ath.churchill |
Example metabolite expression data from Arabidopsis Thaliana on 9 metabolites. |
ath.gary |
Example metabolite expression data from Arabidopsis Thaliana on 9 metabolites. |
ath.metab |
Example metabolite expression data from Arabidopsis Thaliana on 24 metabolites. |
ath.metabolites |
Example metabolite expression data from Arabidopsis Thaliana on 24 metabolites. |
ath.result |
Output of QCLscan after 5000 permutations on the metabolite expression data from Arabidopsis Thaliana. |
basic.qc |
Create quality control plots. |
CTL - CTL mapping in experimental crosses |
ctl |
CTL - CTL mapping in experimental crosses | |
Circleplot CTL on multiple traits |
ctl.ctlmatrix |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
ctl.dcormatrix |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
ctl.lineplot |
Lineplot CTL on multiple traits |
ctl.load |
ctl.load - Load CTLs calculated by the D2.0 version | |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
ctl.names |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
ctl.qtlmatrix |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
ctl.qtlprofile |
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping |
CTLmapping |
CTLmapping - Scan for correlated trait loci (CTL) |
CTLnetwork |
CTLnetwork - Interaction network from a genome-wide CTLscan of multiple traits |
CTLprofiles |
CTLprofiles - Extract CTL interaction profiles |
CTLregions |
CTLregions - Get all significant interactions from a genome-wide CTLscan |
CTLscan |
CTLscan - Scan for Correlated Trait Locus (CTL) |
CTLscan.cross |
CTLscan.cross - Scan for Correlated Trait Locus (CTL) (R/qtl cross object) |
CTLsignificant |
CTLsignificant - Get all significant interactions from a genome-wide CTLscan |
detect.peaks |
detect.peaks - Peak detection algorithm to 'flatten' data above a certain threshold |
hist.CTLobject |
Plot histogram of CTL permutations |
image.CTLobject |
Plot genome-wide CTL on multiple traits |
plot.CTLobject |
Plot CTL curves or heatmaps |
plot.CTLpermute |
Differential correlation versus likelihood plotted in curves |
plot.CTLscan |
Plot CTL results as bar, line or GWAS plot. |
plotTraits |
plotTraits - Trait vs Trait scatterplot, colored by the selected genetic locus |
print.CTLobject |
Print the results of a CTL genome scan |
print.CTLscan |
Print the results of a single phenotype CTL scan |
qtlimage |
Plot a QTL heatmap of the phenotypes scanned by CTLscan |
QTLmapping |
QTLmapping - QTL mapping method for CTL analysis |
scanSD |
scanSD - Analyze the differences in Standard Deviation between genotypes between two traits |
scanSD.cross |
scanSD.cross - Analyze the differences in standard deviation between two traits at a certain genetic marker (R/qtl cross object) |
scanSlopes |
scanSlopes - Create a slope difference profile between two traits |
scanSlopes.cross |
scanSlopes.cross - Create a slope difference profile between two traits (R/qtl cross object) |
yeast.brem |
Example gene expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on 301 RNA expressions. |