ChunkedArray {arrow}R Documentation

ChunkedArray class


A ChunkedArray is a data structure managing a list of primitive Arrow Arrays logically as one large array. Chunked arrays may be grouped together in a Table.


The ChunkedArray$create() factory method instantiates the object from various Arrays or R vectors. chunked_array() is an alias for it.


See Also



# Pass items into chunked_array as separate objects to create chunks
class_scores <- chunked_array(c(87, 88, 89), c(94, 93, 92), c(71, 72, 73))

# When taking a Slice from a chunked_array, chunks are preserved
class_scores$Slice(2, length = 5)

# You can combine Take and SortIndices to return a ChunkedArray with 1 chunk
# containing all values, ordered.
class_scores$Take(class_scores$SortIndices(descending = TRUE))

# If you pass a list into chunked_array, you get a list of length 1
list_scores <- chunked_array(list(c(9.9, 9.6, 9.5), c(8.2, 8.3, 8.4), c(10.0, 9.9, 9.8)))

# When constructing a ChunkedArray, the first chunk is used to infer type.
doubles <- chunked_array(c(1, 2, 3), c(5L, 6L, 7L))

# Concatenating chunked arrays returns a new chunked array containing all chunks
a <- chunked_array(c(1, 2), 3)
b <- chunked_array(c(4, 5), 6)
c(a, b)

[Package arrow version 16.1.0 Index]