Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'

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Documentation for package ‘arrow’ version 16.1.0

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-- A --

acero Functions available in Arrow dplyr queries
Array Array Classes
ArrayData ArrayData class
arrow-dplyr Functions available in Arrow dplyr queries
arrow-functions Functions available in Arrow dplyr queries
arrow-verbs Functions available in Arrow dplyr queries
arrow_array Create an Arrow Array
arrow_available Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_info Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_table Create an Arrow Table
arrow_with_acero Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_dataset Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_gcs Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_json Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_parquet Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_s3 Report information on the package's capabilities
arrow_with_substrait Report information on the package's capabilities
as_arrow_array Convert an object to an Arrow Array
as_arrow_array.Array Convert an object to an Arrow Array
as_arrow_array.ChunkedArray Convert an object to an Arrow Array
as_arrow_array.Scalar Convert an object to an Arrow Array
as_arrow_table Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.arrow_dplyr_query Convert an object to an Arrow Table Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.Dataset Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.default Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.RecordBatch Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.RecordBatchReader Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.Schema Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_arrow_table.Table Convert an object to an Arrow Table
as_chunked_array Convert an object to an Arrow ChunkedArray
as_chunked_array.Array Convert an object to an Arrow ChunkedArray
as_chunked_array.ChunkedArray Convert an object to an Arrow ChunkedArray
as_data_type Convert an object to an Arrow DataType
as_data_type.DataType Convert an object to an Arrow DataType
as_data_type.Field Convert an object to an Arrow DataType
as_data_type.Schema Convert an object to an Arrow DataType
as_record_batch Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch
as_record_batch.arrow_dplyr_query Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch
as_record_batch.RecordBatch Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch
as_record_batch.Table Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatch
as_record_batch_reader Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.arrow_dplyr_query Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.Dataset Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.function Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.RecordBatch Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.RecordBatchReader Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.Scanner Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_record_batch_reader.Table Convert an object to an Arrow RecordBatchReader
as_schema Convert an object to an Arrow Schema
as_schema.Schema Convert an object to an Arrow Schema
as_schema.StructType Convert an object to an Arrow Schema

-- B --

binary Create Arrow data types
bool Create Arrow data types
boolean Create Arrow data types
Buffer Buffer class
buffer Create a Buffer
BufferOutputStream OutputStream classes
BufferReader InputStream classes

-- C --

c.Array Concatenate zero or more Arrays
call_function Call an Arrow compute function
ChunkedArray ChunkedArray class
chunked_array Create a Chunked Array
Codec Compression Codec class
codec_is_available Check whether a compression codec is available
CompressedInputStream Compressed stream classes
CompressedOutputStream Compressed stream classes
compression Compressed stream classes
concat_arrays Concatenate zero or more Arrays
concat_tables Concatenate one or more Tables
copy_files Copy files between FileSystems
cpu_count Manage the global CPU thread pool in libarrow
create_package_with_all_dependencies Create a source bundle that includes all thirdparty dependencies
CsvConvertOptions File reader options
CsvFileFormat CSV dataset file format
CsvFragmentScanOptions Format-specific scan options
CsvParseOptions File reader options
CsvReadOptions File reader options
CsvTableReader Arrow CSV and JSON table reader classes
CsvWriteOptions File reader options
csv_convert_options CSV Convert Options
csv_parse_options CSV Parsing Options
csv_read_options CSV Reading Options
csv_write_options CSV Writing Options

-- D --

data-type Create Arrow data types
Dataset Multi-file datasets
DatasetFactory Multi-file datasets
dataset_factory Create a DatasetFactory
DataType DataType class
date32 Create Arrow data types
date64 Create Arrow data types
decimal Create Arrow data types
decimal128 Create Arrow data types
decimal256 Create Arrow data types
dictionary Create a dictionary type
DictionaryArray Array Classes
DictionaryType class DictionaryType
DirectoryPartitioning Define Partitioning for a Dataset
DirectoryPartitioningFactory Define Partitioning for a Dataset
duration Create Arrow data types

-- E --

Expression Arrow expressions
ExtensionArray ExtensionArray class
ExtensionType ExtensionType class

-- F --

FeatherReader FeatherReader class
Field Field class
field Create a Field
FileFormat Dataset file formats
FileInfo FileSystem entry info
FileOutputStream OutputStream classes
FileSelector file selector
FileSystem FileSystem classes
FileSystemDataset Multi-file datasets
FileSystemDatasetFactory Multi-file datasets
FileWriteOptions Format-specific write options
FixedSizeListArray Array Classes
FixedSizeListType Create Arrow data types
FixedWidthType FixedWidthType class
fixed_size_binary Create Arrow data types
fixed_size_list_of Create Arrow data types
flight_connect Connect to a Flight server
flight_disconnect Explicitly close a Flight client
flight_get Get data from a Flight server
flight_path_exists See available resources on a Flight server
flight_put Send data to a Flight server
float Create Arrow data types
float16 Create Arrow data types
float32 Create Arrow data types
float64 Create Arrow data types
FragmentScanOptions Format-specific scan options

-- G --

GcsFileSystem FileSystem classes
gs_bucket Connect to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket

-- H --

halffloat Create Arrow data types
HivePartitioning Define Partitioning for a Dataset
HivePartitioningFactory Define Partitioning for a Dataset
hive_partition Construct Hive partitioning

-- I --

infer_schema Extract a schema from an object
infer_type Infer the arrow Array type from an R object
InMemoryDataset Multi-file datasets
InputStream InputStream classes
install_arrow Install or upgrade the Arrow library
install_pyarrow Install pyarrow for use with reticulate
int16 Create Arrow data types
int32 Create Arrow data types
int64 Create Arrow data types
int8 Create Arrow data types
io_thread_count Manage the global I/O thread pool in libarrow
IpcFileFormat Dataset file formats
is_in Value matching for Arrow objects

-- J --

JsonFileFormat JSON dataset file format
JsonFragmentScanOptions Format-specific scan options
JsonParseOptions File reader options
JsonReadOptions File reader options
JsonTableReader Arrow CSV and JSON table reader classes

-- L --

LargeListArray Array Classes
large_binary Create Arrow data types
large_list_of Create Arrow data types
large_utf8 Create Arrow data types
ListArray Array Classes
list_compute_functions List available Arrow C++ compute functions
list_flights See available resources on a Flight server
list_of Create Arrow data types
load_flight_server Load a Python Flight server
LocalFileSystem FileSystem classes

-- M --

MapArray Array Classes
MapType Create Arrow data types
map_batches Apply a function to a stream of RecordBatches
map_of Create Arrow data types
match_arrow Value matching for Arrow objects
MemoryMappedFile InputStream classes
Message Message class
MessageReader MessageReader class
mmap_create Create a new read/write memory mapped file of a given size
mmap_open Open a memory mapped file

-- N --

new_extension_array Extension types
new_extension_type Extension types
null Create Arrow data types

-- O --

open_csv_dataset Open a multi-file dataset of CSV or other delimiter-separated format
open_dataset Open a multi-file dataset
open_delim_dataset Open a multi-file dataset of CSV or other delimiter-separated format
open_tsv_dataset Open a multi-file dataset of CSV or other delimiter-separated format
OutputStream OutputStream classes

-- P --

ParquetArrowReaderProperties ParquetArrowReaderProperties class
ParquetFileFormat Dataset file formats
ParquetFileReader ParquetFileReader class
ParquetFileWriter ParquetFileWriter class
ParquetFragmentScanOptions Format-specific scan options
ParquetReaderProperties ParquetReaderProperties class
ParquetWriterProperties ParquetWriterProperties class
Partitioning Define Partitioning for a Dataset

-- R --

RandomAccessFile InputStream classes
ReadableFile InputStream classes
read_csv2_arrow Read a CSV or other delimited file with Arrow
read_csv_arrow Read a CSV or other delimited file with Arrow
read_delim_arrow Read a CSV or other delimited file with Arrow
read_feather Read a Feather file (an Arrow IPC file)
read_ipc_file Read a Feather file (an Arrow IPC file)
read_ipc_stream Read Arrow IPC stream format
read_json_arrow Read a JSON file
read_message Read a Message from a stream
read_parquet Read a Parquet file
read_schema Read a Schema from a stream
read_tsv_arrow Read a CSV or other delimited file with Arrow
RecordBatch RecordBatch class
RecordBatchFileReader RecordBatchReader classes
RecordBatchFileWriter RecordBatchWriter classes
RecordBatchReader RecordBatchReader classes
RecordBatchStreamReader RecordBatchReader classes
RecordBatchStreamWriter RecordBatchWriter classes
RecordBatchWriter RecordBatchWriter classes
record_batch Create a RecordBatch
register_extension_type Extension types
register_scalar_function Register user-defined functions
reregister_extension_type Extension types

-- S --

S3FileSystem FileSystem classes
s3_bucket Connect to an AWS S3 bucket
Scalar Arrow scalars
scalar Create an Arrow Scalar
Scanner Scan the contents of a dataset
ScannerBuilder Scan the contents of a dataset
Schema Schema class
schema Create a schema or extract one from an object.
set_cpu_count Manage the global CPU thread pool in libarrow
set_io_thread_count Manage the global I/O thread pool in libarrow
show_exec_plan Show the details of an Arrow Execution Plan
string Create Arrow data types
struct Create Arrow data types
StructArray Array Classes
StructScalar Create an Arrow Scalar
SubTreeFileSystem FileSystem classes

-- T --

Table Table class
time32 Create Arrow data types
time64 Create Arrow data types
timestamp Create Arrow data types
TimestampParser File reader options
to_arrow Create an Arrow object from a DuckDB connection
to_duckdb Create a (virtual) DuckDB table from an Arrow object
type Infer the arrow Array type from an R object

-- U --

uint16 Create Arrow data types
uint32 Create Arrow data types
uint64 Create Arrow data types
uint8 Create Arrow data types
unify_schemas Combine and harmonize schemas
UnionDataset Multi-file datasets
unregister_extension_type Extension types
utf8 Create Arrow data types

-- V --

value_counts 'table' for Arrow objects
vctrs_extension_array Extension type for generic typed vectors
vctrs_extension_type Extension type for generic typed vectors

-- W --

write_csv_arrow Write CSV file to disk
write_csv_dataset Write a dataset into partitioned flat files.
write_dataset Write a dataset
write_delim_dataset Write a dataset into partitioned flat files.
write_feather Write a Feather file (an Arrow IPC file)
write_ipc_file Write a Feather file (an Arrow IPC file)
write_ipc_stream Write Arrow IPC stream format
write_parquet Write Parquet file to disk
write_to_raw Write Arrow data to a raw vector
write_tsv_dataset Write a dataset into partitioned flat files.