.4 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
e16.36.3 Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
e16.36.6 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.36.6a Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.36.6b Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.36.7 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.36.7a Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.36.7b Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.37.1 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.37.2 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.37.3 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.37.4 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.38.1 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.38.2 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.38.3 Neville's form for the theta functions
e16.38.4 Neville's form for the theta functions
e18.1.1 Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
e18.10.1 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.10 Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.10a Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.10b Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.11 Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.11a Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.11b Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.12 Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.12a Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.12b Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.2 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.3 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.4 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.5 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.6 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.7 Weierstrass P and related functions
e18.10.9 Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.9a Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.10.9b Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650
e18.3.1 Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants
e18.3.3 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.3.37 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.3.38 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.3.39 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.3.5 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.3.7 Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants
e18.3.8 Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants
e18.5.1 Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
e18.5.16 Coefficients of Laurent expansion of Weierstrass P function
e18.5.2 Coefficients of Laurent expansion of Weierstrass P function
e18.5.3 Coefficients of Laurent expansion of Weierstrass P function
e18.5.4 Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
e18.5.5 Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
e18.5.6 Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
e18.7.4 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.7.5 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18.7.7 Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
e18f.5.3 Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
e1e2e3 Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants
eee.cardano Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants
elliptic Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions
equianharmonic Special cases of the Weierstrass elliptic function
eta Dedekind's eta function
eta.series Dedekind's eta function

-- F --

factorize Number theoretic functions
farey Farey sequences
fpp Fundamental period parallelogram

-- G --

g.fun Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun.direct Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun.divisor Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun.fixed Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun.lambert Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g2.fun.vectorized Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun.direct Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun.divisor Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun.fixed Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun.lambert Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
g3.fun.vectorized Calculates the invariants g2 and g3
GP Wrappers for PARI functions
Gp Wrappers for PARI functions
gp Wrappers for PARI functions

-- H --

H Jacobi theta functions 1-4
H1 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
half.periods Calculates half periods in terms of e

-- I --

Im<- Manipulate real or imaginary components of an object
integrate.contour Complex integration
integrate.segments Complex integration
is.primitive Converts basic periods to a primitive pair

-- J --

J Various modular functions

-- K --

K.fun quarter period K

-- L --

lambda Various modular functions
latplot Plots a lattice of periods on the complex plane
lattice Lattice of complex numbers
lemniscatic Special cases of the Weierstrass elliptic function
limit Limit the magnitude of elements of a vector
liouville Number theoretic functions

-- M --

massage Massages numbers near the real line to be real
mn Fundamental period parallelogram
mob Moebius transformations
mobius Number theoretic functions
myintegrate Complex integration

-- N --

nc Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
nd Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
near.match Are two vectors close to one another?
Newton_Raphson Newton Raphson iteration to find roots of equations
Newton_raphson Newton Raphson iteration to find roots of equations
newton_Raphson Newton Raphson iteration to find roots of equations
newton_raphson Newton Raphson iteration to find roots of equations
nn Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
nome Nome in terms of m or k
nome.k Nome in terms of m or k
ns Jacobi form of the elliptic functions

-- P --

P Weierstrass P and related functions
P.laurent Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
P.pari Wrappers for PARI functions
p1.tau Does the right thing when calling g2.fun() and g3.fun()
parameters Parameters for Weierstrass's P function
PARI Wrappers for PARI functions
pari Wrappers for PARI functions
Pdash Weierstrass P and related functions
Pdash.laurent Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
primes Number theoretic functions
pseudolemniscatic Special cases of the Weierstrass elliptic function

-- R --

Re<- Manipulate real or imaginary components of an object
residue Complex integration

-- S --

sc Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
sd Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
sigma Weierstrass P and related functions
sigma.laurent Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
sigmadash.laurent Laurent series for elliptic and related functions
sn Jacobi form of the elliptic functions
sqrti Generalized square root
ss Jacobi form of the elliptic functions

-- T --

Theta Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta.00 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta.01 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta.10 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta.11 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta.c Neville's form for the theta functions
theta.d Neville's form for the theta functions
theta.n Neville's form for the theta functions
theta.neville Neville's form for the theta functions
theta.s Neville's form for the theta functions
Theta1 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta1 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta1.dash.zero Derivative of theta1
theta1.dash.zero.q Derivative of theta1
theta1dash Derivatives of theta functions
theta1dashdash Derivatives of theta functions
theta1dashdashdash Derivatives of theta functions
theta2 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta3 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
theta4 Jacobi theta functions 1-4
totient Number theoretic functions

-- U --

unimodular Unimodular matrices
unimodularity Unimodular matrices

-- V --

view Visualization of complex functions

-- W --

WeierstrassP Weierstrass P and related functions

-- Z --

zeta Weierstrass P and related functions
zeta.laurent Laurent series for elliptic and related functions

-- misc --

%mob% Moebius transformations
18.5.7 matrix a on page 637
18.5.8 matrix a on page 637