Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth

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Documentation for package ‘ddalpha’ version 1.3.15

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ddalpha-package Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth

-- A --

alpha Train DD-Classifier

-- B --

baby Data for Classification
banknoten Data for Classification
biomed Data for Classification
bloodtransfusion Data for Classification
breast_cancer_wisconsin Data for Classification
bupa Data for Classification

-- C --

chemdiab_1vs2 Data for Classification
chemdiab_1vs3 Data for Classification
chemdiab_2vs3 Data for Classification
cloud Data for Classification
Cmetric Fast Computation of the Uniform Metric for Sets of Functional Data
compclassf.classify Classify using Functional Componentwise Classifier
compclassf.train Functional Componentwise Classifier
crabB_MvsF Data for Classification
crabF_BvsO Data for Classification
crabM_BvsO Data for Classification
crabO_MvsF Data for Classification
crab_BvsO Data for Classification
crab_MvsF Data for Classification
cricket_CvsP Data for Classification
Custom Methods Using Custom Depth Functions and Classifiers

-- D --

data Data for Classification
dataf Converts data from fdata class to the functional class.
dataf.* Functional Data Sets
dataf.geneexp Gene Expression Profile Data
dataf.growth Berkeley Growth Study Data
dataf.medflies Relationship of Age Patterns of Fecundity to Mortality for Female Medflies.
dataf.population World Historical Population-by-Country Dataset
dataf.population2010 World Historical Population-by-Country Dataset (2010 Revision)
dataf.sim.1.CFF07 Model 1 from Cuevas et al. (2007)
dataf.sim.2.CFF07 Model 2 from Cuevas et al. (2007)
dataf.tecator Functional Data Set Spectrometric Data (Tecator)
dataf2rawfd Transform a 'dataf' Object to Raw Functional Data
ddalpha Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth
ddalpha.classify Classify using DD-Classifier
ddalpha.getErrorRateCV Test DD-Classifier
ddalpha.getErrorRatePart Test DD-Classifier
ddalpha.test Test DD-Classifier
ddalpha.train Train DD-Classifier
ddalphaf.classify Classify using Functional DD-Classifier
ddalphaf.getErrorRateCV Test Functional DD-Classifier
ddalphaf.getErrorRatePart Test Functional DD-Classifier
ddalphaf.test Test Functional DD-Classifier
ddalphaf.train Functional DD-Classifier
depth. Calculate Depth
depth.betaSkeleton Calculate Beta-Skeleton Depth
depth.contours Depth Contours
depth.contours.ddalpha Depth Contours
depth.graph Depth Graph
depth.halfspace Calculate Halfspace Depth
depth.L2 Calculate L2-Depth
depth.Mahalanobis Calculate Mahalanobis Depth
depth.potential Calculate Potential of the Data
depth.projection Calculate Projection Depth
depth.qhpeeling Calculate Convex Hull Peeling Depth
depth.sample Fast Depth Computation for Univariate and Bivariate Random Samples
depth.simplicial Calculate Simplicial Depth
depth.simplicialVolume Calculate Simplicial Volume Depth Calculate Depth Space using the Given Depth Calculate Depth Space using Halfspace Depth Calculate Depth Space using Mahalanobis Depth Calculate Potential Space Calculate Depth Space using Projection Depth Calculate Depth Space using Simplicial Depth Calculate Depth Space using Simplicial Volume Depth Calculate Depth Space using Spatial Depth Calculate Depth Space using Zonoid Depth
depth.spatial Calculate Spatial Depth
depth.zonoid Calculate Zonoid Depth
depthf. Calculate Functional Depth
depthf.ABD Adjusted Band Depth for Functional Data
depthf.BD Band Depth for Functional Data
depthf.fd1 Univariate Integrated and Infimal Depth for Functional Data
depthf.fd2 Bivariate Integrated and Infimal Depth for Functional Data
depthf.hM h-Mode Depth for Functional Data
depthf.hM2 Bivariate h-Mode Depth for Functional Data Based on the L^2 Metric
depthf.HR Half-Region Depth for Functional Data
depthf.RP1 Univariate Random Projection Depths for Functional Data
depthf.RP2 Bivariate Random Projection Depths for Functional Data
depthf.simplicialBand Calculate Simplicial Band Depth
derivatives.est Estimation of the First Two Derivatives for Functional Data
diabetes Data for Classification
dknn.classify Depth-Based kNN
dknn.classify.trained Depth-Based kNN
dknn.train Depth-Based kNN
draw.ddplot Draw _DD_-Plot

-- E --

ecoli_cpvsim Data for Classification
ecoli_cpvspp Data for Classification
ecoli_imvspp Data for Classification

-- F --

FKS Fast Kernel Smoothing

-- G --

gemsen_MvsF Data for Classification
geneexp Gene Expression Profile Data
getdata Data for Classification
glass Data for Classification
groessen_MvsF Data for Classification
growth Berkeley Growth Study Data

-- H --

haberman Data for Classification
heart Data for Classification
hemophilia Data for Classification

-- I --

indian_liver_patient_1vs2 Data for Classification
indian_liver_patient_FvsM Data for Classification
infimalRank Adjusted Ranking of Functional Data Based on the Infimal Depth
irish_ed_MvsF Data for Classification
iris_setosavsversicolor Data for Classification
iris_setosavsvirginica Data for Classification
iris_versicolorvsvirginica Data for Classification Check Outsiderness

-- K --

kidney Data for Classification
knnlm Train DD-Classifier

-- L --

L2metric Fast Computation of the L^2 Metric for Sets of Functional Data
lines.functional Plot functions for the Functional Data

-- M --

maxD Train DD-Classifier
medflies Relationship of Age Patterns of Fecundity to Mortality for Female Medflies.

-- O --

outsiders Train DD-Classifier

-- P --

pima Data for Classification
plasma_retinol_MvsF Data for Classification
plot.ddalpha Plots for the "ddalpha" Class
plot.ddalphaf Plots for the "ddalphaf" Class
plot.functional Plot functions for the Functional Data
points.functional Plot functions for the Functional Data
polynomial Train DD-Classifier
population World Historical Population-by-Country Dataset
population2010 World Historical Population-by-Country Dataset (2010 Revision)
predict.compclassf Classify using Functional Componentwise Classifier
predict.ddalpha Classify using DD-Classifier
predict.ddalphaf Classify using Functional DD-Classifier

-- R --

rawfd2dataf Transform Raw Functional Data to a 'dataf' Object
resetPar Reset Graphical Parameters

-- S --

segmentation Data for Classification
shape.fd.analysis Diagnostic Plot for First and Second Order Integrated and Infimal Depths
shape.fd.outliers Functional Depth-Based Shape Outlier Detection
socmob_IvsNI Data for Classification
socmob_WvsB Data for Classification

-- T --

tae Data for Classification
tecator Functional Data Set Spectrometric Data (Tecator)
tennis_MvsF Data for Classification
tips_DvsN Data for Classification
tips_MvsF Data for Classification

-- U --

uscrime_SvsN Data for Classification

-- V --

vertebral_column Data for Classification
veteran_lung_cancer Data for Classification
vowel_MvsF Data for Classification

-- W --

wine_1vs2 Data for Classification
wine_1vs3 Data for Classification
wine_2vs3 Data for Classification